/* * @file trigger_central.h * * @date Feb 23, 2014 * @author Andrey Belomutskiy, (c) 2012-2020 */ #pragma once #include "rusefi_enums.h" #include "listener_array.h" #include "trigger_decoder.h" #include "trigger_central_generated.h" #include "timer.h" class Engine; typedef void (*ShaftPositionListener)(trigger_event_e signal, uint32_t index, efitick_t edgeTimestamp DECLARE_ENGINE_PARAMETER_SUFFIX); #define HAVE_CAM_INPUT() engineConfiguration->camInputs[0] != GPIO_UNASSIGNED class TriggerNoiseFilter { public: void resetAccumSignalData(); bool noiseFilter(efitick_t nowNt, TriggerState * triggerState, trigger_event_e signal DECLARE_ENGINE_PARAMETER_SUFFIX); efitick_t lastSignalTimes[HW_EVENT_TYPES]; efitick_t accumSignalPeriods[HW_EVENT_TYPES]; efitick_t accumSignalPrevPeriods[HW_EVENT_TYPES]; }; /** * Maybe merge TriggerCentral and TriggerState classes into one class? * Probably not: we have an instance of TriggerState which is used for trigger initialization, * also composition probably better than inheritance here */ class TriggerCentral final : public trigger_central_s { public: TriggerCentral(); void init(DECLARE_ENGINE_PARAMETER_SIGNATURE); void handleShaftSignal(trigger_event_e signal, efitick_t timestamp DECLARE_ENGINE_PARAMETER_SUFFIX); int getHwEventCounter(int index) const; void resetCounters(); void validateCamVvtCounters(); float getTimeSinceTriggerEvent(efitick_t nowNt) const { return m_lastEventTimer.getElapsedSeconds(nowNt); } TriggerNoiseFilter noiseFilter; trigger_type_e vvtTriggerType; angle_t getVVTPosition(); // latest VVT event position (could be not synchronization event) angle_t currentVVTEventPosition = 0; // synchronization event position angle_t vvtPosition = 0; /** * this is similar to TriggerState#startOfCycleNt but with the crank-only sensor magic */ efitick_t timeAtVirtualZeroNt = 0; efitick_t vvtSyncTimeNt = 0; TriggerStateWithRunningStatistics triggerState; TriggerWaveform triggerShape; TriggerState vvtState; TriggerWaveform vvtShape; TriggerFormDetails triggerFormDetails; // Keep track of the last time we got a valid trigger event Timer m_lastEventTimer; }; void triggerInfo(void); void hwHandleShaftSignal(trigger_event_e signal, efitick_t timestamp); void hwHandleVvtCamSignal(trigger_value_e front, efitick_t timestamp DECLARE_ENGINE_PARAMETER_SUFFIX); void initTriggerCentral(Logging *sharedLogger); /** * this method is invoked by 'unit tests' project on PC to write triggers.txt representation of all rusEFI triggers * That triggers.txt is later consumed by TriggerImage.java to render trigger images */ void exportAllTriggers(); int isSignalDecoderError(void); void resetMaxValues(); void onConfigurationChangeTriggerCallback(DECLARE_ENGINE_PARAMETER_SIGNATURE); bool checkIfTriggerConfigChanged(DECLARE_ENGINE_PARAMETER_SIGNATURE); bool isTriggerConfigChanged(DECLARE_ENGINE_PARAMETER_SIGNATURE); bool isTriggerDecoderError(DECLARE_ENGINE_PARAMETER_SIGNATURE); #define SYMMETRICAL_CRANK_SENSOR_DIVIDER 4