#include "pch.h" #include "rusefi_lua.h" #include "lua_hooks.h" #include "fuel_math.h" #include "airmass.h" #include "lua_airmass.h" #include "can_msg_tx.h" #include "crc.h" #include "settings.h" #include // We don't want to try and use the STL on a microcontroller #define LUAAA_WITHOUT_CPP_STDLIB #include "luaaa.hpp" #include "lua_hooks_util.h" using namespace luaaa; // Some functions lean on existing FSIO implementation #include "fsio_impl.h" static int lua_readpin(lua_State* l) { auto msg = luaL_checkstring(l, 1); #if EFI_PROD_CODE brain_pin_e pin = parseBrainPin(msg); if (pin == GPIO_INVALID) { lua_pushnil(l); } else { int physicalValue = palReadPad(getHwPort("read", pin), getHwPin("read", pin)); lua_pushnumber(l, physicalValue); } #endif return 1; } static int getSensor(lua_State* l, SensorType type) { auto result = Sensor::get(type); if (result) { // return value if valid lua_pushnumber(l, result.Value); } else { // return nil if invalid lua_pushnil(l); } return 1; } static int lua_getAuxAnalog(lua_State* l) { // todo: shall we use HUMAN_INDEX since UI goes from 1 and Lua loves going from 1? auto zeroBasedSensorIndex = luaL_checkinteger(l, 1); auto type = static_cast(zeroBasedSensorIndex + static_cast(SensorType::Aux1)); return getSensor(l, type); } static int lua_getSensorByIndex(lua_State* l) { auto zeroBasedSensorIndex = luaL_checkinteger(l, 1); return getSensor(l, static_cast(zeroBasedSensorIndex)); } static int lua_getSensorByName(lua_State* l) { auto sensorName = luaL_checklstring(l, 1, nullptr); SensorType type = findSensorTypeByName(sensorName); return getSensor(l, type); } static int lua_getSensorRaw(lua_State* l) { auto zeroBasedSensorIndex = luaL_checkinteger(l, 1); lua_pushnumber(l, Sensor::getRaw(static_cast(zeroBasedSensorIndex))); return 1; } static int lua_hasSensor(lua_State* l) { auto zeroBasedSensorIndex = luaL_checkinteger(l, 1); lua_pushboolean(l, Sensor::hasSensor(static_cast(zeroBasedSensorIndex))); return 1; } static int lua_table3d(lua_State* l) { auto humanTableIdx = luaL_checkinteger(l, 1); auto x = luaL_checknumber(l, 2); auto y = luaL_checknumber(l, 3); // index table, compute table lookup auto result = getscriptTable(humanTableIdx - HUMAN_OFFSET)->getValue(x, y); lua_pushnumber(l, result); return 1; } static int lua_curve2d(lua_State* l) { // index starting from 1 auto humanCurveIdx = luaL_checkinteger(l, 1); auto x = luaL_checknumber(l, 2); auto result = getCurveValue(humanCurveIdx - HUMAN_OFFSET, x); lua_pushnumber(l, result); return 1; } static int lua_findCurveIndex(lua_State* l) { auto name = luaL_checklstring(l, 1, nullptr); auto result = getCurveIndexByName(name); if (result == EFI_ERROR_CODE) { lua_pushnil(l); } else { // TS counts curve from 1 so convert indexing here lua_pushnumber(l, result + HUMAN_OFFSET); } return 1; } static uint32_t getArray(lua_State* l, int paramIndex, uint8_t *data, uint32_t size) { uint32_t result = 0; luaL_checktype(l, paramIndex, LUA_TTABLE); while (true) { lua_pushnumber(l, result + 1); auto elementType = lua_gettable(l, paramIndex); auto val = lua_tonumber(l, -1); lua_pop(l, 1); if (elementType == LUA_TNIL) { // we're done, this is the end of the array. break; } if (elementType != LUA_TNUMBER) { // We're not at the end, but this isn't a number! luaL_error(l, "Unexpected data at position %d: %s", result, lua_tostring(l, -1)); } // This element is valid, increment DLC result++; if (result > size) { luaL_error(l, "Input array longer than buffer"); } data[result - 1] = val; } return result; } static int lua_txCan(lua_State* l) { auto channel = luaL_checkinteger(l, 1); // TODO: support multiple channels luaL_argcheck(l, channel == 1, 1, "only channel 1 currently supported"); auto id = luaL_checkinteger(l, 2); auto ext = luaL_checkinteger(l, 3); // Check that ID is valid based on std vs. ext if (ext == 0) { luaL_argcheck(l, id <= 0x7FF, 2, "ID specified is greater than max std ID"); } else { luaL_argcheck(l, id <= 0x1FFF'FFFF, 2, "ID specified is greater than max ext ID"); } // conform ext parameter to true/false CanTxMessage msg(id, 8, ext == 0 ? false : true); // Unfortunately there is no way to inspect the length of a table, // so we have to just iterate until we run out of numbers uint8_t