/** * @file HIP9011.cpp * @brief HIP9011/TPIC8101 driver * * Jan 2017 status: * 1) seems to be kind of working - reacts to parameter changes and does produce variable output * 2) only one (first) channel is currently used * 3) engine control does not yet react to knock since very little actual testing - no engine runs with proven knock yet * * * http://rusefi.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=400 * http://rusefi.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=778 * * pin1 VDD * pin2 GND * * pin8 Chip Select - CS * pin11 Slave Data Out - MISO * pin12 Slave Data In - MOSI * pin13 SPI clock - SCLK * * * http://www.ti.com/lit/ds/symlink/tpic8101.pdf * http://www.intersil.com/content/dam/Intersil/documents/hip9/hip9011.pdf * http://www.intersil.com/content/dam/Intersil/documents/an97/an9770.pdf * http://e2e.ti.com/cfs-file/__key/telligent-evolution-components-attachments/00-26-01-00-00-42-36-40/TPIC8101-Training.pdf * * max SPI frequency: 5MHz max * * @date Nov 27, 2013 * @author Andrey Belomutskiy, (c) 2012-2018 * @Spilly */ #include "global.h" #include "engine.h" #include "settings.h" #include "hardware.h" #include "rpm_calculator.h" #include "trigger_central.h" #include "HIP9011_logic.h" #include "hip9011_lookup.h" #include "HIP9011.h" #include "adc_inputs.h" #include "efilib2.h" #include "engine_controller.h" #if EFI_PROD_CODE #include "pin_repository.h" #endif #if EFI_HIP_9011 || defined(__DOXYGEN__) static NamedOutputPin intHold(HIP_NAME); extern uint32_t lastExecutionCount; extern EnginePins enginePins; uint32_t hipLastExecutionCount; class Hip9011Hardware: public Hip9011HardwareInterface { void sendSyncCommand(unsigned char command); void sendCommand(unsigned char command); }; static Hip9011Hardware hardware; static float hipValueMax = 0; HIP9011 instance(&hardware); static unsigned char tx_buff[1]; static unsigned char rx_buff[1]; static char pinNameBuffer[16]; static scheduling_s startTimer[2]; static scheduling_s endTimer[2]; static Logging *logger; // SPI_CR1_BR_1 // 5MHz // SPI_CR1_CPHA Clock Phase // todo: nicer method which would mention SPI speed explicitly? #if EFI_PROD_CODE static SPIConfig hipSpiCfg = { NULL, /* HW dependent part.*/ NULL, 0, SPI_CR1_MSTR | //SPI_CR1_BR_1 // 5MHz SPI_CR1_CPHA | SPI_CR1_BR_0 | SPI_CR1_BR_1 | SPI_CR1_BR_2 }; #endif /* EFI_PROD_CODE */ static void checkResponse(void) { if (tx_buff[0] == rx_buff[0]) { instance.correctResponsesCount++; } else { instance.invalidHip9011ResponsesCount++; } } // this macro is only used on startup #define SPI_SYNCHRONOUS(value) \ spiSelect(driver); \ tx_buff[0] = value; \ spiExchange(driver, 1, tx_buff, rx_buff); \ spiUnselect(driver); \ checkResponse(); static SPIDriver *driver; void Hip9011Hardware::sendSyncCommand(unsigned char command) { SPI_SYNCHRONOUS(command); chThdSleepMilliseconds(10); } void Hip9011Hardware::sendCommand(unsigned char command) { tx_buff[0] = command; spiSelectI(driver); spiStartExchangeI(driver, 1, tx_buff, rx_buff); } EXTERN_ENGINE ; static char hipPinNameBuffer[16]; static void showHipInfo(void) { if (!CONFIGB(isHip9011Enabled)) { scheduleMsg(logger, "hip9011 driver not active"); return; } printSpiState(logger, boardConfiguration); scheduleMsg(logger, "enabled=%s state=%s bore=%.2fmm freq=%.2fkHz PaSDO=%d", boolToString(CONFIGB(isHip9011Enabled)), getHip_state_e(instance.state), engineConfiguration->cylinderBore, getHIP9011Band(PASS_HIP_PARAMS), engineConfiguration->hip9011PrescalerAndSDO); char *outputName = getPinNameByAdcChannel("hip", engineConfiguration->hipOutputChannel, hipPinNameBuffer); scheduleMsg(logger, "band_index=%d gain %.2f/index=%d output=%s", instance.currentBandIndex, engineConfiguration->hip9011Gain, instance.currentGainIndex, outputName); scheduleMsg(logger, "integrator index=%d knockVThreshold=%.2f knockCount=%d maxKnockSubDeg=%.2f", instance.currentIntergratorIndex, engineConfiguration->knockVThreshold, engine->knockCount, engineConfiguration->maxKnockSubDeg); const