removing unused stuff
This commit is contained in:
@ -1 +0,0 @@
st-link_cli -c SWD ur -P rusefi.hex -Rst -Run
@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
@echo off
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
While we keep SOME version of the firmware in this folder, this folder is updated manually and this does not happen that often.
For the most fresh version please refer to
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -1,440 +0,0 @@
; this is TunerStudio project for DIY engine management system
queryCommand = "H"
signature = "MShift v0.01" ; signature is expected to be 7 or more characters.
endianness = little
nPages = 1
pageReadCommand = "C"
burnCommand = "B"
pageSize = 3204
pageValueWrite = "W%2o%v"
;comms settings - you may need to tweak these for USB serial
;e.g. put writeblocks off and add an interwrite delay
pageActivationDelay = 50
writeBlocks = on
interWriteDelay = 10
;end USB settings
page = 1
; name = bits, type, offset, bits
; name = array, type, offset, shape, units, scale, translate, lo, hi, digits
; name = scalar, type, offset, units, scale, translate, lo, hi, digits
injectorLag = scalar, F32, 0, "msec", 1, 0, -10, 25.50, 2; size 4
injectorFlow = scalar, F32, 4, "cm3/min", 1, 0, 0, 1000, 2; size 4
battInjectorLagCorrBins = array, F32, 8, [8], "V", 1, 0, 0.0, 20.0, 2; size 32
battInjectorLagCorr = array, F32, 40, [8], "ms/V", 1, 0, 0.0, 50.0, 2; size 32
cltFuelCorrBins = array, F32, 72, [16], "C", 1, 0, 0.0, 120.0, 2; size 64
cltFuelCorr = array, F32, 136, [16], "%", 100, 0, 0.0, 500.0, 2; size 64
iatFuelCorrBins = array, F32, 200, [16], "C", 1, 0, 0.0, 50.0, 2; size 64
iatFuelCorr = array, F32, 264, [16], "%", 100, 0, 0.0, 500.0, 2; size 64
rpmHardLimit = scalar, S16, 328, "RPM", 1, 0, 0, 25000, 1; size 2
tpsMin = scalar, S16, 330, "ADC", 1, 0, 0, 1023, 0 ; * ( 2 bytes)
tpsMax = scalar, S16, 332, "ADC", 1, 0, 0, 1023, 0 ; * ( 2 bytes)
analogChartMode = scalar, S16, 334, "int", 1, 0, 0, 1023, 0 ; * ( 2 bytes)
CrankingCoolantTempMin = scalar, F32, 336, "°C", 1, 0, -40, 200, 1; size 4
CrankingCoolantTempMax = scalar, F32, 340, "°C", 1, 0, -40, 200, 1; size 4
CrankingMinTempPW = scalar, F32, 344, "ms", 1, 0, 0, 20, 1; size 4
CrankingMaxTempPW = scalar, F32, 348, "ms", 1, 0, 0, 20, 1; size 4
crankingRpm = scalar, S16, 352, "RPM", 1, 0, 0, 3000, 0 ; * ( 2 bytes)
mapSamplingAngleBins = array, F32, 356, [8], "RPM", 1, 0, 0.0, 18000, 2; size 64
mapSamplingAngle = array, F32, 388, [8], "deg", 1, 0, 0.0, 90, 2; size 64
mapSamplingWindowBins = array, F32, 420, [8], "RPM", 1, 0, 0.0, 18000, 2; size 64
mapSamplingWindow = array, F32, 452, [8], "deg", 1, 0, 0.0, 90, 2; size 64
mapMin = scalar, F32, 484, "kpa", 1, 0, 0, 450, 2; size 4
mapMax = scalar, F32, 488, "kpa", 1, 0, 0, 450, 2; size 4
clt_t1 = scalar, F32, 500, "°C", 1, 0, -40, 200, 1; size 4
clt_t2 = scalar, F32, 504, "°C", 1, 0, -40, 200, 1; size 4
clt_t3 = scalar, F32, 508, "°C", 1, 0, -40, 200, 1; size 4
clt_r1 = scalar, F32, 512, "Ohm", 1, 0, 0, 200000, 1; size 4
clt_r2 = scalar, F32, 516, "Ohm", 1, 0, 0, 200000, 1; size 4
clt_r3 = scalar, F32, 520, "Ohm", 1, 0, 0, 200000, 1; size 4
clt_bias = scalar, F32, 524, "Ohm", 1, 0, 0, 200000, 1; size 4
;clt_a 364 size 4
;clt_b 368 size 4
;clt_c 372 size 4
iat_t1 = scalar, F32, 540, "°C", 1, 0, -40, 200, 1; size 4
iat_t2 = scalar, F32, 544, "°C", 1, 0, -40, 200, 1; size 4
iat_t3 = scalar, F32, 548, "°C", 1, 0, -40, 200, 1; size 4
iat_r1 = scalar, F32, 552, "Ohm", 1, 0, 0, 200000, 1; size 4
iat_r2 = scalar, F32, 556, "Ohm", 1, 0, 0, 200000, 1; size 4
iat_r3 = scalar, F32, 560, "Ohm", 1, 0, 0, 200000, 1; size 4
iat_bias = scalar, F32, 564, "Ohm", 1, 0, 0, 200000, 1; size 4
;iat_a 404 size 4
;iat_b 408 size 4
;iat_c 410 size 4
sparkDwellBins = array, F32, 580, [8], "RPM", 1, 0.0, 0.0, 18000, 2; size 32
sparkDwell = array, F32, 612, [8], "ms", 1, 0.0, 0.0, 30.0, 2; size 32
ignitionTable = array, F32, 644, [16x16],"deg", 1, 0.0, 0, 60.0, 2; size 1024
ignitionKeyBins = array, F32, 1668, [16], "Load", 1, 0.0, 0, 300.0, 2; size 64
ignitionRpmBins = array, F32, 1732, [16], "RPM", 1, 0.0, 0, 18000.0, 2; size 64
ignitonOffset = scalar, U32, 1796, "RPM", 1, 0, 0, 3000.0, 0 ; size 4
crankingChargeAngle = scalar, F32, 1800, "RPM", 1, 0, 0, 3000.0, 0 ; size 4
timingMode = bits, U32, 1804, [0:0], "dynamic", "fixed"
fixedModeTiming = scalar, U32, 1808, "RPM", 1, 0, 0, 3000.0, 0 ; size 4
engineType = bits, U32, 1812, [0:2], "AUDI_AAN", "DODGE_NEON_1995", "FORD_ASPIRE_1996", "FORD_FIESTA", "NISSAN_PRIMERA", "HONDA_ACCORD", "FORD_INLINE_6_1995", "GY6_139QMB"
fuelTable = array, F32, 1816, [16x16],"ms", 1, 0, 0.0, 50.0, 2; size 3036
fuelKeyBins = array, F32, 2840, [16], "V", 1, 0, 0.0, 10.0, 2; size 132
fuelRpmBins = array, F32, 2904, [16], "RPM", 1, 0, 0.0, 25500.0, 2; size 92
