/** * @file joystick.cpp * * See lcd_controller.cpp for more information * See void onJoystick(joystick_button_e button) * * TODO: separate EXTI layer from joystick logic * You cannot use two pins with same index for EXTI (for instance PA5 and PE5) since these would * be using same EXTI line. See https://stm32f4-discovery.net/2014/08/stm32f4-external-interrupts-tutorial/ * See also comments in digital_input_hw.cpp * * * TODO: In release 18.2.0 the EXT driver is no more provided for STM32, there is a PAL demo under /testhal/STM32/multi/PAL with examples of callbacks and synchronous API. * * @date Jan 2, 2015 * @author Andrey Belomutskiy, (c) 2012-2018 */ #include "engine.h" #if (HAL_USE_PAL && EFI_PROD_CODE) || defined(__DOXYGEN__) #include "joystick.h" #include "pin_repository.h" #include "digital_input_exti.h" EXTERN_ENGINE ; static int joyTotal = 0; static int joyCenter; static int joyA = 0; static int joyB = 0; static int joyC = 0; static int joyD = 0; // 50ms #define NT_EVENT_GAP US2NT(50 *1000) static Logging *sharedLogger; static efitick_t lastEventTime = 0; static bool isJitter() { efitick_t now = getTimeNowNt(); if (now - lastEventTime < NT_EVENT_GAP) return true; // two consecutive events are probably just jitter lastEventTime = now; return false; } static void extCallback(int channel) { if (isJitter()) return; joyTotal++; joystick_button_e button; // todo: I guess it's time to reduce code duplication and start working with an array if (channel == getHwPin("joy", CONFIGB(joystickCenterPin))) { joyCenter++; button = JB_CENTER; } else if (channel == getHwPin("joy", CONFIGB(joystickAPin))) { joyA++; button = JB_BUTTON_A; /* not used so far } else if (channel == getHwPin("joy", CONFIGB(joystickBPin))) { joyB++; button = JB_BUTTON_B; } else if (channel == getHwPin("joy", CONFIGB(joystickCPin))) { joyC++; button = JB_BUTTON_C; */ } else if (channel == getHwPin("joy", CONFIGB(joystickDPin))) { joyD++; button = JB_BUTTON_D; } else { // unexpected channel return; } #if EFI_HD44780_LCD || defined(__DOXYGEN__) onJoystick(button); #else UNUSED(button); #endif } static void joystickInfo(void) { scheduleMsg(sharedLogger, "total %d center=%d@%s", joyTotal, joyCenter, hwPortname(CONFIGB(joystickCenterPin))); scheduleMsg(sharedLogger, "a=%d@%s", joyA, hwPortname(CONFIGB(joystickAPin))); scheduleMsg(sharedLogger, "b=%d@%s", joyB, hwPortname(CONFIGB(joystickBPin))); scheduleMsg(sharedLogger, "c=%d@%s", joyC, hwPortname(CONFIGB(joystickCPin))); scheduleMsg(sharedLogger, "d=%d@%s", joyD, hwPortname(CONFIGB(joystickDPin))); } static bool isJoystickEnabled() { return CONFIGB(joystickCenterPin) != GPIO_UNASSIGNED || CONFIGB(joystickAPin) != GPIO_UNASSIGNED || // not used so far CONFIGB(joystickBPin) != GPIO_UNASSIGNED || // not used so far CONFIGB(joystickCPin) != GPIO_UNASSIGNED || CONFIGB(joystickDPin) != GPIO_UNASSIGNED; } void initJoystick(Logging *shared) { addConsoleAction("joystickinfo", joystickInfo); if (!isJoystickEnabled()) return; sharedLogger = shared; enableExti(CONFIGB(joystickCenterPin), PAL_EVENT_MODE_RISING_EDGE, (palcallback_t)extCallback); enableExti(CONFIGB(joystickAPin), PAL_EVENT_MODE_RISING_EDGE, (palcallback_t)extCallback); // not used so far applyPin(CONFIGB(joystickBPin)); // not used so far applyPin(CONFIGB(joystickCPin)); enableExti(CONFIGB(joystickDPin), PAL_EVENT_MODE_RISING_EDGE, (palcallback_t)extCallback); efiSetPadMode("joy center", CONFIGB(joystickCenterPin), PAL_MODE_INPUT_PULLUP); efiSetPadMode("joy A", CONFIGB(joystickAPin), PAL_MODE_INPUT_PULLUP); // not used so far efiSetPadMode("joy B", CONFIGB(joystickBPin), PAL_MODE_INPUT_PULLUP); // not used so far efiSetPadMode("joy C", CONFIGB(joystickCPin), PAL_MODE_INPUT_PULLUP); efiSetPadMode("joy D", CONFIGB(joystickDPin), PAL_MODE_INPUT_PULLUP); } #endif /* HAL_USE_PAL && EFI_PROD_CODE */