dlc = 0; // todo: reduce code duplication with getArray luaL_checktype(l, 4, LUA_TTABLE); while (true) { lua_pushnumber(l, dlc + 1); auto elementType = lua_gettable(l, 4); auto val = lua_tonumber(l, -1); lua_pop(l, 1); if (elementType == LUA_TNIL) { // we're done, this is the end of the array. break; } if (elementType != LUA_TNUMBER) { // We're not at the end, but this isn't a number! luaL_error(l, "Unexpected CAN data at position %d: %s", dlc, lua_tostring(l, -1)); } // This element is valid, increment DLC dlc++; if (dlc > 8) { luaL_error(l, "CAN frame length cannot be longer than 8"); } msg[dlc - 1] = val; } msg.setDlc(dlc); // no return value return 0; } static LuaAirmass luaAirmass; AirmassModelBase& getLuaAirmassModel() { return luaAirmass; } #if !EFI_UNIT_TEST static SimplePwm pwms[LUA_PWM_COUNT]; static OutputPin pins[LUA_PWM_COUNT]; struct P { SimplePwm& pwm; lua_Integer idx; }; static P luaL_checkPwmIndex(lua_State* l, int pos) { auto channel = luaL_checkinteger(l, pos); // Ensure channel is valid if (channel < 0 || channel >= LUA_PWM_COUNT) { luaL_error(l, "setPwmDuty invalid channel %d", channel); } return { pwms[channel], channel }; } static int lua_startPwm(lua_State* l) { auto p = luaL_checkPwmIndex(l, 1); auto freq = luaL_checknumber(l, 2); auto duty = luaL_checknumber(l, 3); // clamp to 1..1000 hz freq = clampF(1, freq, 1000); startSimplePwmExt( &p.pwm, "lua", &engine->executor, engineConfiguration->luaOutputPins[p.idx], &pins[p.idx], freq, duty ); return 0; } void luaDeInitPins() { // Simply de-init all pins - when the script runs again, they will be re-init'd for (size_t i = 0; i < efi::size(pins); i++) { pins[i].deInit(); } } static int lua_setPwmDuty(lua_State* l) { auto p = luaL_checkPwmIndex(l, 1); auto duty = luaL_checknumber(l, 2); // clamp to 0..1 duty = clampF(0, duty, 1); p.pwm.setSimplePwmDutyCycle(duty); return 0; } static int lua_setPwmFreq(lua_State* l) { auto p = luaL_checkPwmIndex(l, 1); auto freq = luaL_checknumber(l, 2); // clamp to 1..1000 hz freq = clampF(1, freq, 1000); p.pwm.setFrequency(freq); return 0; } static int lua_fan(lua_State* l) { lua_pushboolean(l, enginePins.fanRelay.getLogicValue()); return 1; } static int lua_getDigital(lua_State* l) { auto idx = luaL_checkinteger(l, 1); bool state = false; switch (idx) { case 0: state = engine->clutchDownState; break; case 1: state = engine->clutchUpState; break; case 2: state = engine->brakePedalState; break; case 3: state = engine->acSwitchState; break; default: // Return nil to indicate invalid parameter lua_pushnil(l); return 1; } lua_pushboolean(l, state); return 1; } static int lua_setDebug(lua_State* l) { // wrong debug mode, ignore if (engineConfiguration->debugMode != DBG_LUA) { return 0; } auto idx = luaL_checkinteger(l, 1); auto val = luaL_checknumber(l, 2); // invalid index, ignore if (idx < 1 || idx > 7) { return 0; } auto firstDebugField = &tsOutputChannels.debugFloatField1; firstDebugField[idx - 1] = val; return 0; } static auto lua_getAirmassResolveMode(lua_State* l) { if (lua_gettop(l) == 0) { // zero args, return configured mode return engineConfiguration->fuelAlgorithm; } else { return static_cast(luaL_checkinteger(l, 1)); } } static int lua_getAirmass(lua_State* l) { auto airmassMode = lua_getAirmassResolveMode(l); auto airmass = getAirmassModel(airmassMode); if (!airmass) { return luaL_error(l, "null airmass"); } auto rpm = Sensor::getOrZero(SensorType::Rpm); auto result = airmass->getAirmass(rpm).CylinderAirmass; lua_pushnumber(l, result); return 1; } static int lua_setAirmass(lua_State* l) { float airmass = luaL_checknumber(l, 1); float engineLoadPercent = luaL_checknumber(l, 2); airmass = clampF(0, airmass, 10); engineLoadPercent = clampF(0, engineLoadPercent, 1000); luaAirmass.setAirmass({airmass, engineLoadPercent}); return 0; } #endif // EFI_UNIT_TEST struct LuaSensor final : public StoredValueSensor { LuaSensor() : LuaSensor("Invalid") { } ~LuaSensor() { unregister(); } LuaSensor(const char* name) : StoredValueSensor(findSensorTypeByName(name), MS2NT(100)) { Register(); } void set(float value) { setValidValue(value, getTimeNowNt()); } void invalidate() { StoredValueSensor::invalidate(); } void showInfo(const char*) const {} }; struct LuaPid