injectionPinMode = bits, U32, 2968, [0:1], "default", "default inverted", "open", "open inverted"
ignitionPinMode = bits, U32, 2972, [0:1], "default", "default inverted", "open", "open inverted"
idlePinMode = bits, U32, 2976, [0:1], "default", "default inverted", "open", "open inverted"
fuelPumpPinMode = bits, U32, 2980, [0:1], "default", "default inverted", "open", "open inverted"
malfunctionIndicatorPinMode = bits,U32, 2984, [0:1], "default", "default inverted", "open", "open inverted"
globalTriggerOffsetAngle = scalar, F32, 2988, "RPM", 1, 0, 0, 720, 0 ; size 4
analogInputDividerCoefficient = scalar, F32, 2992, "RPM", 1, 0, 1, 10.0, 2 ; size 4
engineLoadMode = bits, U32, 2996, [0:1], "MAF", "TPS", "MAP", "SPEED DENSITY"
VBattDividerCoefficient = scalar, F32, 3000, "RPM", 1, 0, 1, 10.0, 2 ; size 4
FanONTemperature = scalar, F32, 3004, "°C", 1, 0, 0, 1000.0, 2 ; size 4
FanOffTemperature = scalar, F32, 3008, "°C", 1, 0, 0, 1000.0, 2 ; size 4
CanReadEnabled = bits, U32, 3012, [0:0], "false", "true"
CanWriteEnabled = bits, U32, 3016, [0:0], "false", "true"
CanNbcType = bits, U32, 3020, [0:1], "BMW", "FIAT", "VAG" , invalid
CanSleepPeriod = scalar, F32, 3024, "RPM", 1, 0, 0, 1000.0, 2 ; size 4
CylindersCount = bits, U32, 3028, [0:3], 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16
IgnitionMode = bits, U32, 3032, [0:0], "One coil", "Individual Coils"
FiringOrder = bits, U32, 3036, [0:2], "One Cylinder", "1-3-4-2", "1-2-4-3", "1-3-2-4", "1-5-3-6-2-4", invalid, invalid, invalid
rpmMultiplier = scalar, F32, 3040, "RPM", 1, 0.0, 0, 1000.0, 2 ; size 4
displayMode = bits, U32, 3044, [0:1], "none", "hd44780", "hd44780 over pcf8574", invalid
logFormat = bits, U32, 3048, [0:0], "native", "Mega Log Viewer"
unusedDwellBins = array, F32, 3052, [8], "RPM", 1, 0.0, 0.0, 18000, 2; size 32
nuusedDwell = array, F32, 3084, [8], "RPM", 1, 0.0, 0.0, 18000, 2; size 32
trigger_type = bits, U32, 3116, [0:1], "toothed wheel", "ford aspire", "dodge neon", invalid
isSynchronizationNeeded = bits, U32, 3120, [0:0], "false", "true"
totalToothCount = scalar, F32, 3124, "RPM", 1, 0.0, 0, 1000.0, 2 ; size 4
skippedToothCount = scalar, F32, 3128, "RPM", 1, 0.0, 0, 1000.0, 2 ; size 4
syncRatioFrom = scalar, F32, 3132, "RPM", 1, 0.0, 0, 1000.0, 2 ; size 4
syncRatioTo = scalar, F32, 3136, "RPM", 1, 0.0, 0, 1000.0, 2 ; size 4
useRiseEdge = bits, U32, 3140, [0:0], "false", "true"
needSecondTriggerInput = bits, U32, 3144, [0:0], "false", "true"
injectionPin1 = bits, U32, 3148, [0:6], "GPIOA_0", "GPIOA_1", "GPIOA_2", "GPIOA_3", "GPIOA_4", "GPIOA_5", "GPIOA_6", "GPIOA_7", "GPIOA_8", "GPIOA_9", "GPIOA_10", "GPIOA_11", "GPIOA_12", "GPIOA_13", "GPIOA_14", "GPIOA_15", "GPIOB_0", "GPIOB_1", "GPIOB_2", "GPIOB_3", "GPIOB_4", "GPIOB_5", "GPIOB_6", "GPIOB_7", "GPIOB_8", "GPIOB_9", "GPIOB_10", "GPIOB_11", "GPIOB_12", "GPIOB_13", "GPIOB_14", "GPIOB_15", "GPIOC_0", "GPIOC_1", "GPIOC_2", "GPIOC_3", "GPIOC_4", "GPIOC_5", "GPIOC_6", "GPIOC_7", "GPIOC_8", "GPIOC_9", "GPIOC_10", "GPIOC_11", "GPIOC_12", "GPIOC_13", "GPIOC_14", "GPIOC_15", "GPIOD_0", "GPIOD_1", "GPIOD_2", "GPIOD_3", "GPIOD_4", "GPIOD_5", "GPIOD_6", "GPIOD_7", "GPIOD_8", "GPIOD_9", "GPIOD_10", "GPIOD_11", "GPIOD_12", "GPIOD_13", "GPIOD_14", "GPIOD_15", "GPIOE_0", "GPIOE_1", "GPIOE_2", "GPIOE_3", "GPIOE_4", "GPIOE_5", "GPIOE_6", "GPIOE_7", "GPIOE_8", "GPIOE_9", "GPIOE_10", "GPIOE_11", "GPIOE_12", "GPIOE_13", "GPIOE_14", "GPIOE_15"
injectionPin2 = bits, U32, 3152, [0:6], "GPIOA_0", "GPIOA_1", "GPIOA_2", "GPIOA_3", "GPIOA_4", "GPIOA_5", "GPIOA_6", "GPIOA_7", "GPIOA_8", "GPIOA_9", "GPIOA_10", "GPIOA_11", "GPIOA_12", "GPIOA_13", "GPIOA_14", "GPIOA_15", "GPIOB_0", "GPIOB_1", "GPIOB_2", "GPIOB_3", "GPIOB_4", "GPIOB_5", "GPIOB_6", "GPIOB_7", "GPIOB_8", "GPIOB_9", "GPIOB_10", "GPIOB_11", "GPIOB_12", "GPIOB_13", "GPIOB_14", "GPIOB_15", "GPIOC_0", "GPIOC_1", "GPIOC_2", "GPIOC_3", "GPIOC_4", "GPIOC_5", "GPIOC_6", "GPIOC_7", "GPIOC_8", "GPIOC_9", "GPIOC_10", "GPIOC_11", "GPIOC_12", "GPIOC_13", "GPIOC_14", "GPIOC_15", "GPIOD_0", "GPIOD_1", "GPIOD_2", "GPIOD_3", "GPIOD_4", "GPIOD_5", "GPIOD_6", "GPIOD_7", "GPIOD_8", "GPIOD_9", "GPIOD_10", "GPIOD_11", "GPIOD_12", "GPIOD_13", "GPIOD_14", "GPIOD_15", "GPIOE_0", "GPIOE_1", "GPIOE_2", "GPIOE_3", "GPIOE_4", "GPIOE_5", "GPIOE_6", "GPIOE_7", "GPIOE_8", "GPIOE_9", "GPIOE_10", "GPIOE_11", "GPIOE_12", "GPIOE_13", "GPIOE_14", "GPIOE_15"
injectionPin3 = bits, U32, 3156, [0:6], "GPIOA_0", "GPIOA_1", "GPIOA_2", "GPIOA_3", "GPIOA_4", "GPIOA_5", "GPIOA_6", "GPIOA_7", "GPIOA_8", "GPIOA_9", "GPIOA_10", "GPIOA_11", "GPIOA_12", "GPIOA_13", "GPIOA_14", "GPIOA_15", "GPIOB_0", "GPIOB_1", "GPIOB_2", "GPIOB_3", "GPIOB_4", "GPIOB_5", "GPIOB_6", "GPIOB_7", "GPIOB_8", "GPIOB_9", "GPIOB_10", "GPIOB_11", "GPIOB_12", "GPIOB_13", "GPIOB_14", "GPIOB_15", "GPIOC_0", "GPIOC_1", "GPIOC_2", "GPIOC_3", "GPIOC_4", "GPIOC_5", "GPIOC_6", "GPIOC_7", "GPIOC_8", "GPIOC_9", "GPIOC_10", "GPIOC_11", "GPIOC_12", "GPIOC_13", "GPIOC_14", "GPIOC_15", "GPIOD_0", "GPIOD_1", "GPIOD_2", "GPIOD_3", "GPIOD_4", "GPIOD_5", "GPIOD_6", "GPIOD_7", "GPIOD_8", "GPIOD_9", "GPIOD_10", "GPIOD_11", "GPIOD_12", "GPIOD_13", "GPIOD_14", "GPIOD_15", "GPIOE_0", "GPIOE_1", "GPIOE_2", "GPIOE_3", "GPIOE_4", "GPIOE_5", "GPIOE_6", "GPIOE_7", "GPIOE_8", "GPIOE_9", "GPIOE_10", "GPIOE_11", "GPIOE_12", "GPIOE_13", "GPIOE_14", "GPIOE_15"
