/** * @file efi_gpio.cpp * @brief EFI-related GPIO code * * @date Sep 26, 2014 * @author Andrey Belomutskiy, (c) 2012-2018 */ #include "global.h" #include "engine.h" #include "efi_gpio.h" #include "drivers/gpio/gpio_ext.h" #include "perf_trace.h" #if EFI_GPIO_HARDWARE #include "pin_repository.h" #include "io_pins.h" #endif /* EFI_GPIO_HARDWARE */ #if EFI_ELECTRONIC_THROTTLE_BODY #include "electronic_throttle.h" #endif /* EFI_ELECTRONIC_THROTTLE_BODY */ EXTERN_ENGINE; #if EFI_ENGINE_SNIFFER #include "engine_sniffer.h" extern WaveChart waveChart; #endif /* EFI_ENGINE_SNIFFER */ // todo: clean this mess, this should become 'static'/private EnginePins enginePins; static Logging* logger; pin_output_mode_e DEFAULT_OUTPUT = OM_DEFAULT; static const char *sparkNames[] = { "coil1", "coil2", "coil3", "coil4", "coil5", "coil6", "coil7", "coil8", "coil9", "coil10", "coil11", "coil12"}; // these short names are part of engine sniffer protocol static const char *sparkShortNames[] = { PROTOCOL_COIL1_SHORT_NAME, "c2", "c3", "c4", "c5", "c6", "c7", "c8", "c9", "cA", "cB", "cD"}; static const char *injectorNames[] = { "injector1", "injector2", "injector3", "injector4", "injector5", "injector6", "injector7", "injector8", "injector9", "injector10", "injector11", "injector12"}; static const char *injectorShortNames[] = { PROTOCOL_INJ1_SHORT_NAME, "i2", "i3", "i4", "i5", "i6", "i7", "i8", "j9", "iA", "iB", "iC"}; static const char *auxValveShortNames[] = { "a1", "a2"}; EnginePins::EnginePins() { dizzyOutput.name = PROTOCOL_DIZZY_NAME; tachOut.name = PROTOCOL_TACH_NAME; static_assert(efi::size(sparkNames) >= IGNITION_PIN_COUNT, "Too many ignition pins"); for (int i = 0; i < IGNITION_PIN_COUNT;i++) { enginePins.coils[i].name = sparkNames[i]; enginePins.coils[i].shortName = sparkShortNames[i]; } static_assert(efi::size(injectorNames) >= INJECTION_PIN_COUNT, "Too many injection pins"); for (int i = 0; i < INJECTION_PIN_COUNT;i++) { enginePins.injectors[i].injectorIndex = i; enginePins.injectors[i].name = injectorNames[i]; enginePins.injectors[i].shortName = injectorShortNames[i]; } static_assert(efi::size(auxValveShortNames) >= AUX_DIGITAL_VALVE_COUNT, "Too many aux valve pins"); for (int i = 0; i < AUX_DIGITAL_VALVE_COUNT;i++) { enginePins.auxValve[i].name = auxValveShortNames[i]; } } /** * Sets the value of the pin. On this layer the value is assigned as is, without any conversion. */ #if EFI_PROD_CODE #define setPinValue(outputPin, electricalValue, logicValue) \ { \ if ((outputPin)->currentLogicValue != (logicValue)) { \ palWritePad((outputPin)->port, (outputPin)->pin, (electricalValue)); \ (outputPin)->currentLogicValue = (logicValue); \ } \ } #define unregisterOutputIfPinChanged(output, pin) { \ if (isConfigurationChanged(pin)) { \ (output).unregisterOutput(activeConfiguration.pin); \ } \ } #define unregisterOutputIfPinOrModeChanged(output, pin, mode) { \ if (isPinOrModeChanged(pin, mode)) { \ (output).unregisterOutput(activeConfiguration.pin); \ } \ } #else /* EFI_PROD_CODE */ #define setPinValue(outputPin, electricalValue, logicValue) \ { \ if ((outputPin)->currentLogicValue != (logicValue)) { \ (outputPin)->currentLogicValue = (logicValue); \ } \ } #endif /* EFI_PROD_CODE */ bool EnginePins::stopPins() { bool result = false; for (int i = 0; i < IGNITION_PIN_COUNT; i++) { result |= coils[i].stop(); } for (int i = 0; i < INJECTION_PIN_COUNT; i++) { result |= injectors[i].stop(); } for (int i = 0; i < AUX_DIGITAL_VALVE_COUNT; i++) { result |= auxValve[i].stop(); } return result; } void EnginePins::unregisterPins() { #if EFI_ELECTRONIC_THROTTLE_BODY unregisterEtbPins(); #endif /* EFI_ELECTRONIC_THROTTLE_BODY */ #if EFI_PROD_CODE unregisterOutputIfPinOrModeChanged(fuelPumpRelay, fuelPumpPin, fuelPumpPinMode); unregisterOutputIfPinOrModeChanged(fanRelay, fanPin, fanPinMode); unregisterOutputIfPinOrModeChanged(acRelay, acRelayPin, acRelayPinMode); unregisterOutputIfPinOrModeChanged(hipCs, hip9011CsPin, hip9011CsPinMode); unregisterOutputIfPinOrModeChanged(triggerDecoderErrorPin, triggerErrorPin, triggerErrorPinMode); unregisterOutputIfPinOrModeChanged(checkEnginePin, malfunctionIndicatorPin, malfunctionIndicatorPinMode); unregisterOutputIfPinOrModeChanged(dizzyOutput, dizzySparkOutputPin, dizzySparkOutputPinMode); unregisterOutputIfPinOrModeChanged(tachOut, tachOutputPin, tachOutputPinMode); unregisterOutputIfPinOrModeChanged(idleSolenoidPin, idle.solenoidPin, idle.solenoidPinMode); unregisterOutputIfPinChanged(sdCsPin, sdCardCsPin); unregisterOutputIfPinChanged(accelerometerCs, LIS302DLCsPin); for (int i = 0;i < FSIO_COMMAND_COUNT;i++) { unregisterOutputIfPinChanged(fsioOutputs[i], fsioOutputPins[i]); } unregisterOutputIfPinOrModeChanged(alternatorPin, alternatorControlPin, alternatorControlPinMode); unregisterOutputIfPinOrModeChanged(mainRelay, mainRelayPin, mainRelayPinMode); unregisterOutputIfPinOrModeChanged(starterRelay, starterRelayPin, starterRelayPinMode); #endif /* EFI_PROD_CODE */ } void EnginePins::reset() { for (int i = 0; i < INJECTION_PIN_COUNT;i++) { injectors[i].reset(); } for (int i = 0; i < IGNITION_PIN_COUNT;i++) { coils[i].reset(); } } void EnginePins::stopIgnitionPins(void) { #if EFI_PROD_CODE for (int i = 0; i < IGNITION_PIN_COUNT; i++) { unregisterOutputIfPinOrModeChanged(enginePins.coils[i], ignitionPins[i], ignitionPinMode); } #endif /* EFI_PROD_CODE */ } void EnginePins::stopInjectionPins(void) { #if EFI_PROD_CODE for (int i = 0; i < INJECTION_PIN_COUNT; i++) { unregisterOutputIfPinOrModeChanged(enginePins.injectors[i], injectionPins[i], injectionPinMode); } #endif /* EFI_PROD_CODE */ } void EnginePins::startAuxValves(void) { #if EFI_PROD_CODE for (int i = 0; i < AUX_DIGITAL_VALVE_COUNT; i++) { NamedOutputPin *output = &enginePins.auxValve[i]; output->initPin(output->name, engineConfiguration->auxValves[i]); } #endif /* EFI_PROD_CODE */ } void EnginePins::startIgnitionPins(void) { #if EFI_PROD_CODE for (int i = 0; i < engineConfiguration->specs.cylindersCount; i++) { NamedOutputPin *output = &enginePins.coils[i]; if (isPinOrModeChanged(ignitionPins[i], ignitionPinMode)) { output->initPin(output->name, CONFIG(ignitionPins)[i], &CONFIG(ignitionPinMode)); } } if (isPinOrModeChanged(dizzySparkOutputPin, dizzySparkOutputPinMode)) { enginePins.dizzyOutput.initPin("dizzy tach", engineConfiguration->dizzySparkOutputPin, &engineConfiguration->dizzySparkOutputPinMode); } #endif /* EFI_PROD_CODE */ } void EnginePins::startInjectionPins(void) { #if EFI_PROD_CODE // todo: should we move this code closer to the injection logic? for (int i = 0; i < engineConfiguration->specs.cylindersCount; i++) { NamedOutputPin *output = &enginePins.injectors[i]; if (isPinOrModeChanged(injectionPins[i], injectionPinMode)) { output->initPin(output->name, CONFIG(injectionPins)[i], &CONFIG(injectionPinMode)); } } #endif /* EFI_PROD_CODE */ } NamedOutputPin::NamedOutputPin() : OutputPin() { name = NULL; } const char *NamedOutputPin::getName() const { return name; } const char *NamedOutputPin::getShortName() const { return shortName == NULL ? name : shortName; } NamedOutputPin::NamedOutputPin(const char *name) : OutputPin() { this->name = name; } void NamedOutputPin::setHigh() { #if EFI_DEFAILED_LOGGING // signal->hi_time = hTimeNow(); #endif /* EFI_DEFAILED_LOGGING */ // turn the output level ACTIVE setValue(true); #if EFI_ENGINE_SNIFFER addEngineSnifferEvent(getShortName(), PROTOCOL_ES_UP); #endif /* EFI_ENGINE_SNIFFER */ } void NamedOutputPin::setLow() { // turn off the output setValue(false); #if EFI_DEFAILED_LOGGING // systime_t after = getTimeNowUs(); // debugInt(&signal->logging, "a_time", after - signal->hi_time); // scheduleLogging(&signal->logging); #endif /* EFI_DEFAILED_LOGGING */ #if EFI_ENGINE_SNIFFER addEngineSnifferEvent(getShortName(), PROTOCOL_ES_DOWN); #endif /* EFI_ENGINE_SNIFFER */ } InjectorOutputPin::InjectorOutputPin() : NamedOutputPin() { reset(); injectorIndex = -1; } bool NamedOutputPin::stop() { #if EFI_GPIO_HARDWARE if (isInitialized() && getLogicValue()) { setValue(false); scheduleMsg(logger, "turning off %s", name); return true; } #endif /* EFI_GPIO_HARDWARE */ return false; } void InjectorOutputPin::reset() { overlappingScheduleOffTime = 0; cancelNextTurningInjectorOff = false; overlappingCounter = 0; // todo: this could be refactored by calling some super-reset method currentLogicValue = INITIAL_PIN_STATE; } IgnitionOutputPin::IgnitionOutputPin() { reset(); } void IgnitionOutputPin::reset() { outOfOrder = false; signalFallSparkId = 0; } OutputPin::OutputPin() { modePtr = &DEFAULT_OUTPUT; #if EFI_GPIO_HARDWARE port = NULL; pin = 0; #endif /* EFI_GPIO_HARDWARE */ currentLogicValue = INITIAL_PIN_STATE; } bool OutputPin::isInitialized() { #if EFI_GPIO_HARDWARE && EFI_PROD_CODE #if (BOARD_EXT_GPIOCHIPS > 0) if (ext) return true; #endif /* (BOARD_EXT_GPIOCHIPS > 0) */ return port != NULL; #else /* EFI_GPIO_HARDWARE */ return true; #endif /* EFI_GPIO_HARDWARE */ } void OutputPin::toggle() { setValue(!getLogicValue()); } void OutputPin::setValue(int logicValue) { ScopePerf perf(PE::OutputPinSetValue); #if EFI_PROD_CODE efiAssertVoid(CUSTOM_ERR_6621, modePtr!