rem rem This script would compile firmware, dev console and win32 simulator into a single bundle file rem This script depends on Cygwin tools: zip rem set script_name=build_current_bundle set "root_folder=%cd%" echo %script_name Entering root_folder=%root_folder% FOR %%i IN ("%root_folder%") DO (set root_folder=%%~si) echo %script_name Short name %root_folder%" echo build_current_bundle.bat: Hello rusEfi build full bundle echo %date% %time% cd firmware/bootloader call !clean_bootloader.bat call !compile_bootloader_discovery407.bat if not exist bootloader_generated.hxx echo FAILED TO COMPILE BOOTLOADER if not exist bootloader_generated.hxx exit -1 pwd cd ../.. rem At root folder here cd firmware echo %date% %time% echo build_current_bundle.bat: will be Erasing chip if not exist flash_erase407.bat echo NOT FOUND flash_erase.bat if not exist flash_erase407.bat exit -1 echo build_current_bundle.bat: Erasing chip pwd rem Using magic 'cd' system variable to save current location here set "cur_folder=%cd%" call flash_erase407.bat cd %cur_folder% pwd echo build_current_bundle.bat: Building firmware call clean.bat git submodule update --init call update_version.bat call clean_compile_two_versions.bat if not exist deliver/rusefi_no_asserts.hex echo Just to confirm - FAILED to compile no_asserts if not exist deliver/rusefi_no_asserts.hex exit -1 if not exist deliver/rusefi.hex echo Just to confirm - FAILED to compile default DEBUG if not exist deliver/rusefi.hex exit -1 echo "%script_name%: Building DFU" ..\misc\encedo_hex2dfu\hex2dfu.exe -i deliver/rusefi_no_asserts.hex -o deliver/rusefi_no_asserts.dfu ..\misc\encedo_hex2dfu\hex2dfu.exe -i deliver/rusefi.hex -o deliver/rusefi.dfu ls -l deliver cd .. rem At root folder here call misc\jenkins\build_java_console.bat if not exist java_console_binary/rusefi_console.jar exit -1 call misc\jenkins\build_simulator.bat if not exist simulator/build/rusefi_simulator.exe exit -1 rm -rf temp mkdir temp set stm_arch=stm32f407 rem This depends on Cygwin date copied under 'datecyg' name to avoid conflict with Windows date rem By the way, '%%' is the way to escape % in batch files rem this is copy-pasted at build_version.bat for /f %%i in ('datecyg +%%Y%%m%%d_%%H%%M%%S') do set TIMESTAMP=%%i set folder=snapshot_%TIMESTAMP%_%stm_arch%_rusefi echo "%script_name%: folder variable1=%folder%" set folder=temp\%folder% echo "%script_name%: folder variable3=%folder%" pwd call misc\jenkins\build_working_folder.bat IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 0 ( echo %script_name%: ERROR: invoking build_working_folder.bat EXIT /B 1 ) echo "%script_name%: Building only console" pwd dir zip %root_folder%/temp/ %root_folder%/java_console_binary/rusefi_console.jar %root_folder%/java_console/rusefi.xml if not exist %root_folder%/temp/ echo CONSOLE ZIP FAILED if not exist %root_folder%/temp/ exit -1 echo "%script_name%: only console ready" echo "%script_name%: Going back to root folder" cd %root_folder% pwd echo "%script_name%: Making" pwd zip -j temp/ simulator/build/rusefi_simulator.exe firmware/tunerstudio/rusefi.ini java_console_binary/rusefi_console.jar cd temp if not exist echo %script_name%: ERROR not found if not exist EXIT /B 1 echo "%script_name%: Uploading stuff" ncftpput -u %RUSEFI_BUILD_FTP_USER% -p %RUSEFI_BUILD_FTP_PASS% %RUSEFI_FTP_SERVER% . ncftpput -u %RUSEFI_BUILD_FTP_USER% -p %RUSEFI_BUILD_FTP_PASS% %RUSEFI_FTP_SERVER% separate_files ncftpput -u %RUSEFI_BUILD_FTP_USER% -p %RUSEFI_BUILD_FTP_PASS% %RUSEFI_FTP_SERVER% separate_files cd .. echo "TIMESTAMP %date% %time%" pwd echo "exiting %script_name%"