injectionPin4 = bits, U32, 3160, [0:6], "GPIOA_0", "GPIOA_1", "GPIOA_2", "GPIOA_3", "GPIOA_4", "GPIOA_5", "GPIOA_6", "GPIOA_7", "GPIOA_8", "GPIOA_9", "GPIOA_10", "GPIOA_11", "GPIOA_12", "GPIOA_13", "GPIOA_14", "GPIOA_15", "GPIOB_0", "GPIOB_1", "GPIOB_2", "GPIOB_3", "GPIOB_4", "GPIOB_5", "GPIOB_6", "GPIOB_7", "GPIOB_8", "GPIOB_9", "GPIOB_10", "GPIOB_11", "GPIOB_12", "GPIOB_13", "GPIOB_14", "GPIOB_15", "GPIOC_0", "GPIOC_1", "GPIOC_2", "GPIOC_3", "GPIOC_4", "GPIOC_5", "GPIOC_6", "GPIOC_7", "GPIOC_8", "GPIOC_9", "GPIOC_10", "GPIOC_11", "GPIOC_12", "GPIOC_13", "GPIOC_14", "GPIOC_15", "GPIOD_0", "GPIOD_1", "GPIOD_2", "GPIOD_3", "GPIOD_4", "GPIOD_5", "GPIOD_6", "GPIOD_7", "GPIOD_8", "GPIOD_9", "GPIOD_10", "GPIOD_11", "GPIOD_12", "GPIOD_13", "GPIOD_14", "GPIOD_15", "GPIOE_0", "GPIOE_1", "GPIOE_2", "GPIOE_3", "GPIOE_4", "GPIOE_5", "GPIOE_6", "GPIOE_7", "GPIOE_8", "GPIOE_9", "GPIOE_10", "GPIOE_11", "GPIOE_12", "GPIOE_13", "GPIOE_14", "GPIOE_15"
injectionPin5 = bits, U32, 3164, [0:6], "GPIOA_0", "GPIOA_1", "GPIOA_2", "GPIOA_3", "GPIOA_4", "GPIOA_5", "GPIOA_6", "GPIOA_7", "GPIOA_8", "GPIOA_9", "GPIOA_10", "GPIOA_11", "GPIOA_12", "GPIOA_13", "GPIOA_14", "GPIOA_15", "GPIOB_0", "GPIOB_1", "GPIOB_2", "GPIOB_3", "GPIOB_4", "GPIOB_5", "GPIOB_6", "GPIOB_7", "GPIOB_8", "GPIOB_9", "GPIOB_10", "GPIOB_11", "GPIOB_12", "GPIOB_13", "GPIOB_14", "GPIOB_15", "GPIOC_0", "GPIOC_1", "GPIOC_2", "GPIOC_3", "GPIOC_4", "GPIOC_5", "GPIOC_6", "GPIOC_7", "GPIOC_8", "GPIOC_9", "GPIOC_10", "GPIOC_11", "GPIOC_12", "GPIOC_13", "GPIOC_14", "GPIOC_15", "GPIOD_0", "GPIOD_1", "GPIOD_2", "GPIOD_3", "GPIOD_4", "GPIOD_5", "GPIOD_6", "GPIOD_7", "GPIOD_8", "GPIOD_9", "GPIOD_10", "GPIOD_11", "GPIOD_12", "GPIOD_13", "GPIOD_14", "GPIOD_15", "GPIOE_0", "GPIOE_1", "GPIOE_2", "GPIOE_3", "GPIOE_4", "GPIOE_5", "GPIOE_6", "GPIOE_7", "GPIOE_8", "GPIOE_9", "GPIOE_10", "GPIOE_11", "GPIOE_12", "GPIOE_13", "GPIOE_14", "GPIOE_15"
injectionPin6 = bits, U32, 3168, [0:6], "GPIOA_0", "GPIOA_1", "GPIOA_2", "GPIOA_3", "GPIOA_4", "GPIOA_5", "GPIOA_6", "GPIOA_7", "GPIOA_8", "GPIOA_9", "GPIOA_10", "GPIOA_11", "GPIOA_12", "GPIOA_13", "GPIOA_14", "GPIOA_15", "GPIOB_0", "GPIOB_1", "GPIOB_2", "GPIOB_3", "GPIOB_4", "GPIOB_5", "GPIOB_6", "GPIOB_7", "GPIOB_8", "GPIOB_9", "GPIOB_10", "GPIOB_11", "GPIOB_12", "GPIOB_13", "GPIOB_14", "GPIOB_15", "GPIOC_0", "GPIOC_1", "GPIOC_2", "GPIOC_3", "GPIOC_4", "GPIOC_5", "GPIOC_6", "GPIOC_7", "GPIOC_8", "GPIOC_9", "GPIOC_10", "GPIOC_11", "GPIOC_12", "GPIOC_13", "GPIOC_14", "GPIOC_15", "GPIOD_0", "GPIOD_1", "GPIOD_2", "GPIOD_3", "GPIOD_4", "GPIOD_5", "GPIOD_6", "GPIOD_7", "GPIOD_8", "GPIOD_9", "GPIOD_10", "GPIOD_11", "GPIOD_12", "GPIOD_13", "GPIOD_14", "GPIOD_15", "GPIOE_0", "GPIOE_1", "GPIOE_2", "GPIOE_3", "GPIOE_4", "GPIOE_5", "GPIOE_6", "GPIOE_7", "GPIOE_8", "GPIOE_9", "GPIOE_10", "GPIOE_11", "GPIOE_12", "GPIOE_13", "GPIOE_14", "GPIOE_15"
injectionPin7 = bits, U32, 3172, [0:6], "GPIOA_0", "GPIOA_1", "GPIOA_2", "GPIOA_3", "GPIOA_4", "GPIOA_5", "GPIOA_6", "GPIOA_7", "GPIOA_8", "GPIOA_9", "GPIOA_10", "GPIOA_11", "GPIOA_12", "GPIOA_13", "GPIOA_14", "GPIOA_15", "GPIOB_0", "GPIOB_1", "GPIOB_2", "GPIOB_3", "GPIOB_4", "GPIOB_5", "GPIOB_6", "GPIOB_7", "GPIOB_8", "GPIOB_9", "GPIOB_10", "GPIOB_11", "GPIOB_12", "GPIOB_13", "GPIOB_14", "GPIOB_15", "GPIOC_0", "GPIOC_1", "GPIOC_2", "GPIOC_3", "GPIOC_4", "GPIOC_5", "GPIOC_6", "GPIOC_7", "GPIOC_8", "GPIOC_9", "GPIOC_10", "GPIOC_11", "GPIOC_12", "GPIOC_13", "GPIOC_14", "GPIOC_15", "GPIOD_0", "GPIOD_1", "GPIOD_2", "GPIOD_3", "GPIOD_4", "GPIOD_5", "GPIOD_6", "GPIOD_7", "GPIOD_8", "GPIOD_9", "GPIOD_10", "GPIOD_11", "GPIOD_12", "GPIOD_13", "GPIOD_14", "GPIOD_15", "GPIOE_0", "GPIOE_1", "GPIOE_2", "GPIOE_3", "GPIOE_4", "GPIOE_5", "GPIOE_6", "GPIOE_7", "GPIOE_8", "GPIOE_9", "GPIOE_10", "GPIOE_11", "GPIOE_12", "GPIOE_13", "GPIOE_14", "GPIOE_15"
injectionPin8 = bits, U32, 3176, [0:6], "GPIOA_0", "GPIOA_1", "GPIOA_2", "GPIOA_3", "GPIOA_4", "GPIOA_5", "GPIOA_6", "GPIOA_7", "GPIOA_8", "GPIOA_9", "GPIOA_10", "GPIOA_11", "GPIOA_12", "GPIOA_13", "GPIOA_14", "GPIOA_15", "GPIOB_0", "GPIOB_1", "GPIOB_2", "GPIOB_3", "GPIOB_4", "GPIOB_5", "GPIOB_6", "GPIOB_7", "GPIOB_8", "GPIOB_9", "GPIOB_10", "GPIOB_11", "GPIOB_12", "GPIOB_13", "GPIOB_14", "GPIOB_15", "GPIOC_0", "GPIOC_1", "GPIOC_2", "GPIOC_3", "GPIOC_4", "GPIOC_5", "GPIOC_6", "GPIOC_7", "GPIOC_8", "GPIOC_9", "GPIOC_10", "GPIOC_11", "GPIOC_12", "GPIOC_13", "GPIOC_14", "GPIOC_15", "GPIOD_0", "GPIOD_1", "GPIOD_2", "GPIOD_3", "GPIOD_4", "GPIOD_5", "GPIOD_6", "GPIOD_7", "GPIOD_8", "GPIOD_9", "GPIOD_10", "GPIOD_11", "GPIOD_12", "GPIOD_13", "GPIOD_14", "GPIOD_15", "GPIOE_0", "GPIOE_1", "GPIOE_2", "GPIOE_3", "GPIOE_4", "GPIOE_5", "GPIOE_6", "GPIOE_7", "GPIOE_8", "GPIOE_9", "GPIOE_10", "GPIOE_11", "GPIOE_12", "GPIOE_13", "GPIOE_14", "GPIOE_15"
