/** * @file sensor_type.h * @brief Enumeration of sensors supported by the ECU. * * @date September 12, 2019 * @author Matthew Kennedy, (c) 2019 */ #pragma once #define VBAT_FALLBACK_VALUE 12 /** ************************************** * SEE sensor.h ON HOW TO ADD NEW SENSOR TYPES ************************************** */ enum class SensorType : unsigned char { Invalid, // we need indeces for Lua consumers. At the moment we still do not expose constants into Lua :( Clt, // 1 Iat, Rpm, /** * This value is result of averaging within user-defined window * See also MapFast, MapSlow */ Map, Maf, OilPressure, // 6 FuelPressureLow, // in kPa FuelPressureHigh, // in kPa FuelPressureInjector, // This is the "resolved" position, potentially composited out of the following two Tps1, // 10 // This is the first sensor Tps1Primary, // This is the second sensor Tps1Secondary, Tps2, Tps2Primary, Tps2Secondary, // Redundant and combined sensors for acc pedal AcceleratorPedal, AcceleratorPedalPrimary, AcceleratorPedalSecondary, // This maps to the pedal if we have one, and Tps1 if not. DriverThrottleIntent, AuxTemp1, // 20 AuxTemp2, Lambda1, Lambda2, WastegatePosition, IdlePosition, FuelEthanolPercent, BatteryVoltage, BarometricPressure, FuelLevel, Aux1, Aux2, Aux3, Aux4, Aux5, Aux6, Aux7, Aux8, VehicleSpeed, TurbochargerSpeed, // Fast MAP is synchronous to crank angle - user selectable phase/window MapFast, // Slow MAP is asynchronous - not synced to anything, normal analog sampling // MAP decoding happens only that often thus this is NOT raw MAP as flows from ADC MapSlow, AuxLinear1, AuxLinear2, AuxSpeed1, AuxSpeed2, InputShaftSpeed, // Leave me at the end! PlaceholderLast, };