/* * pid_auto_tune.h * * http://brettbeauregard.com/blog/2012/01/arduino-pid-autotune-library/ * https://www.ripublication.com/ijeer17/ijeerv9n6_02.pdf * * * Created on: Sep 13, 2017 * @author Andrey Belomutskiy, (c) 2012-2017 */ #ifndef CONTROLLERS_MATH_PID_AUTO_TUNE_H_ #define CONTROLLERS_MATH_PID_AUTO_TUNE_H_ #include "global.h" #include "rusefi_types.h" #define byte uint8_t // irrational constants #define CONST_PI 3.14159265358979323846 #define CONST_SQRT2_DIV_2 0.70710678118654752440 // verbose debug option #undef AUTOTUNE_DEBUG // defining this option implements relay bias // this is useful to adjust the relay output values // during the auto tuning to recover symmetric // oscillations // this can compensate for load disturbance // and equivalent signals arising from nonlinear // or non-stationary processes // any improvement in the tunings seems quite modest // but sometimes unbalanced oscillations can be // persuaded to converge where they might not // otherwise have done so #undef AUTOTUNE_RELAY_BIAS // average amplitude of successive peaks must differ by no more than this proportion // relative to half the difference between maximum and minimum of last 2 cycles #define AUTOTUNE_PEAK_AMPLITUDE_TOLERANCE 0.05 // ratio of up/down relay step duration should differ by no more than this tolerance // biasing the relay con give more accurate estimates of the tuning parameters but // setting the tolerance too low will prolong the autotune procedure unnecessarily // this parameter also sets the minimum bias in the relay as a proportion of its amplitude #define AUTOTUNE_STEP_ASYMMETRY_TOLERANCE 0.20 // auto tune terminates if waiting too long between peaks or relay steps // set larger value for processes with long delays or time constants #define AUTOTUNE_MAX_WAIT_MINUTES 5 // Ziegler-Nichols type auto tune rules // in tabular form struct Tuning { byte _divisor[3]; bool PI_controller() { return _divisor[2] == 0; } double divisor(byte index) { return (double)(_divisor[index] * 0.05); } }; #define STEPCOUNT 5 class PID_AutoTune { public: // constants *********************************************************************************** // auto tune method enum { ZIEGLER_NICHOLS_PI = 0, ZIEGLER_NICHOLS_PID = 1, TYREUS_LUYBEN_PI, TYREUS_LUYBEN_PID, CIANCONE_MARLIN_PI, CIANCONE_MARLIN_PID, AMIGOF_PI, PESSEN_INTEGRAL_PID, SOME_OVERSHOOT_PID, NO_OVERSHOOT_PID }; // peak type enum Peak { MINIMUM = -1, NOT_A_PEAK = 0, MAXIMUM = 1 }; // auto tuner state enum AutoTunerState { AUTOTUNER_OFF = 0, STEADY_STATE_AT_BASELINE = 1, STEADY_STATE_AFTER_STEP_UP = 2, RELAY_STEP_UP = 4, RELAY_STEP_DOWN = 8, CONVERGED = 16, FAILED = 128 }; // tuning rule divisor enum { KP_DIVISOR = 0, TI_DIVISOR = 1, TD_DIVISOR = 2 }; // commonly used methods *********************************************************************** PID_AutoTune(); // * Constructor. links the Autotune to a given PID bool Runtime(Logging *logging); // * Similar to the PID Compute function, // returns true when done, otherwise returns false void Cancel(); // * Stops the AutoTune void SetOutputStep(double); // * how far above and below the starting value will // the output step? double GetOutputStep(); // void SetControlType(byte); // * Determines tuning algorithm byte GetControlType(); // * Returns tuning algorithm void SetLookbackSec(int); // * how far back are we looking to identify peaks int GetLookbackSec(); // void SetNoiseBand(double); // * the autotune will ignore signal chatter smaller // than this value double GetNoiseBand(); // this should be accurately set double GetKp(); // * once autotune is complete, these functions contain the double GetKi(); // computed tuning parameters. double GetKd(); // double oStep; byte peakCount; double input; double output; #if EFI_UNIT_TEST double absMax; double absMin; #endif /* EFI_UNIT_TEST */ double outputStart; unsigned long sampleTime; byte nLookBack; void setState(AutoTunerState state); void setPeakType(Peak peakType); private: double processValueOffset(double, // * returns an estimate of the process value offset double); // as a proportion of the amplitude double setpoint; bool running; // todo: remove this double noiseBand; byte controlType; // * selects autotune algorithm enum AutoTunerState state; // * state of autotuner finite state machine unsigned long lastTime; enum Peak peakType; unsigned long lastPeakTime[STEPCOUNT]; // * peak time, most recent in array element 0 double lastPeaks[STEPCOUNT]; // * peak value, most recent in array element 0 double lastInputs[101]; // * process values, most recent in array element 0 byte inputCount; double workingNoiseBand; double workingOstep; double inducedAmplitude; double Kp, Ti, Td; // used by AMIGOf tuning rule double calculatePhaseLag(double); // * calculate phase lag from noiseBand and inducedAmplitude double fastArcTan(double); double newWorkingNoiseBand; double K_process; #if defined AUTOTUNE_RELAY_BIAS double relayBias; unsigned long lastStepTime[5]; // * step time, most recent in array element 0 double sumInputSinceLastStep[5]; // * integrated process values, most recent in array element 0 byte stepCount; #endif }; #endif /* CONTROLLERS_MATH_PID_AUTO_TUNE_H_ */