injectionPin9 = bits, U32, 3180, [0:6], "GPIOA_0", "GPIOA_1", "GPIOA_2", "GPIOA_3", "GPIOA_4", "GPIOA_5", "GPIOA_6", "GPIOA_7", "GPIOA_8", "GPIOA_9", "GPIOA_10", "GPIOA_11", "GPIOA_12", "GPIOA_13", "GPIOA_14", "GPIOA_15", "GPIOB_0", "GPIOB_1", "GPIOB_2", "GPIOB_3", "GPIOB_4", "GPIOB_5", "GPIOB_6", "GPIOB_7", "GPIOB_8", "GPIOB_9", "GPIOB_10", "GPIOB_11", "GPIOB_12", "GPIOB_13", "GPIOB_14", "GPIOB_15", "GPIOC_0", "GPIOC_1", "GPIOC_2", "GPIOC_3", "GPIOC_4", "GPIOC_5", "GPIOC_6", "GPIOC_7", "GPIOC_8", "GPIOC_9", "GPIOC_10", "GPIOC_11", "GPIOC_12", "GPIOC_13", "GPIOC_14", "GPIOC_15", "GPIOD_0", "GPIOD_1", "GPIOD_2", "GPIOD_3", "GPIOD_4", "GPIOD_5", "GPIOD_6", "GPIOD_7", "GPIOD_8", "GPIOD_9", "GPIOD_10", "GPIOD_11", "GPIOD_12", "GPIOD_13", "GPIOD_14", "GPIOD_15", "GPIOE_0", "GPIOE_1", "GPIOE_2", "GPIOE_3", "GPIOE_4", "GPIOE_5", "GPIOE_6", "GPIOE_7", "GPIOE_8", "GPIOE_9", "GPIOE_10", "GPIOE_11", "GPIOE_12", "GPIOE_13", "GPIOE_14", "GPIOE_15"
injectionPin10 = bits, U32, 3184, [0:6], "GPIOA_0", "GPIOA_1", "GPIOA_2", "GPIOA_3", "GPIOA_4", "GPIOA_5", "GPIOA_6", "GPIOA_7", "GPIOA_8", "GPIOA_9", "GPIOA_10", "GPIOA_11", "GPIOA_12", "GPIOA_13", "GPIOA_14", "GPIOA_15", "GPIOB_0", "GPIOB_1", "GPIOB_2", "GPIOB_3", "GPIOB_4", "GPIOB_5", "GPIOB_6", "GPIOB_7", "GPIOB_8", "GPIOB_9", "GPIOB_10", "GPIOB_11", "GPIOB_12", "GPIOB_13", "GPIOB_14", "GPIOB_15", "GPIOC_0", "GPIOC_1", "GPIOC_2", "GPIOC_3", "GPIOC_4", "GPIOC_5", "GPIOC_6", "GPIOC_7", "GPIOC_8", "GPIOC_9", "GPIOC_10", "GPIOC_11", "GPIOC_12", "GPIOC_13", "GPIOC_14", "GPIOC_15", "GPIOD_0", "GPIOD_1", "GPIOD_2", "GPIOD_3", "GPIOD_4", "GPIOD_5", "GPIOD_6", "GPIOD_7", "GPIOD_8", "GPIOD_9", "GPIOD_10", "GPIOD_11", "GPIOD_12", "GPIOD_13", "GPIOD_14", "GPIOD_15", "GPIOE_0", "GPIOE_1", "GPIOE_2", "GPIOE_3", "GPIOE_4", "GPIOE_5", "GPIOE_6", "GPIOE_7", "GPIOE_8", "GPIOE_9", "GPIOE_10", "GPIOE_11", "GPIOE_12", "GPIOE_13", "GPIOE_14", "GPIOE_15"
injectionPin11 = bits, U32, 3188, [0:6], "GPIOA_0", "GPIOA_1", "GPIOA_2", "GPIOA_3", "GPIOA_4", "GPIOA_5", "GPIOA_6", "GPIOA_7", "GPIOA_8", "GPIOA_9", "GPIOA_10", "GPIOA_11", "GPIOA_12", "GPIOA_13", "GPIOA_14", "GPIOA_15", "GPIOB_0", "GPIOB_1", "GPIOB_2", "GPIOB_3", "GPIOB_4", "GPIOB_5", "GPIOB_6", "GPIOB_7", "GPIOB_8", "GPIOB_9", "GPIOB_10", "GPIOB_11", "GPIOB_12", "GPIOB_13", "GPIOB_14", "GPIOB_15", "GPIOC_0", "GPIOC_1", "GPIOC_2", "GPIOC_3", "GPIOC_4", "GPIOC_5", "GPIOC_6", "GPIOC_7", "GPIOC_8", "GPIOC_9", "GPIOC_10", "GPIOC_11", "GPIOC_12", "GPIOC_13", "GPIOC_14", "GPIOC_15", "GPIOD_0", "GPIOD_1", "GPIOD_2", "GPIOD_3", "GPIOD_4", "GPIOD_5", "GPIOD_6", "GPIOD_7", "GPIOD_8", "GPIOD_9", "GPIOD_10", "GPIOD_11", "GPIOD_12", "GPIOD_13", "GPIOD_14", "GPIOD_15", "GPIOE_0", "GPIOE_1", "GPIOE_2", "GPIOE_3", "GPIOE_4", "GPIOE_5", "GPIOE_6", "GPIOE_7", "GPIOE_8", "GPIOE_9", "GPIOE_10", "GPIOE_11", "GPIOE_12", "GPIOE_13", "GPIOE_14", "GPIOE_15"
injectionPin12 = bits, U32, 3192, [0:6], "GPIOA_0", "GPIOA_1", "GPIOA_2", "GPIOA_3", "GPIOA_4", "GPIOA_5", "GPIOA_6", "GPIOA_7", "GPIOA_8", "GPIOA_9", "GPIOA_10", "GPIOA_11", "GPIOA_12", "GPIOA_13", "GPIOA_14", "GPIOA_15", "GPIOB_0", "GPIOB_1", "GPIOB_2", "GPIOB_3", "GPIOB_4", "GPIOB_5", "GPIOB_6", "GPIOB_7", "GPIOB_8", "GPIOB_9", "GPIOB_10", "GPIOB_11", "GPIOB_12", "GPIOB_13", "GPIOB_14", "GPIOB_15", "GPIOC_0", "GPIOC_1", "GPIOC_2", "GPIOC_3", "GPIOC_4", "GPIOC_5", "GPIOC_6", "GPIOC_7", "GPIOC_8", "GPIOC_9", "GPIOC_10", "GPIOC_11", "GPIOC_12", "GPIOC_13", "GPIOC_14", "GPIOC_15", "GPIOD_0", "GPIOD_1", "GPIOD_2", "GPIOD_3", "GPIOD_4", "GPIOD_5", "GPIOD_6", "GPIOD_7", "GPIOD_8", "GPIOD_9", "GPIOD_10", "GPIOD_11", "GPIOD_12", "GPIOD_13", "GPIOD_14", "GPIOD_15", "GPIOE_0", "GPIOE_1", "GPIOE_2", "GPIOE_3", "GPIOE_4", "GPIOE_5", "GPIOE_6", "GPIOE_7", "GPIOE_8", "GPIOE_9", "GPIOE_10", "GPIOE_11", "GPIOE_12", "GPIOE_13", "GPIOE_14", "GPIOE_15"
fuelPumpPin = bits, U32, 3196, [0:6], "GPIOA_0", "GPIOA_1", "GPIOA_2", "GPIOA_3", "GPIOA_4", "GPIOA_5", "GPIOA_6", "GPIOA_7", "GPIOA_8", "GPIOA_9", "GPIOA_10", "GPIOA_11", "GPIOA_12", "GPIOA_13", "GPIOA_14", "GPIOA_15", "GPIOB_0", "GPIOB_1", "GPIOB_2", "GPIOB_3", "GPIOB_4", "GPIOB_5", "GPIOB_6", "GPIOB_7", "GPIOB_8", "GPIOB_9", "GPIOB_10", "GPIOB_11", "GPIOB_12", "GPIOB_13", "GPIOB_14", "GPIOB_15", "GPIOC_0", "GPIOC_1", "GPIOC_2", "GPIOC_3", "GPIOC_4", "GPIOC_5", "GPIOC_6", "GPIOC_7", "GPIOC_8", "GPIOC_9", "GPIOC_10", "GPIOC_11", "GPIOC_12", "GPIOC_13", "GPIOC_14", "GPIOC_15", "GPIOD_0", "GPIOD_1", "GPIOD_2", "GPIOD_3", "GPIOD_4", "GPIOD_5", "GPIOD_6", "GPIOD_7", "GPIOD_8", "GPIOD_9", "GPIOD_10", "GPIOD_11", "GPIOD_12", "GPIOD_13", "GPIOD_14", "GPIOD_15", "GPIOE_0", "GPIOE_1", "GPIOE_2", "GPIOE_3", "GPIOE_4", "GPIOE_5", "GPIOE_6", "GPIOE_7", "GPIOE_8", "GPIOE_9", "GPIOE_10", "GPIOE_11", "GPIOE_12", "GPIOE_13", "GPIOE_14", "GPIOE_15"