char * msg = instance.invalidHip9011ResponsesCount > 0 ? "NOT GOOD" : "ok"; scheduleMsg(logger, "spi=%s IntHold@%s/%d response count=%d incorrect response=%d %s", getSpi_device_e(engineConfiguration->hip9011SpiDevice), hwPortname(CONFIGB(hip9011IntHoldPin)), CONFIGB(hip9011IntHoldPinMode), instance.correctResponsesCount, instance.invalidHip9011ResponsesCount, msg); scheduleMsg(logger, "CS@%s updateCount=%d", hwPortname(CONFIGB(hip9011CsPin)), instance.settingUpdateCount); #if EFI_PROD_CODE scheduleMsg(logger, "hip %.2fv/last=%.2f@%s/max=%.2f adv=%d", engine->knockVolts, getVoltage("hipinfo", engineConfiguration->hipOutputChannel), getPinNameByAdcChannel("hip", engineConfiguration->hipOutputChannel, pinNameBuffer), hipValueMax, CONFIGB(useTpicAdvancedMode)); scheduleMsg(logger, "mosi=%s", hwPortname(getMosiPin(engineConfiguration->hip9011SpiDevice))); scheduleMsg(logger, "miso=%s", hwPortname(getMisoPin(engineConfiguration->hip9011SpiDevice))); scheduleMsg(logger, "sck=%s", hwPortname(getSckPin(engineConfiguration->hip9011SpiDevice))); #endif /* EFI_PROD_CODE */ scheduleMsg(logger, "start %.2f end %.2f", engineConfiguration->knockDetectionWindowStart, engineConfiguration->knockDetectionWindowEnd); hipValueMax = 0; engine->printKnockState(); } void setHip9011FrankensoPinout(void) { /** * SPI on PB13/14/15 */ // CONFIGB(hip9011CsPin) = GPIOD_0; // rev 0.1 CONFIGB(isHip9011Enabled) = true; engineConfiguration->hip9011PrescalerAndSDO = _8MHZ_PRESCALER; // 8MHz chip CONFIGB(is_enabled_spi_2) = true; // todo: convert this to rusEfi, hardware-independent enum #if EFI_PROD_CODE CONFIGB(hip9011CsPin) = GPIOB_0; // rev 0.4 CONFIGB(hip9011CsPinMode) = OM_OPENDRAIN; CONFIGB(hip9011IntHoldPin) = GPIOB_11; CONFIGB(hip9011IntHoldPinMode) = OM_OPENDRAIN; engineConfiguration->spi2SckMode = PAL_STM32_OTYPE_OPENDRAIN; // 4 engineConfiguration->spi2MosiMode = PAL_STM32_OTYPE_OPENDRAIN; // 4 engineConfiguration->spi2MisoMode = PAL_STM32_PUPDR_PULLUP; // 32 #endif /* EFI_PROD_CODE */ engineConfiguration->hip9011Gain = 1; engineConfiguration->knockVThreshold = 4; engineConfiguration->maxKnockSubDeg = 20; if (!CONFIGB(useTpicAdvancedMode)) { engineConfiguration->hipOutputChannel = EFI_ADC_10; // PC0 } } static void startIntegration(void) { if (instance.state == READY_TO_INTEGRATE) { /** * SPI communication is only allowed while not integrating, so we postpone the exchange * until we are done integrating */ instance.state = IS_INTEGRATING; intHold.setHigh(); } } static void endIntegration(void) { /** * isIntegrating could be 'false' if an SPI command was pending thus we did not integrate during this * engine cycle */ if (instance.state == IS_INTEGRATING) { intHold.setLow(); instance.state = WAITING_FOR_ADC_TO_SKIP; } } /** * Shaft Position callback used to start or finish HIP integration */ static void intHoldCallback(trigger_event_e ckpEventType, uint32_t index DECLARE_ENGINE_PARAMETER_SUFFIX) { // this callback is invoked on interrupt thread if (index != 0) return; engine->m.beforeHipCb = GET_TIMESTAMP(); int rpm = GET_RPM_VALUE; if (!isValidRpm(rpm)) return; int structIndex = getRevolutionCounter() % 2; // todo: schedule this based on closest trigger event, same as ignition works scheduleByAngle(rpm, &startTimer[structIndex], engineConfiguration->knockDetectionWindowStart, (schfunc_t) &startIntegration, NULL, &engine->rpmCalculator); #if EFI_PROD_CODE hipLastExecutionCount = lastExecutionCount; #endif /* EFI_PROD_CODE */ scheduleByAngle(rpm, &endTimer[structIndex], engineConfiguration->knockDetectionWindowEnd, (schfunc_t) &endIntegration, NULL, &engine->rpmCalculator); engine->m.hipCbTime = GET_TIMESTAMP() - engine->m.beforeHipCb; } void setMaxKnockSubDeg(int value) { engineConfiguration->maxKnockSubDeg = value; showHipInfo(); } void setKnockThresh(float value) { engineConfiguration->knockVThreshold = value; showHipInfo(); } void setPrescalerAndSDO(int