=NULL, "pin mode not initialized"); pin_output_mode_e mode = *modePtr; efiAssertVoid(CUSTOM_ERR_6622, mode <= OM_OPENDRAIN_INVERTED, "invalid pin_output_mode_e"); int eValue = getElectricalValue(logicValue, mode); #if (BOARD_EXT_GPIOCHIPS > 0) if (!this->ext) { /* onchip pin */ if (port != GPIO_NULL) { setPinValue(this, eValue, logicValue); } } else { /* external pin */ gpiochips_writePad(this->brainPin, logicValue); /* TODO: check return value */ currentLogicValue = logicValue; } #else if (port != GPIO_NULL) { setPinValue(this, eValue, logicValue); } #endif #else /* EFI_PROD_CODE */ setPinValue(this, eValue, logicValue); #endif /* EFI_PROD_CODE */ } bool OutputPin::getLogicValue() const { return currentLogicValue; } void OutputPin::setDefaultPinState(const pin_output_mode_e *outputMode) { pin_output_mode_e mode = *outputMode; /* may be*/UNUSED(mode); assertOMode(mode); this->modePtr = outputMode; setValue(false); // initial state } void initOutputPins(DECLARE_ENGINE_PARAMETER_SIGNATURE) { #if EFI_GPIO_HARDWARE /** * want to make sure it's all zeros so that we can compare in initOutputPinExt() method */ // todo: it's too late to clear now? this breaks default status LEDs // todo: fix this? // memset(&outputs, 0, sizeof(outputs)); #if HAL_USE_SPI enginePins.sdCsPin.initPin("spi CS5", CONFIG(sdCardCsPin)); #endif /* HAL_USE_SPI */ // todo: should we move this code closer to the fuel pump logic? enginePins.fuelPumpRelay.initPin("fuel pump relay", CONFIG(fuelPumpPin), &CONFIG(fuelPumpPinMode)); enginePins.mainRelay.initPin("main relay", CONFIG(mainRelayPin), &CONFIG(mainRelayPinMode)); enginePins.starterRelay.initPin("starter relay", CONFIG(starterRelayPin), &CONFIG(starterRelayPinMode)); enginePins.fanRelay.initPin("fan relay", CONFIG(fanPin), &CONFIG(fanPinMode)); enginePins.o2heater.initPin("o2 heater", CONFIG(o2heaterPin)); enginePins.acRelay.initPin("A/C relay", CONFIG(acRelayPin), &CONFIG(acRelayPinMode)); // digit 1 /* ledRegister(LED_HUGE_0, GPIOB, 2); ledRegister(LED_HUGE_1, GPIOE, 7); ledRegister(LED_HUGE_2, GPIOE, 8); ledRegister(LED_HUGE_3, GPIOE, 9); ledRegister(LED_HUGE_4, GPIOE, 10); ledRegister(LED_HUGE_5, GPIOE, 11); ledRegister(LED_HUGE_6, GPIOE, 12); // digit 2 ledRegister(LED_HUGE_7, GPIOE, 13); ledRegister(LED_HUGE_8, GPIOE, 14); ledRegister(LED_HUGE_9, GPIOE, 15); ledRegister(LED_HUGE_10, GPIOB, 10); ledRegister(LED_HUGE_11, GPIOB, 11); ledRegister(LED_HUGE_12, GPIOB, 12); ledRegister(LED_HUGE_13, GPIOB, 13); // digit 3 ledRegister(LED_HUGE_14, GPIOE, 0); ledRegister(LED_HUGE_15, GPIOE, 2); ledRegister(LED_HUGE_16, GPIOE, 4); ledRegister(LED_HUGE_17, GPIOE, 6); ledRegister(LED_HUGE_18, GPIOE, 5); ledRegister(LED_HUGE_19, GPIOE, 3); ledRegister(LED_HUGE_20, GPIOE, 1); */ #endif /* EFI_GPIO_HARDWARE */ } void OutputPin::initPin(const char *msg, brain_pin_e