idleValvePin = bits, U32, 3200, [0:6], "GPIOA_0", "GPIOA_1", "GPIOA_2", "GPIOA_3", "GPIOA_4", "GPIOA_5", "GPIOA_6", "GPIOA_7", "GPIOA_8", "GPIOA_9", "GPIOA_10", "GPIOA_11", "GPIOA_12", "GPIOA_13", "GPIOA_14", "GPIOA_15", "GPIOB_0", "GPIOB_1", "GPIOB_2", "GPIOB_3", "GPIOB_4", "GPIOB_5", "GPIOB_6", "GPIOB_7", "GPIOB_8", "GPIOB_9", "GPIOB_10", "GPIOB_11", "GPIOB_12", "GPIOB_13", "GPIOB_14", "GPIOB_15", "GPIOC_0", "GPIOC_1", "GPIOC_2", "GPIOC_3", "GPIOC_4", "GPIOC_5", "GPIOC_6", "GPIOC_7", "GPIOC_8", "GPIOC_9", "GPIOC_10", "GPIOC_11", "GPIOC_12", "GPIOC_13", "GPIOC_14", "GPIOC_15", "GPIOD_0", "GPIOD_1", "GPIOD_2", "GPIOD_3", "GPIOD_4", "GPIOD_5", "GPIOD_6", "GPIOD_7", "GPIOD_8", "GPIOD_9", "GPIOD_10", "GPIOD_11", "GPIOD_12", "GPIOD_13", "GPIOD_14", "GPIOD_15", "GPIOE_0", "GPIOE_1", "GPIOE_2", "GPIOE_3", "GPIOE_4", "GPIOE_5", "GPIOE_6", "GPIOE_7", "GPIOE_8", "GPIOE_9", "GPIOE_10", "GPIOE_11", "GPIOE_12", "GPIOE_13", "GPIOE_14", "GPIOE_15"
ochGetCommand = "O"
ochBlockSize = 48
; name = class, type, offset, shape, units, scale, translate, lo, hi, digits
rpm = scalar, U32, 0, "RPM", 1, 0.00000, 0.00, 3000.0, 0 ; * ( 4 bytes)
coolant = scalar, F32, 4, "°C", 1, 0.0
coolant = scalar, F32, 4, "°F", { 0.01 * 9/5 }, 3200.00
intake = scalar, F32, 8, "°C", 1, 0.0
intake = scalar, F32, 8, "°C", 1, 0.0
TPS = scalar, F32, 12, "%", 1, 0
MAF = scalar, F32, 16, "V", 1, 0
AFR = scalar, F32, 20, "AFR", 1, 0.0, 0.00, 25.5, 1 ;
fuelload = scalar, F32, 24, "%", 1, 0.0 ; Blend of MAP and TPS, depends on algorithm
VBatt = scalar, F32, 28, "V", 1, 0.0, 8, 21;
tpsADC = scalar, U16, 32, "ADC", 1, 0.0;
alignmet = scalar, U16, 34, "al", 1, 0.0;
atmPres = scalar, F32, 36, "pres", 1, 0.0;
MAP = scalar, F32, 40, "MAP", 1, 0.0;
Check_engine = bits, U32, 44, [0:0], "true", "false";
time = { timeNow }
curve = dwellCorrection, "Dwell time RPM based"
columnLabel = "RPM", "Dwell"
xAxis = 0, 8000, 10
yAxis = 0, 30, 10
xBins = sparkDwellBins, rpm
yBins = sparkDwell
gauge = rpm
curve = mapSamplingAngleCurve, "MAP Sampling Angle"
columnLabel = "RPM", "Angle"
xAxis = 0, 8000, 10
yAxis = 0, 180, 10
xBins = mapSamplingAngleBins, rpm
yBins = mapSamplingAngle
gauge = rpm
curve = mapSamplingWindowCurve, "MAP Sampling Window"
columnLabel = "RPM", "Window"
xAxis = 0, 8000, 10
yAxis = 0, 180, 10
xBins = mapSamplingWindowBins, rpm
yBins = mapSamplingWindow
gauge = rpm
curve = injectorsDeadTime, "Injector Dead Time Battery Correction"
columnLabel = "Voltage", "Dead Time"
xAxis = 8, 21, 10
yAxis = -3, 3, 10
xBins = battInjectorLagCorrBins, VBatt
yBins = battInjectorLagCorr
gauge = VBattGauge
curve = iatFuelCorrCurve, "Intake air temp fuel correction"
columnLabel = "Coolant", "Correction"
xAxis = -40, 120, 10
yAxis = -300, 300, 10
xBins = iatFuelCorrBins, intake
yBins = iatFuelCorr
gauge = IATGauge
curve = cltFuelCorrCurve, "Coolant temp fuel correction"
columnLabel = "Coolant", "Correction"
xAxis = -40, 120, 10
yAxis = -300, 300, 10
xBins = cltFuelCorrBins, coolant
yBins = cltFuelCorr
gauge = CLTGauge
; table_id, map3d_id, "title", page
table = fuelTableTbl, fuelTableMap, "Fuel Table", 1
; constant, variable
xBins = fuelRpmBins, rpm
yBins = fuelKeyBins, MAF
zBins = fuelTable
gridHeight = 2.0
gridOrient = 250, 0, 340 ; Space 123 rotation of grid in degrees.
upDownLabel = "(RICHER)", "(LEANER)"
table = ignitionTableTbl, ignitionTableMap, "Ignition Table", 1
; constant, variable
xBins = ignitionRpmBins, rpm
yBins = ignitionKeyBins, TPS
zBins = ignitionTable
gridHeight = 2.0
gridOrient = 250, 0, 340 ; Space 123 rotation of grid in degrees.
upDownLabel = "(RICHER)", "(LEANER)"
;Name Var Title Units Lo Hi LoD LoW HiW HiD vd ld
tachometer = rpm, "Engine Speed", "RPM", 0, 8000, 200, 500, 6000, 6000, 0, 0
CLTGauge = coolant, "Coolant Temp", "°C", -40, 140, -15, 1, 95, 110, 1, 1
IATGauge = intake, "Intake Air Temp", "°C", -40, 140, -15, 1, 95, 110, 1, 1
throttleGauge = TPS, "Throttle Position", "%", 0, 100, 0, 0, 100, 100, 0, 0
afr1Gauge = AFR, "Air:Fuel Ratio 1", "", 10, 19.4, 12, 13, 15, 16, 2, 2
mafGauge = MAF, "Mass Air Flow", "v", 0, 5, 0, 1, 3, 4, 1, 1
VBattGauge = VBatt, "Battery Voltage", "V", 8, 21, 9, 10, 17, 19, 1, 1
tpsADCGauge = tpsADC, "tps ADC", "ADC", 0, 1024, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
atmPresCGauge = atmPres, "atmo pressu", "kPa", 0, 1024, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
mapCGauge = MAP, "MAP", "kPa", 0, 1024, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
; Gauges are numbered left to right, top to bottom.
