7) RESOLVED IN R0.3 voltage divider on UR and UA channels, 5V --> 3V (not clear if we need this on the little board - we can always use external divider)
14) RESOLVED IN R0.4.1 Change LSU4.9 to 301 ohms (R10 changed from 117.5R to 220R), as noted here https://rusefi.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=1052&start=143
15) RESOLVED IN R0.4.1 Change R11 Rfb1 and R14 Rfb2 should be increased R11 from 4.7K to 5.11k, R14 from 470K 511k as noted here https://rusefi.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=1052&start=143
18) RESOLVED IN R0.4.2 Added LSU 4.2 and 4.9 notes about installing W1 and W2, etc.
19) D2 is reported to not turn off. It is believed the leakage of DIAHD pin is keeping it on even when the MOSFET is off. Unfortunately there is no solid math, or data to back this up. We need to look at what is required to make the LED blink, as well we need to look at the potential this parallel path is causing the heater measurement to measure wrong.