brainPin) { initPin(msg, brainPin, &DEFAULT_OUTPUT); } void OutputPin::initPin(const char *msg, brain_pin_e brainPin, const pin_output_mode_e *outputMode) { #if EFI_GPIO_HARDWARE && EFI_PROD_CODE if (brainPin == GPIO_UNASSIGNED) return; assertOMode(*outputMode); iomode_t mode = (*outputMode == OM_DEFAULT || *outputMode == OM_INVERTED) ? PAL_MODE_OUTPUT_PUSHPULL : PAL_MODE_OUTPUT_OPENDRAIN; #if (BOARD_EXT_GPIOCHIPS > 0) this->ext = false; #endif if (brain_pin_is_onchip(brainPin)) { ioportid_t port = getHwPort(msg, brainPin); int pin = getHwPin(msg, brainPin); /** * This method is used for digital GPIO pins only, for peripheral pins see mySetPadMode */ if (port == GPIO_NULL) { // that's for GRIO_NONE this->port = port; return; } /** * @brief Initialize the hardware output pin while also assigning it a logical name */ if (this->port != NULL && (this->port != port || this->pin != pin)) { /** * here we check if another physical pin is already assigned to this logical output */ // todo: need to clear '&outputs' in io_pins.c warning(CUSTOM_OBD_PIN_CONFLICT, "outputPin [%s] already assigned to %x%d", msg, this->port, this->pin); engine->withError = true; return; } this->port = port; this->pin = pin; } #if (BOARD_EXT_GPIOCHIPS > 0) else { this->ext = true; this->brainPin = brainPin; } #endif this->currentLogicValue = INITIAL_PIN_STATE; // The order of the next two calls may look strange, which is a good observation. // We call them in this order so that the pin is set to a known state BEFORE // it's enabled. Enabling the pin then setting it could result in a (brief) // mystery state being driven on the pin (potentially dangerous). setDefaultPinState(outputMode); efiSetPadMode(msg, brainPin, mode); #endif /* EFI_GPIO_HARDWARE */ } void OutputPin::unregisterOutput(brain_pin_e oldPin) { if (oldPin != GPIO_UNASSIGNED) { scheduleMsg(logger, "unregistering %s", hwPortname(oldPin)); #if EFI_GPIO_HARDWARE && EFI_PROD_CODE brain_pin_markUnused(oldPin); port = nullptr; #endif /* EFI_GPIO_HARDWARE */ } } #if EFI_GPIO_HARDWARE // questionable trick: we avoid using 'getHwPort' and 'getHwPin' in case of errors in order to increase the changes of turning the LED // by reducing stack requirement ioportid_t errorLedPort; ioportmask_t errorLedPin; void initPrimaryPins(Logging *sharedLogger) { logger = sharedLogger; #if EFI_PROD_CODE enginePins.errorLedPin.initPin("led: ERROR status", LED_ERROR_BRAIN_PIN); errorLedPort = getHwPort("primary", LED_ERROR_BRAIN_PIN); errorLedPin = getHwPin("primary", LED_ERROR_BRAIN_PIN); #endif /* EFI_PROD_CODE */ } /** * This method is part of fatal error handling. * Please note that worst case scenario the pins might get re-enabled by some other code :( * The whole method is pretty naive, but that's at least something. */ void turnAllPinsOff(void) { for (int i = 0; i < INJECTION_PIN_COUNT; i++) { enginePins.injectors[i].setValue(false); } for (int i = 0; i < IGNITION_PIN_COUNT; i++) { enginePins.coils[i].setValue(false); } } #endif /* EFI_GPIO_HARDWARE */