value) { engineConfiguration->hip9011PrescalerAndSDO = value; } void setHipBand(float value) { engineConfiguration->knockBandCustom = value; showHipInfo(); } void setHipGain(float value) { engineConfiguration->hip9011Gain = value; showHipInfo(); } /** * this is the end of the non-synchronous exchange */ static void endOfSpiExchange(SPIDriver *spip) { spiUnselectI(driver); instance.state = READY_TO_INTEGRATE; checkResponse(); } void hipAdcCallback(adcsample_t adcValue) { if (instance.state == WAITING_FOR_ADC_TO_SKIP) { instance.state = WAITING_FOR_RESULT_ADC; } else if (instance.state == WAITING_FOR_RESULT_ADC) { engine->knockVolts = adcValue * engine->adcToVoltageInputDividerCoefficient; hipValueMax = maxF(engine->knockVolts, hipValueMax); engine->knockLogic(engine->knockVolts); instance.handleValue(GET_RPM_VALUE DEFINE_PARAM_SUFFIX(PASS_HIP_PARAMS)); } } static void hipStartupCode(void) { // D[4:1] = 0000 : 4 MHz // D[4:1] = 0001 : 5 MHz // D[4:1] = 0010 : 6 MHz // D[4:1] = 0011 ; 8 MHz // D[4:1] = 0100 ; 10 MHz // D[4:1] = 0101 ; 12 MHz // D[4:1] = 0110 : 16 MHz // D[4:1] = 0111 : 20 MHz // D[4:1] = 1000 : 24 MHz // 0 for 4MHz // 6 for 8 MHz instance.currentPrescaler = engineConfiguration->hip9011PrescalerAndSDO; instance.hardware->sendSyncCommand(SET_PRESCALER_CMD + instance.currentPrescaler); // '0' for channel #1 instance.hardware->sendSyncCommand(SET_CHANNEL_CMD + 0); // band index depends on cylinder bore instance.hardware->sendSyncCommand(SET_BAND_PASS_CMD + instance.currentBandIndex); if (instance.correctResponsesCount == 0) { warning(CUSTOM_OBD_KNOCK_PROCESSOR, "TPIC/HIP does not respond"); } if (CONFIGB(useTpicAdvancedMode)) { // enable advanced mode for digital integrator output instance.hardware->sendSyncCommand(SET_ADVANCED_MODE); } /** * Let's restart SPI to switch it from synchronous mode into * asynchronous mode */ spiStop(driver); #if EFI_PROD_CODE hipSpiCfg.end_cb = endOfSpiExchange; #endif spiStart(driver, &hipSpiCfg); instance.state = READY_TO_INTEGRATE; } static THD_WORKING_AREA(hipTreadStack, UTILITY_THREAD_STACK_SIZE); static msg_t hipThread(void *arg) { chRegSetThreadName("hip9011 init"); // some time to let the hardware start enginePins.hipCs.setValue(true); chThdSleepMilliseconds(100); enginePins.hipCs.setValue(false); chThdSleepMilliseconds(100); enginePins.hipCs.setValue(true); while (true) { chThdSleepMilliseconds(100); if (instance.needToInit) { hipStartupCode(); instance.needToInit = false; } } return -1; } void initHip9011(Logging *sharedLogger) { logger = sharedLogger; addConsoleAction("hipinfo", showHipInfo); if (!CONFIGB(isHip9011Enabled)) return; instance.setAngleWindowWidth(); #if EFI_PROD_CODE driver = getSpiDevice(engineConfiguration->hip9011SpiDevice); hipSpiCfg.ssport = getHwPort("hip", CONFIGB(hip9011CsPin)); hipSpiCfg.sspad = getHwPin("hip", CONFIGB(hip9011CsPin)); #endif intHold.initPin("hip int/hold", CONFIGB(hip9011IntHoldPin), &CONFIGB(hip9011IntHoldPinMode)); enginePins.hipCs.initPin("hip CS", CONFIGB(hip9011CsPin), &CONFIGB(hip9011CsPinMode)); scheduleMsg(logger, "Starting HIP9011/TPIC8101 driver"); spiStart(driver, &hipSpiCfg); instance.currentBandIndex = getBandIndex(); /** * this engine cycle callback would be scheduling actual integration start and end callbacks */ addTriggerEventListener(&intHoldCallback, "DD int/hold", engine); // MISO PB14 // palSetPadMode(GPIOB, 14, PAL_MODE_ALTERNATE(EFI_SPI2_AF) | PAL_STM32_PUDR_PULLUP); // MOSI PB15 // palSetPadMode(GPIOB, 15, PAL_MODE_ALTERNATE(EFI_SPI2_AF) | PAL_STM32_OTYPE_OPENDRAIN); addConsoleActionF("set_gain", setHipGain); addConsoleActionF("set_band", setHipBand); addConsoleActionI("set_hip_prescalerandsdo", setPrescalerAndSDO); addConsoleActionF("set_knock_threshold", setKnockThresh); addConsoleActionI("set_max_knock_sub_deg", setMaxKnockSubDeg); chThdCreateStatic(hipTreadStack, sizeof(hipTreadStack), NORMALPRIO, (tfunc_t)(void*) hipThread, NULL); } #endif /* EFI_HIP_9011 */