; 1 2 3 4
; 5 6 7 8
; currently a minimum of 6 gauges must be on the dash, this appears to be an old not needed limitation. next release 1 will work.
gauge1 = tachometer
gauge2 = CLTGauge
gauge3 = throttleGauge
gauge4 = mafGauge
gauge5 = afr1Gauge
gauge6 = tpsADCGauge
; gauge7 = IATGauge
; = expression, off-label, on-label, off-bg, off-fg, on-bg, on-fg
indicator = { Check_engine }, "ok", "Check engine", green, black, red, black
; Channel Label Type Format
entry = time, "Time", float, "%.3f"
entry = rpm, "RPM", int, "%d"
entry = coolant, "CLT", float, "%.1f"
menu = "&Engine"
subMenu = engineChars, "&Engine Characteristics"
subMenu = boardProp, "&Board properties"
subMenu = injChars, "&injector Characteristicks"
subMenu = injectorsDeadTime, "&Injectors Dead Time"
menu = "&Sensors"
subMenu = clt_thermistor, "&CLT Thermistor"
subMenu = iat_thermistor, "&IAT Thermistor"
subMenu = mapSettings, "MAP sensor settings"
subMenu = mapSamplingAngleCurve, "Map sampling angle"
subMenu = mapSamplingWindowCurve, "Map sampling window"
subMenu = triggerConfiguration, "&Trigger configuration"
menu = "&Settings"
subMenu = generalSettings, "General"
subMenu = fuelTableTbl, "&Fuel Table"
subMenu = ignitionTableTbl, "&Ignition Table"
subMenu = iatFuelCorrCurve, "I&ntake air temp fuel correction"
subMenu = cltFuelCorrCurve, "C&oolant temp fuel correction"
subMenu = dwellCorrection, "Dwell time correction"
menu = "&Tuning"
; subMenu = std_realtime, "&Realtime Display"
; subMenu = std_warmup, "&Warmup Wizard"
subMenu = dwellCorrection, "&Dwell correction"
subMenu = crankingFuel, "&Cranking Fuel"
subMenu = ignitionTableMap, "&Ignition Map"
subMenu = fuelTableMap, "&Fiel Table"
dialog = injChars, "Injector Characteristics"
field = "Injector Open Time", injectorLag
field = "Injector Flow", injectorFlow
dialog = generalSettings, "General"
field = "analog chart", analogChartMode
; field = "Cranking RPM limit", crankingRpm
dialog = engineChars, "Engine Characteristics"
;field = "Engine Displacement", engineDisplacement
field = "Engine Type", engineType
field = "RPM Hard Limit", rpmHardLimit
field = "Cranking RPM limit", crankingRpm
field = "injectionPinMode", injectionPinMode
field = "ignitionPinMode", ignitionPinMode
field = "idlePinMode", idlePinMode
field = "fuelPumpPinMode", fuelPumpPinMode
field = "malfunctionIndicatorPinMode", malfunctionIndicatorPinMode
field = "globalTriggerOffsetAngle", globalTriggerOffsetAngle
field = "engineLoadMode", engineLoadMode
field = "timingMode", timingMode
field = "Fan On Temperature", FanONTemperature
field = "Fan Off Temperature", FanOffTemperature
field = "Can Read Enabled", CanReadEnabled
field = "Can Write Enabled", CanWriteEnabled
field = "Can Nbc Type", CanNbcType
field = "Can Sleep Period", CanSleepPeriod
field = "Cylinders Count", CylindersCount
field = "Ignition Mode", IgnitionMode
field = "Firing Order", FiringOrder
field = "rpm Multiplier", rpmMultiplier
field = "display Mode", displayMode
field = "log format", logFormat
dialog = boardProp, "Board properties"
field = "analog Input Divider Coefficient", analogInputDividerCoefficient
field = "Battery voltage Divider Coefficient", VBattDividerCoefficient
field = "Injection Pin 1 ", injectionPin1
field = "Injection Pin 2 ", injectionPin2
field = "Injection Pin 3 ", injectionPin3
field = "Injection Pin 4 ", injectionPin4
field = "Injection Pin 5 ", injectionPin5
field = "Injection Pin 6 ", injectionPin6
field = "Injection Pin 7 ", injectionPin7
field = "Injection Pin 8 ", injectionPin8
field = "Injection Pin 9 ", injectionPin9
field = "Injection Pin 10 ", injectionPin10
field = "Injection Pin 11 ", injectionPin11
field = "Injection Pin 12 ", injectionPin12
field = "Fuel Pump Pin", fuelPumpPin
field = "Idle Valve Pin", idleValvePin
dialog = clt_thermistor, "CLT Thermistor Settings"
field = "Here is three pairs of thermistor temperature and his resistance."
field = "Typical temperatures is -40°C, 0°C and 100°C"
field = ""
field = "Temperature 1", clt_t1
field = "Resistance 1", clt_r1
field = ""
field = "Temperature 2", clt_t2
field = "Resistance 2", clt_r2
field = ""
field = "Temperature 3", clt_t3
field = "Resistance 3", clt_r3
field = ""
field = "Bias Resistor Value", clt_bias
field = ""
dialog = iat_thermistor, "IAT Thermistor Settings"
field = "Here is three pairs of thermistor temperature and his resistance."
