@echo off rem Needed for board overrides IF "%BOOTLOADER_CODE_DESTINATION_PATH%"=="" (SET BOOTLOADER_CODE_DESTINATION_PATH="..") set BOOTLOADER_CODE_DESTINATION_FILE=%BOOTLOADER_CODE_DESTINATION_PATH%/bootloader_generated.hxx rm -f %BOOTLOADER_CODE_DESTINATION_FILE% echo Starting bootloader compilation... make -j4 -f src/Makefile %1 %2 %3 if errorlevel 1 echo make compilation failed if errorlevel 1 exit -1 echo Bootloader build success. cd blbuild rem Generate a header file with binary bootloader code java -jar ../../../java_tools/bin2header.jar bootloader.bin %BOOTLOADER_CODE_DESTINATION_FILE% "%BOOTLOADER_COMMENT% static const volatile uint8_t bootloader_code[] BOOTLOADER_SECTION" cd .. rem Touch 'bootloader_storage.c' to update its modification date (needed for make) copy /b bootloader_storage.c +,,