/** * @file rtc_helper.c * @brief Real Time Clock helper * * @date Feb 5, 2014 * @author Andrey Belomutskiy, (c) 2012-2014 */ #include #include #include "main.h" #include "rfiutil.h" #include "chrtclib.h" #include "rtc_helper.h" static Logging logger; static void date_help(void) { scheduleMsg(&logger, "Usage: date_help"); scheduleMsg(&logger, " date_get"); scheduleMsg(&logger, " date_set N"); scheduleMsg(&logger, "where N is time in seconds sins Unix epoch - see http://www.epochconverter.com"); } void date_set_tm(struct tm *timp) { rtcSetTimeTm(&RTCD1, timp); } void date_get_tm(struct tm *timp) { rtcGetTimeTm(&RTCD1, timp); } void dateToString(char *lcd_str) { // todo: // re-implement this along the lines of chvprintf("%04u-%02u-%02u %02u:%02u:%02u\r\n", timp.tm_year + 1900, timp.tm_mon + 1, timp.tm_mday, timp.tm_hour, // timp.tm_min, timp.tm_sec); // this would require a temporary mem stream - see datalogging and other existing usages strcpy(lcd_str, "00/00 00:00:00\0"); static char buff[4]; struct tm timp; rtcGetTimeTm(&RTCD1, &timp); // get RTC date/time itoa10(buff, timp.tm_mon + 1); if(timp.tm_mon < 9) { lcd_str[0] = '0'; lcd_str[1] = buff[0]; } else { lcd_str[0] = buff[0]; lcd_str[1] = buff[1]; } itoa10(buff, timp.tm_mday); if(timp.tm_mday < 10) { lcd_str[3] = '0'; lcd_str[4] = buff[0]; } else { lcd_str[3] = buff[0]; lcd_str[4] = buff[1]; } itoa10(buff, timp.tm_hour); if(timp.tm_hour < 10) { lcd_str[6] = '0'; lcd_str[7] = buff[0]; } else { lcd_str[6] = buff[0]; lcd_str[7] = buff[1]; } itoa10(buff, timp.tm_min); if(timp.tm_min < 10) { lcd_str[9] = '0'; lcd_str[10] = buff[0]; } else { lcd_str[9] = buff[0]; lcd_str[10] = buff[1]; } itoa10(buff, timp.tm_sec); if(timp.tm_sec < 10) { lcd_str[12] = '0'; lcd_str[13] = buff[0]; } else { lcd_str[12] = buff[0]; lcd_str[13] = buff[1]; } } static void date_get(void) { static time_t unix_time; struct tm timp; unix_time = rtcGetTimeUnixSec(&RTCD1); if (unix_time == -1) { scheduleMsg(&logger, "incorrect time in RTC cell"); } else { scheduleMsg(&logger, "%D - unix time", unix_time); rtcGetTimeTm(&RTCD1, &timp); appendMsgPrefix(&logger); appendPrintf(&logger, "Current RTC time in GMT is: %04u-%02u-%02u %02u:%02u:%02u", timp.tm_year + 1900, timp.tm_mon + 1, timp.tm_mday, timp.tm_hour, timp.tm_min, timp.tm_sec); appendMsgPostfix(&logger); scheduleLogging(&logger); } } static void date_set(char *strDate) { if (strlen(strDate) > 0) { time_t unix_time = (double) atoff(strDate); if (unix_time > 0) { rtcSetTimeUnixSec(&RTCD1, unix_time); date_get(); return; } } scheduleMsg(&logger, "date_set Date parameter %s is wrong\r\n", strDate); } void initRtc(void) { initLogging(&logger, "rtc"); // yes, it's my begin time and we always start from this one 1391894433 - 2014-02-08 21:20:03 rtcSetTimeUnixSec(&RTCD1, 1391894433); addConsoleAction("date_get", date_get); addConsoleActionS("date_set", date_set); addConsoleAction("date_help", date_help); }