final { LuaPid() = default; LuaPid(float kp, float ki, float kd, float min, float max) : m_pid(&m_params) { m_params.pFactor = kp; m_params.iFactor = ki; m_params.dFactor = kd; m_params.offset = 0; m_params.periodMs = 0; m_params.minValue = min; m_params.maxValue = max; m_lastUpdate.reset(); } float get(float target, float input) { #if EFI_UNIT_TEST extern int timeNowUs; // this is how we avoid zero dt timeNowUs += 1000; #endif float dt = m_lastUpdate.getElapsedSecondsAndReset(getTimeNowNt()); return m_pid.getOutput(target, input, dt); } void reset() { m_pid.reset(); } private: Pid m_pid; Timer m_lastUpdate; pid_s m_params; }; void configureRusefiLuaHooks(lua_State* l) { LuaClass luaTimer(l, "Timer"); luaTimer .ctor() .fun("reset", static_cast(&Timer::reset )) .fun("getElapsedSeconds", static_cast(&Timer::getElapsedSeconds)); LuaClass luaSensor(l, "Sensor"); luaSensor .ctor() .fun("set", &LuaSensor::set) .fun("invalidate", &LuaSensor::invalidate); LuaClass luaPid(l, "Pid"); luaPid .ctor() .fun("get", &LuaPid::get) .fun("reset", &LuaPid::reset); configureRusefiLuaUtilHooks(l); lua_register(l, "readPin", lua_readpin); lua_register(l, "getAuxAnalog", lua_getAuxAnalog); lua_register(l, "getSensorByIndex", lua_getSensorByIndex); lua_register(l, "getSensor", lua_getSensorByName); lua_register(l, "getSensorRaw", lua_getSensorRaw); lua_register(l, "hasSensor", lua_hasSensor); lua_register(l, "table3d", lua_table3d); lua_register(l, "curve", lua_curve2d); lua_register(l, "findCurveIndex", lua_findCurveIndex); // used by unit tests lua_register(l, "txCan", lua_txCan); lua_register(l, "findTableIndex", [](lua_State* l) { auto name = luaL_checklstring(l, 1, nullptr); auto index = getTableIndexByName(name); if (index == EFI_ERROR_CODE) { lua_pushnil(l); } else { // TS counts curve from 1 so convert indexing here lua_pushnumber(l, index + HUMAN_OFFSET); } return 1; }); lua_register(l, "findSetting", [](lua_State* l) { auto name = luaL_checklstring(l, 1, nullptr); auto defaultValue = luaL_checknumber(l, 2); auto index = getSettingIndexByName(name); if (index == EFI_ERROR_CODE) { lua_pushnumber(l, defaultValue); } else { // TS counts curve from 1 so convert indexing here lua_pushnumber(l, engineConfiguration->scriptSetting[index]); } return 1; }); lua_register(l, "setSparkSkipRatio", [](lua_State* l) { auto targetSkipRatio = luaL_checknumber(l, 1); engine->softSparkLimiter.setTargetSkipRatio(targetSkipRatio); return 1; }); lua_register(l, "crc8_j1850", [](lua_State* l) { uint8_t data[8]; uint32_t length = getArray(l, 1, data, sizeof(data)); auto trimLength = luaL_checkinteger(l, 2); int crc = crc8(data, minI(length, trimLength)); lua_pushnumber(l, crc); return 1; }); #if !EFI_UNIT_TEST lua_register(l, "startPwm", lua_startPwm); lua_register(l, "setPwmDuty", lua_setPwmDuty); lua_register(l, "setPwmFreq", lua_setPwmFreq); lua_register(l, "getFan", lua_fan); lua_register(l, "getDigital", lua_getDigital); lua_register(l, "setDebug", lua_setDebug); lua_register(l, "getAirmass", lua_getAirmass); lua_register(l, "setAirmass", lua_setAirmass); lua_register(l, "stopEngine", [](lua_State* l) { doScheduleStopEngine(); return 0; }); lua_register(l, "setTimingAdd", [](lua_State* l) { engine->engineState.luaAdjustments.ignitionTimingAdd = luaL_checknumber(l, 1); return 0; }); lua_register(l, "setTimingMult", [](lua_State* l) { engine->engineState.luaAdjustments.ignitionTimingMult = luaL_checknumber(l, 1); return 0; }); lua_register(l, "setFuelAdd", [](lua_State* l) { engine->engineState.luaAdjustments.fuelAdd = luaL_checknumber(l, 1); return 0; }); lua_register(l, "setFuelMult", [](lua_State* l) { engine->engineState.luaAdjustments.fuelMult = luaL_checknumber(l, 1); return 0; }); lua_register(l, "setEtbAdd", [](lua_State* l) { engine->engineState.luaAdjustments.etbTargetPositionAdd = luaL_checknumber(l, 1); return 0; }); lua_register(l, "getTimeSinceTriggerEventMs", [](lua_State* l) { int result = engine->triggerCentral.m_lastEventTimer.getElapsedUs() / 1000; lua_pushnumber(l, result); return 1; }); #if EFI_CAN_SUPPORT lua_register(l, "canRxAdd", [](lua_State* l) { auto eid = luaL_checkinteger(l, 1); addLuaCanRxFilter(eid); return 0; }); #endif // EFI_CAN_SUPPORT #endif // not EFI_UNIT_TEST }