/** * @file idle_hardware.cpp * @brief Idle Air Control valve hardware * * @date November 3, 2020 * * This is just the hardware interface - deciding where to put the valve happens in idle_thread.cpp */ #include "global.h" #if EFI_IDLE_CONTROL #include "engine_configuration.h" #include "idle_hardware.h" #include "engine.h" #include "electronic_throttle.h" #include "pwm_generator_logic.h" #include "dc_motors.h" #if ! EFI_UNIT_TEST #include "stepper.h" #include "pin_repository.h" static StepDirectionStepper iacStepperHw; static DualHBridgeStepper iacHbridgeHw; StepperMotor iacMotor; #endif /* EFI_UNIT_TEST */ EXTERN_ENGINE; static Logging* logger; /** * When the IAC position value change is insignificant (lower than this threshold), leave the poor valve alone * todo: why do we have this logic? is this ever useful? * See */ static percent_t idlePositionSensitivityThreshold = 0.0f; static SimplePwm idleSolenoidOpen("idle open"); static SimplePwm idleSolenoidClose("idle close"); void applyIACposition(percent_t position DECLARE_ENGINE_PARAMETER_SUFFIX) { bool prettyClose = absF(position - engine->engineState.idle.currentIdlePosition) < idlePositionSensitivityThreshold; // The threshold is dependent on IAC type (see initIdleHardware()) if (prettyClose) { return; // value is pretty close, let's leave the poor valve alone } /** * currently idle level is an percent value (0-100 range), and PWM takes a float in the 0..1 range * todo: unify? */ float duty = PERCENT_TO_DUTY(position); if (CONFIG(useETBforIdleControl)) { if (!Sensor::hasSensor(SensorType::AcceleratorPedal)) { //todo: something is wrong here in unit test mode? #if !EFI_UNIT_TEST firmwareError(CUSTOM_NO_ETB_FOR_IDLE, "No ETB to use for idle"); #endif return; } #if EFI_ELECTRONIC_THROTTLE_BODY setEtbIdlePosition(position PASS_ENGINE_PARAMETER_SUFFIX); #endif // EFI_ELECTRONIC_THROTTLE_BODY #if ! EFI_UNIT_TEST } else if (CONFIG(useStepperIdle)) { iacMotor.setTargetPosition(duty * engineConfiguration->idleStepperTotalSteps); #endif /* EFI_UNIT_TEST */ } else { if (!CONFIG(isDoubleSolenoidIdle)) { idleSolenoidOpen.setSimplePwmDutyCycle(duty); } else { /* use 0.01..0.99 range */ float idle_range = 0.98; /* move to config? */ float idle_open, idle_close; idle_open = 0.01 + idle_range * duty; idle_close = 0.01 + idle_range * (1.0 - duty); idleSolenoidOpen.setSimplePwmDutyCycle(idle_open); idleSolenoidClose.setSimplePwmDutyCycle(idle_close); } } } #if !EFI_UNIT_TEST extern efitimeus_t timeToStopIdleTest; static void applyIdleSolenoidPinState(int stateIndex, PwmConfig *state) /* pwm_gen_callback */ { efiAssertVoid(CUSTOM_ERR_6645, stateIndex < PWM_PHASE_MAX_COUNT, "invalid stateIndex"); efiAssertVoid(CUSTOM_ERR_6646, state->multiChannelStateSequence.waveCount == 1, "invalid idle waveCount"); OutputPin *output = state->outputPins[0]; int value = state->multiChannelStateSequence.getChannelState(/*channelIndex*/0, stateIndex); if (!value /* always allow turning solenoid off */ || (GET_RPM() != 0 || timeToStopIdleTest != 0) /* do not run solenoid unless engine is spinning or bench testing in progress */ ) { output->setValue(value); } } bool