
254 lines
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* @file loggingcentral.cpp
* This file implements text logging.
* Uses a queue of buffers so that the expensive printf operation doesn't require exclusive access
* (ie, global system lock) to log. In the past there have been serious performance problems caused
* by heavy logging on a low prioriy thread that blocks the rest of the system running (trigger errors, etc).
* Uses ChibiOS message queues to maintain one queue of free buffers, and one queue of used buffers.
* When a thread wants to write, it acquires a free buffer, prints to it, and pushes it in to the
* used queue. A dedicated thread then dequeues and writes lines from the used buffer in to the
* large output buffer.
* Later, the binary TS thread will request access to the output log buffer for reading, so a lock is taken,
* buffers, swapped, and the back buffer returned. This blocks neither output nor logging in any case, as
* each operation operates on a different buffer.
* @date Mar 8, 2015, heavily revised April 2021
* @author Andrey Belomutskiy, (c) 2012-2021
* @author Matthew Kennedy
#include "global.h"
#include "os_access.h"
#include "efilib.h"
#include "loggingcentral.h"
#include "thread_controller.h"
#include "thread_priority.h"
template <size_t TBufferSize>
void LogBuffer<TBufferSize>::writeLine(LogLineBuffer* line) {
template <size_t TBufferSize>
void LogBuffer<TBufferSize>:: writeLogger(Logging* logging) {
template <size_t TBufferSize>
size_t LogBuffer<TBufferSize>::length() const {
return m_writePtr - m_buffer;
template <size_t TBufferSize>
void LogBuffer<TBufferSize>::reset() {
m_writePtr = m_buffer;
memset(m_buffer, 0, TBufferSize);
template <size_t TBufferSize>
const char* LogBuffer<TBufferSize>::get() const {
return m_buffer;
template <size_t TBufferSize>
void LogBuffer<TBufferSize>::writeInternal(const char* buffer) {
size_t len = efiStrlen(buffer);
// leave one byte extra at the end to guarantee room for a null terminator
size_t available = TBufferSize - length() - 1;
// If we can't fit the whole thing, write as much as we can
len = minI(available, len);
memcpy(m_writePtr, buffer, len);
m_writePtr += len;
// Ensure the output buffer is always null terminated (in case we did a partial write)
*m_writePtr = '\0';
// for unit tests
template class LogBuffer<10>;
// This mutex protects the LogBuffer instances below
chibios_rt::Mutex logBufferMutex;
// Two buffers:
// - we copy line buffers to writeBuffer in LoggingBufferFlusher
// - and read from readBuffer via TunerStudio protocol commands
using LB = LogBuffer<DL_OUTPUT_BUFFER>;
LB buffers[2];
LB* writeBuffer = &buffers[0];
LB* readBuffer = &buffers[1];
* Actual communication layer invokes this method when it's ready to send some data out
* @return pointer to the buffer which should be print to console
const char* swapOutputBuffers(size_t* actualOutputBufferSize) {
chibios_rt::MutexLocker lock(logBufferMutex);
// Swap buffers under lock
auto temp = writeBuffer;
writeBuffer = readBuffer;
readBuffer = temp;
// Reset the front buffer - it's now empty
*actualOutputBufferSize = readBuffer->length();
size_t expectedOutputSize = efiStrlen(readBuffer->get());
// Check that the actual length of the buffer matches the expected length of how much we thought we wrote
if (*actualOutputBufferSize != expectedOutputSize) {
firmwareError(ERROR_LOGGING_SIZE_CALC, "lsize mismatch %d vs strlen %d", *actualOutputBufferSize, expectedOutputSize);
return nullptr;
return readBuffer->get();
// These buffers store lines queued to be written to the writeBuffer
constexpr size_t lineBufferCount = 24;
static LogLineBuffer lineBuffers[lineBufferCount];
// freeBuffers contains a queue of buffers that are not in use
chibios_rt::Mailbox<LogLineBuffer*, lineBufferCount> freeBuffers;
// filledBuffers contains a queue of buffers currently waiting to be written to the output buffer
chibios_rt::Mailbox<LogLineBuffer*, lineBufferCount> filledBuffers;
class LoggingBufferFlusher : public ThreadController<256> {
LoggingBufferFlusher() : ThreadController("log flush", PRIO_TEXT_LOG) { }
void ThreadTask() override {
while (true) {
// Fetch a queued message
LogLineBuffer* line;
msg_t msg = filledBuffers.fetch(&line, TIME_INFINITE);
if (msg == MSG_RESET) {
// todo?
// what happens if MSG_RESET?
} else {
// Lock the buffer mutex - inhibit buffer swaps while writing
chibios_rt::MutexLocker lock(logBufferMutex);
// Write the line out to the output buffer
// Return this line buffer to the free list, TIME_INFINITE);
static LoggingBufferFlusher lbf;
void startLoggingProcessor() {
// Push all buffers in to the free queue
for (size_t i = 0; i < lineBufferCount; i++) {[i], TIME_INFINITE);
// Start processing used buffers
#endif // EFI_PROD_CODE
const char* swapOutputBuffers(size_t* actualOutputBufferSize) {
return nullptr;
extern bool verboseMode;
namespace priv
void efiPrintfInternal(const char *format, ...) {
if (verboseMode) {
va_list ap;
va_start(ap, format);
vprintf(format, ap);
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < strlen(format); i++) {
// todo: open question which layer would not handle CR/LF properly?
efiAssertVoid(OBD_PCM_Processor_Fault, format[i] != '\n', "No CRLF please");
LogLineBuffer* lineBuffer;
msg_t msg;
// Acquire a buffer we can write to
chibios_rt::CriticalSectionLocker csl;
msg = freeBuffers.fetchI(&lineBuffer);
// No free buffers available, so we can't log
if (msg != MSG_OK) {
// Write the formatted string to the output buffer
va_list ap;
va_start(ap, format);
chvsnprintf(lineBuffer->buffer, sizeof(lineBuffer->buffer), format, ap);
// Ensure that the string is comma-terminated in case it overflowed
lineBuffer->buffer[sizeof(lineBuffer->buffer) - 1] = ',';
// Push the buffer in to the written list so it can be written back
chibios_rt::CriticalSectionLocker csl;
if ((void*)lineBuffer == (void*)&filledBuffers) {
__asm volatile("BKPT #0\n");
} // namespace priv
* This method appends the content of specified thread-local logger into the global buffer
* of logging content.
* This is a legacy function, most normal logging should use scheduleMsg
void scheduleLogging(Logging *logging) {
// Lock the buffer mutex - inhibit buffer swaps while writing
chibios_rt::MutexLocker lock(logBufferMutex);
// Reset the logging now that it's been written out