grammar RusefiConfigGrammar; @header { package com.rusefi.generated; } // generous in line endings... ENDL: ('\n' | '\r\n' | '\r'); LINE_COMMENT: '!' ~[\r\n]* -> skip; WS: [ \t]+ -> skip ; // Special tokens need highest priority Struct: 'struct'; StructNoPrefix: 'struct_no_prefix'; EndStruct: 'end_struct'; Definition: '#define'; Unused: 'unused'; Custom: 'custom'; Datatype: (('S'|'U')('08'|'16'|'32')) | 'F32'; Iterate: 'iterate'; Bits: 'bits'; Bit: 'bit'; Array: 'array'; Scalar: 'scalar'; FsioVisible: 'fsio_visible'; Autoscale: 'autoscale'; ArrayDimensionSeparator: 'x'; MUL: '*'; DIV: '/'; ADD: '+'; SUB: '-'; IntegerChars: [-]?[0-9]+; FloatChars: IntegerChars [.] ([0-9]+)?; IdentifierChars : [a-zA-Z_]([a-zA-Z0-9_]*); // TODO: do we need replacementIdent AND identifier to be here? replacementIdent: '@@' IdentifierChars '@@' | identifier; String: [a-zA-Z_0-9.']+; // match a quote, then anything not a quote, then another quote QuotedString: '"' ~'"'* '"'; // legacy, remove me! SemicolonedSuffix: ';' ~([;] | '\n')*; SemicolonedString: SemicolonedSuffix ';'; integer: IntegerChars; floatNum: FloatChars | IntegerChars; expr : floatNum # EvalNumber | '{' expr '}' # EvalParens | expr MUL expr # EvalMul | expr DIV expr # EvalDiv | expr ADD expr # EvalAdd | expr SUB expr # EvalSub | replacementIdent # EvalReplacement ; numexpr: expr; identifier: IdentifierChars | 'offset' | 'ArrayDimension'; restOfLine : ~ENDL* | 'true' | 'false'; definition : Definition identifier integer | Definition identifier floatNum | Definition identifier numexpr | Definition identifier restOfLine; struct: (Struct | StructNoPrefix) identifier ('@brief' restOfLine)? ENDL+ statements EndStruct; fieldOption : ('min' | 'max' | 'scale' | 'offset' | ) ':' numexpr | 'digits' ':' integer | ('unit' | 'comment') ':' QuotedString ; fieldOptionsList : '(' fieldOption? (',' fieldOption)* ')' // TODO: why does the next line have a comma? | /* legacy! */ (',' | SemicolonedString) (QuotedString ',' numexpr ',' numexpr ',' numexpr ',' numexpr ',' /*digits =*/integer)? | /* legacy! */ SemicolonedSuffix ; arrayLengthSpec: numexpr (ArrayDimensionSeparator numexpr)?; scalarField: identifier Autoscale? FsioVisible? identifier (fieldOptionsList)?; arrayField: identifier '[' arrayLengthSpec Iterate? ']' Autoscale? identifier SemicolonedString? (fieldOptionsList)?; bitField: Bit identifier (',' QuotedString ',' QuotedString)? ('(' 'comment' ':' QuotedString ')')? SemicolonedSuffix?; unionField: 'union' ENDL+ fields 'end_union'; field : scalarField | arrayField | bitField | unionField ; fields : (field ENDL+)+ ; // Indicates X bytes of free space unusedField: Unused integer; enumVal: QuotedString | integer; enumRhs : replacementIdent | enumVal (',' enumVal)* ; enumTypedefSuffix: /*ignored*/integer Bits ',' Datatype ',' '@OFFSET@' ',' '[' integer ':' integer ']' ',' enumRhs ; scalarTypedefSuffix: /*ignored*/integer Scalar ',' Datatype ',' '@OFFSET@' fieldOptionsList ; stringTypedefSuffix: /*ignored*/replacementIdent 'string' ',' 'ASCII' ',' '@OFFSET@' ',' numexpr; typedef: Custom identifier (enumTypedefSuffix | scalarTypedefSuffix | stringTypedefSuffix); // Root statement is allowed to appear in the root of the file rootStatement : definition | struct | typedef // TODO: remove me, and build multi-lambda-table in to the language | ('#if' | '#else' | '#endif') restOfLine | // empty line counts as a statement ; rootStatements : (rootStatement ENDL+)* ; // Statements are allowed to appear inside a struct statement : rootStatement | field /* tolerate trailing semicolon */ (';')? | unusedField ; statements : (statement ENDL+)+ ; content: rootStatements EOF;