isIdleHardwareRestartNeeded() { return isConfigurationChanged(stepperEnablePin) || isConfigurationChanged(stepperEnablePinMode) || isConfigurationChanged(idle.stepperStepPin) || isConfigurationChanged(idle.solenoidFrequency) || isConfigurationChanged(useStepperIdle) || // isConfigurationChanged() || isConfigurationChanged(useETBforIdleControl) || isConfigurationChanged(idle.solenoidPin) || isConfigurationChanged(secondSolenoidPin); } bool isIdleMotorBusy(DECLARE_ENGINE_PARAMETER_SIGNATURE) { if (!CONFIG(useStepperIdle)) { // todo: check other motor types? return false; } return iacMotor.isBusy(); } void stopIdleHardware(DECLARE_ENGINE_PARAMETER_SIGNATURE) { #if EFI_PROD_CODE brain_pin_markUnused(activeConfiguration.stepperEnablePin); brain_pin_markUnused(activeConfiguration.idle.stepperStepPin); brain_pin_markUnused(activeConfiguration.idle.solenoidPin); brain_pin_markUnused(activeConfiguration.secondSolenoidPin); // brain_pin_markUnused(activeConfiguration.idle.); // brain_pin_markUnused(activeConfiguration.idle.); // brain_pin_markUnused(activeConfiguration.idle.); // brain_pin_markUnused(activeConfiguration.idle.); #endif /* EFI_PROD_CODE */ } void initIdleHardware(Logging* sharedLogger DECLARE_ENGINE_PARAMETER_SUFFIX) { logger = sharedLogger; if (CONFIG(useStepperIdle)) { StepperHw* hw; if (CONFIG(useHbridges)) { auto motorA = initDcMotor(engineConfiguration->stepperDcIo[0], 2, /*useTwoWires*/ true PASS_ENGINE_PARAMETER_SUFFIX); auto motorB = initDcMotor(engineConfiguration->stepperDcIo[1], 3, /*useTwoWires*/ true PASS_ENGINE_PARAMETER_SUFFIX); if (motorA && motorB) { iacHbridgeHw.initialize( motorA, motorB, CONFIG(idleStepperReactionTime) ); } hw = &iacHbridgeHw; } else { iacStepperHw.initialize( CONFIG(idle).stepperStepPin, CONFIG(idle).stepperDirectionPin, CONFIG(stepperDirectionPinMode), CONFIG(idleStepperReactionTime), CONFIG(stepperEnablePin), CONFIG(stepperEnablePinMode) ); hw = &iacStepperHw; } iacMotor.initialize(hw, CONFIG(idleStepperTotalSteps), logger); // This greatly improves PID accuracy for steppers with a small number of steps idlePositionSensitivityThreshold = 1.0f / engineConfiguration->idleStepperTotalSteps; } else if (!engineConfiguration->useETBforIdleControl) { /** * Start PWM for idleValvePin */ // todo: even for double-solenoid mode we can probably use same single SimplePWM // todo: open question why do we pass 'OutputPin' into 'startSimplePwmExt' if we have custom applyIdleSolenoidPinState listener anyway? if (CONFIG(idle).solenoidPin != GPIO_UNASSIGNED) { startSimplePwm(&idleSolenoidOpen, "Idle Valve Open", &engine->executor, &enginePins.idleSolenoidPin, CONFIG(idle).solenoidFrequency, PERCENT_TO_DUTY(CONFIG(manIdlePosition)), (pwm_gen_callback*)applyIdleSolenoidPinState); } if (CONFIG(isDoubleSolenoidIdle) && CONFIG(secondSolenoidPin) != GPIO_UNASSIGNED) { startSimplePwm(&idleSolenoidClose, "Idle Valve Close", &engine->executor, &enginePins.secondIdleSolenoidPin, CONFIG(idle).solenoidFrequency, PERCENT_TO_DUTY(CONFIG(manIdlePosition)), (pwm_gen_callback*)applyIdleSolenoidPinState); } idlePositionSensitivityThreshold = 0.0f; } } #endif #endif // EFI_IDLE_HARDWARE