field = "Typical temperatures is -40°C, 0°C and 100°C"
field = ""
field = "Temperature 1", iat_t1
field = "Resistance 1", iat_r1
field = ""
field = "Temperature 2", iat_t2
field = "Resistance 2", iat_r2
field = ""
field = "Temperature 3", iat_t3
field = "Resistance 3", iat_r3
field = ""
field = "Bias Resistor Value", iat_bias
field = ""
dialog = mapSettings, "MAP Sensor Settings"
field = "MAP at minimum voltage", mapMin
field = "MAP at maximum voltage", mapMax
dialog = crankingFuel, "Cranking Fuel"
field = "Minimum temp point", CrankingCoolantTempMin
field = "Pulse Width at Minimum temp point", CrankingMinTempPW
field = ""
field = "Maximum temp point", CrankingCoolantTempMax
field = "Pulse Width at Maximum temp point", CrankingMaxTempPW
field = ""
dialog = mapSettings, "MAP Sensor Settings"
field = "MAP at minimum voltage", mapMin
field = "MAP at maximum voltage", mapMax
dialog = triggerConfiguration, "Trigger configuration"
field = "trigger type", trigger_type
field = "Synchronization Needed?", isSynchronizationNeeded
field = "total Tooth Count", totalToothCount
field = "skipped Tooth Count", skippedToothCount
field = "sync Ratio From", syncRatioFrom
field = "sync Ratio To", syncRatioTo
field = "use Rise Edge?", useRiseEdge
field = "needed Second Trigger Input?", needSecondTriggerInput
dialog = crankingFuel, "Cranking Fuel"
field = "Minimum temp point", CrankingCoolantTempMin
field = "Pulse Width at Minimum temp point", CrankingMinTempPW
field = ""
field = "Maximum temp point", CrankingCoolantTempMax
field = "Pulse Width at Maximum temp point", CrankingMaxTempPW
@ -1,202 +0,0 @@
Record{size=9000, name=' build/obj/datalogging.o@ .bss.outputBuffer'}
Record{size=7160, name=' build/obj/histogram.o@bounds'}
Record{size=5000, name=' build/obj/analog_chart.o@ .bss.LOGGING_BUFFER'}
Record{size=4000, name=' build/obj/histogram.o@ .bss.small_bounds_index'}
Record{size=3416, name=' build/obj/tunerstudio_algo.o@ .bss.configWorkingCopy'}
Record{size=2584, name=' build/obj/idle_thread.o@ .bss.idleValve'}
Record{size=2000, name=' build/obj/datalogging.o@ .bss.intermediateLoggingBufferData'}
Record{size=1520, name=' build/obj/wave_analyzer.o@readers'}
Record{size=1440, name=' build/obj/usb_lld.o@USBD1'}
Record{size=1200, name=' build/obj/io_pins.o@outputs'}
Record{size=1152, name=' build/obj/eficonsole_logic.o@ .bss.consoleActions'}
Record{size=1080, name=' build/obj/console_io.o@ .bss.consoleThreadStack'}
Record{size=696, name=' build/obj/wave_analyzer.o@ .bss.waThreadStack'}
Record{size=696, name=' build/obj/tunerstudio.o@ .bss.TS_WORKING_AREA'}
Record{size=696, name=' build/obj/status_loop.o@ .bss.tsThreadStack'}
Record{size=696, name=' build/obj/status_loop.o@ .bss.lcdThreadStack'}
Record{size=696, name=' build/obj/neo6m.o@ .bss.GPS_WORKING_AREA'}
Record{size=696, name=' build/obj/mmc_card.o@ .bss.tp_MMC_Monitor'}
Record{size=696, name=' build/obj/map_multiplier_thread.o@ .bss.maThreadStack'}
Record{size=696, name=' build/obj/malfunction_indicator.o@ .bss.mfiThreadStack'}
Record{size=696, name=' build/obj/io_pins.o@ .bss.errBlinkingStack'}
Record{size=696, name=' build/obj/io_pins.o@ .bss.comBlinkingStack'}
Record{size=696, name=' build/obj/injector_central.o@ .bss.benchThreadStack'}
Record{size=696, name=' build/obj/idle_thread.o@ .bss.ivThreadStack'}
Record{size=696, name=' build/obj/board_test.o@ .bss.btThreadStack'}
Record{size=600, name=' build/obj/usbcfg.o@SDU1'}
Record{size=560, name=' build/obj/mmc_card.o@MMC_FS'}
Record{size=548, name=' build/obj/mmc_card.o@ .bss.FDLogFile'}
Record{size=500, name=' build/obj/status_loop.o@ .bss.LOGGING_BUFFER'}
Record{size=500, name=' build/obj/adc_inputs.o@ .bss.LOGGING_BUFFER'}
Record{size=448, name=' build/obj/pin_repository.o@PIN_USED'}
Record{size=400, name=' build/obj/io_pins.o@ .bss.pinDefaultState'}
Record{size=376, name=' build/obj/chsys.o@ .bss._idle_thread_wa'}
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Record{size=268, name=' build/obj/trigger_input.o@ .bss.primaryCrankInput'}
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Record{size=260, name=' build/obj/tunerstudio.o@logger'}
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Record{size=260, name=' build/obj/status_loop.o@logger2'}
Record{size=260, name=' build/obj/status_loop.o@logger'}
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Record{size=260, name=' build/obj/rtc_helper.o@logger'}
Record{size=260, name=' build/obj/rpm_calculator.o@logger'}
Record{size=260, name=' build/obj/pwm_generator.o@logger'}
Record{size=260, name=' build/obj/poten.o@logger'}
Record{size=260, name=' build/obj/pin_repository.o@logger'}
Record{size=260, name=' build/obj/neo6m.o@logging'}
Record{size=260, name=' build/obj/mmc_card.o@logger'}
Record{size=260, name=' build/obj/map_multiplier_thread.o@logger'}
Record{size=260, name=' build/obj/map_averaging.o@logger'}
Record{size=260, name=' build/obj/lcd_HD44780.o@logger'}
Record{size=260, name=' build/obj/injector_central.o@logger'}
Record{size=260, name=' build/obj/ignition_central.o@logger'}
Record{size=260, name=' build/obj/idle_thread.o@logger'}
Record{size=260, name=' build/obj/flash_main.o@logger'}
Record{size=260, name=' build/obj/error_handling.o@logger'}
Record{size=260, name=' build/obj/eficonsole_logic.o@logging'}
Record{size=260, name=' build/obj/eficonsole.o@logger'}
Record{size=260, name=' build/obj/analog_chart.o@logging'}
Record{size=260, name=' build/obj/adc_inputs.o@logger'}
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Record{size=200, name=' build/obj/eficonsole.o@ .bss.fatalErrorMessage'}
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Record{size=120, name=' build/obj/serial_lld.o@SD2'}
Record{size=120, name=' build/obj/serial_lld.o@SD1'}
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Record{size=80, name=' build/obj/adc_inputs.o@ .bss.hardwareIndexByIndernalAdcIndex'}
Record{size=72, name=' build/obj/neo6m.o@GPSdata'}
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Record{size=64, name=' build/obj/advance_map.o@ .bss.timing_ptrs'}
Record{size=56, name=' build/obj/i2c_lld.o@I2CD1'}
Record{size=56, name=' build/obj/can_lld.o@CAND2'}
Record{size=56, name=' build/obj/can_lld.o@CAND1'}
Record{size=52, name=' build/obj/mmc_card.o@MMCD1'}
Record{size=52, name=' build/obj/adc_lld.o@ADCD2'}
Record{size=52, name=' build/obj/adc_lld.o@ADCD1'}
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Record{size=48, name=' build/obj/spi_lld.o@SPID3'}
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Record{size=48, name=' build/obj/hardware.o@adcState'}
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Record{size=40, name=' build/obj/tps.o@states'}
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Record{size=40, name=' build/obj/map_averaging.o@endTimer'}
Record{size=40, name=' build/obj/map_averaging.o@ .bss.startTimer'}
Record{size=36, name=' build/obj/neo6m.o@curTm'}
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Record{size=32, name=' build/obj/status_loop.o@ .bss.dateBuffer'}
Record{size=32, name=' build/obj/chheap.o@ .bss.default_heap'}
Record{size=28, name=' build/obj/chschd.o@ *(.bss.rlist)'}
Record{size=28, name=' build/obj/adc_inputs.o@newState'}
Record{size=24, name=' build/obj/icu_lld.o@ICUD9'}
Record{size=24, name=' build/obj/icu_lld.o@ICUD3'}
Record{size=24, name=' build/obj/icu_lld.o@ICUD2'}
Record{size=24, name=' build/obj/icu_lld.o@ICUD1'}
Record{size=24, name=' build/obj/adc_inputs.o@ .bss.slowAdcState'}
Record{size=20, name=' build/obj/tunerstudio_algo.o@tsState'}
Record{size=20, name=' build/obj/pwm_lld.o@PWMD8'}
Record{size=20, name=' build/obj/pwm_lld.o@PWMD4'}
Record{size=20, name=' build/obj/pin_repository.o@ .bss.portNameStream'}
Record{size=20, name=' build/obj/pin_repository.o@ .bss.portNameBuffer'}
Record{size=20, name=' build/obj/idle_thread.o@idle'}
Record{size=20, name=' build/obj/datalogging.o@ .bss.intermediateLoggingBuffer'}
Record{size=16, name=' build/obj/usbcfg.o@ .bss.ep2instate'}
Record{size=16, name=' build/obj/usbcfg.o@ .bss.ep1outstate'}
Record{size=16, name=' build/obj/usbcfg.o@ .bss.ep1instate'}
Record{size=16, name=' build/obj/usb_lld.o@ .bss.ep0_state'}
Record{size=16, name=' build/obj/trigger_central.o@ .bss.triggerState'}
Record{size=16, name=' build/obj/trigger_central.o@ .bss.hwEventCounters'}
Record{size=16, name=' build/obj/rpm_calculator.o@ .bss.shaft_signal_msg_index'}
Record{size=16, name=' build/obj/datalogging.o@header'}
Record{size=16, name=' build/obj/chvt.o@ *(.bss.vtlist)'}
Record{size=12, name=' build/obj/status_loop.o@buffer'}
Record{size=12, name=' build/obj/rpm_calculator.o@rpmState'}
Record{size=12, name=' build/obj/rpm_calculator.o@ .bss.rpmBuffer'}
Record{size=8, name=' build/obj/usb_lld.o@ .bss.ep0setup_buffer'}
Record{size=4, name=' c:/chibistudio/tools/gnu tools arm embedded/4.7 2013q2/bin/../lib/gcc/arm-none-eabi/4.7.4/../../../../arm-none-eabi/lib/armv7e-m\libc.a(lib_a-tzvars.o)@ .bss._timezone'}
Record{size=4, name=' c:/chibistudio/tools/gnu tools arm embedded/4.7 2013q2/bin/../lib/gcc/arm-none-eabi/4.7.4/../../../../arm-none-eabi/lib/armv7e-m\libc.a(lib_a-tzvars.o)@ .bss._daylight'}
Record{size=4, name=' build/obj/wave_analyzer_hw.o@ .bss.registeredIcuCount'}
Record{size=4, name=' build/obj/wave_analyzer.o@ .bss.waveReaderCount'}
Record{size=4, name=' build/obj/wave_analyzer.o@ .bss.waveBufferReported'}
Record{size=4, name=' build/obj/wave_analyzer.o@ .bss.previousCrankSignalStart'}
Record{size=4, name=' build/obj/wave_analyzer.o@ .bss.ckpPeriod'}
Record{size=4, name=' build/obj/tunerstudio.o@ .bss.writeRequest'}
Record{size=4, name=' build/obj/tunerstudio.o@ .bss.writeCounter'}
Record{size=4, name=' build/obj/tunerstudio.o@ .bss.tsCounter'}
Record{size=4, name=' build/obj/tunerstudio.o@ .bss.previousWriteReport'}
Record{size=4, name=' build/obj/trigger_central.o@ .bss.shaftEventCounter'}
Record{size=4, name=' build/obj/tps.o@ .bss.tpsRocIndex'}
Record{size=4, name=' build/obj/stm32_dma.o@ .bss.dma_streams_mask'}
Record{size=4, name=' build/obj/status_loop.o@ .bss.needToReportStatus'}
Record{size=4, name=' build/obj/signal_temp.o@ .bss.globalCounter'}
Record{size=4, name=' build/obj/rtc_lld.o@RTCD1'}
Record{size=4, name=' build/obj/rtc_helper.o@ .bss.unix_time.9103'}
Record{size=4, name=' build/obj/rtc_helper.o@ .bss.buff.9098'}
Record{size=4, name=' build/obj/pin_repository.o@ .bss.totalPinsUsed'}
Record{size=4, name=' build/obj/pin_repository.o@ .bss.initialized'}
Record{size=4, name=' build/obj/neo6m.o@ .bss.uartErrors'}
Record{size=4, name=' build/obj/neo6m.o@ .bss.gpsMesagesCount'}
Record{size=4, name=' build/obj/mmc_card.o@ .bss.totalLoggedBytes'}
Record{size=4, name=' build/obj/mmc_card.o@ .bss.errorReported'}
Record{size=4, name=' build/obj/mcp3208.o@hack'}
Record{size=4, name=' build/obj/mcp3208.o@ .bss.adcEventCounter'}
Record{size=4, name=' build/obj/mcp3208.o@ .bss.adcErrorCounter'}
Record{size=4, name=' build/obj/map_multiplier_thread.o@ .bss.timeAtNotRunning'}
Record{size=4, name=' build/obj/map_averaging.o@ .bss.v_mapAccumulator'}
Record{size=4, name=' build/obj/map_averaging.o@ .bss.v_averagedMapValue'}
Record{size=4, name=' build/obj/map_averaging.o@ .bss.perRevolutionCounter'}
Record{size=4, name=' build/obj/map_averaging.o@ .bss.perRevolution'}
Record{size=4, name=' build/obj/map_averaging.o@ .bss.mapMeasurementsCounter'}
Record{size=4, name=' build/obj/map_averaging.o@ .bss.currentMaxPressure'}
Record{size=4, name=' build/obj/map_averaging.o@ .bss.atmosphericPressure'}
Record{size=4, name=' build/obj/lcd_HD44780.o@txbuf'}
Record{size=4, name=' build/obj/lcd_HD44780.o@ .bss.currentRow'}
Record{size=4, name=' build/obj/lcd_HD44780.o@ .bss.BUSY_WAIT_DELAY'}
Record{size=4, name=' build/obj/io_pins.o@ .bss.DEFAULT_OUTPUT'}
Record{size=4, name=' build/obj/injector_central.o@onTime'}
Record{size=4, name=' build/obj/injector_central.o@offTime'}
Record{size=4, name=' build/obj/injector_central.o@count'}
Record{size=4, name=' build/obj/injector_central.o@brainPin'}
Record{size=4, name=' build/obj/injector_central.o@ .bss.needToRunBench'}
Record{size=4, name=' build/obj/idle_thread.o@ .bss.isIdleControlActive'}
Record{size=4, name=' build/obj/idle_thread.o@ .bss.idleSwitchState'}
Record{size=4, name=' build/obj/histogram.o@ .bss.initialized'}
Record{size=4, name=' build/obj/hardware.o@txbuf'}
Record{size=4, name=' build/obj/fuel_math.o@ .bss.initialized'}
Record{size=4, name=' build/obj/ff.o@FatFs'}
Record{size=4, name=' build/obj/engine_configuration.o@ .bss.globalConfigurationVersion'}
Record{size=4, name=' build/obj/eficonsole_logic.o@ .bss.consoleActionCount'}
Record{size=4, name=' build/obj/console_io.o@ .bss.console_line_callback'}
Record{size=4, name=' build/obj/chmemcore.o@ *(.bss.nextmem)'}
Record{size=4, name=' build/obj/chmemcore.o@ *(.bss.endmem)'}
Record{size=4, name=' build/obj/chdebug.o@ .bss.dbg_panic_msg'}
Record{size=4, name=' build/obj/chdebug.o@ .bss.dbg_lock_cnt'}
Record{size=4, name=' build/obj/board_test.o@ .bss.stepCoutner'}
Record{size=4, name=' build/obj/board_test.o@ .bss.currentPin'}
Record{size=4, name=' build/obj/board_test.o@ .bss.currentIndex'}
Record{size=4, name=' build/obj/analog_chart.o@ .bss.pendingData'}
Record{size=4, name=' build/obj/analog_chart.o@ .bss.initialized'}
Record{size=4, name=' build/obj/advance_map.o@ .bss.initialized'}
Record{size=4, name=' build/obj/adc_inputs.o@ .bss.samples_fast'}
Record{size=4, name=' build/obj/adc_inputs.o@ .bss.fastAdcValue'}
Record{size=4, name=' build/obj/adc_inputs.o@ .bss.adcDebugReporting'}
Record{size=4, name=' build/obj/adc_inputs.o@ .bss.adcCallbackCounter_slow'}
Record{size=4, name=' 00@ *(.bss.default_heap)'}
Record{size=4, name=' 00@ *(.bss._idle_thread_wa)'}
Record{size=2, name=' build/obj/tunerstudio.o@pageId'}
Record{size=2, name=' build/obj/spi_lld.o@dummytx'}
Record{size=2, name=' build/obj/spi_lld.o@dummyrx'}
Record{size=2, name=' build/obj/ff.o@Fsid'}
Record{size=1, name=' build/obj/thermistors.o@ .bss.initialized'}
Record{size=1, name=' build/obj/mmc_card.o@fs_ready'}
Record{size=1, name=' build/obj/lcd_HD44780.o@ .bss.lcd_HD44780_command'}
Record{size=1, name=' build/obj/injector_central.o@pin'}
Record{size=1, name=' build/obj/datalogging.o@ .bss.intermediateLoggingBufferInited'}
Total size: 63633
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Most recent jar is now available at
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Reference in New Issue