/** * @file hardware.cpp * @brief Hardware package entry point * * @date May 27, 2013 * @author Andrey Belomutskiy, (c) 2012-2014 */ #include "main.h" #include "hardware.h" #include "pin_repository.h" #include "io_pins.h" #include "rtc_helper.h" #include "rfiutil.h" #include "console_io.h" #include "adc_inputs.h" #include "trigger_input.h" #include "eficonsole.h" #include "board_test.h" #include "mcp3208.h" #include "HIP9011.h" #include "max31855.h" #include "can_hw.h" #include "histogram.h" #include "mmc_card.h" #include "neo6m.h" #include "lcd_HD44780.h" #include "settings.h" #include "algo.h" #if EFI_INTERNAL_FLASH #include "flash_main.h" #endif /* EFI_INTERNAL_FLASH */ #include "trigger_central.h" #include "svnversion.h" #include "engine_configuration.h" #include "ec2.h" extern engine_configuration2_s * engineConfiguration2; static bool isSpiInitialized[5] = { false, false, false, false, false }; static void initSpiModule(SPIDriver *driver, ioportid_t sckPort, ioportmask_t sckPin, ioportid_t misoPort, ioportmask_t misoPin, ioportid_t mosiPort, ioportmask_t mosiPin, int af) { mySetPadMode("SPI clock", sckPort, sckPin, PAL_MODE_ALTERNATE(af)); mySetPadMode("SPI master out", mosiPort, mosiPin, PAL_MODE_ALTERNATE(af)); mySetPadMode("SPI master in ", misoPort, misoPin, PAL_MODE_ALTERNATE(af)); } static Mutex spiMtx; /** * Only one consumer can use SPI bus at a given time */ void lockSpi(spi_device_e device) { // todo: different locks for different SPI devices! chMtxLock(&spiMtx); } void unlockSpi(void) { chMtxUnlock(); } void turnOnSpi(spi_device_e device) { if (isSpiInitialized[device]) return; // already initialized isSpiInitialized[device] = true; if (device == SPI_DEVICE_1) { #if STM32_SPI_USE_SPI1 // scheduleMsg(&logging, "Turning on SPI1 pins"); initSpiModule(&SPID1, EFI_SPI1_SCK_PORT, EFI_SPI1_SCK_PIN, EFI_SPI1_MISO_PORT, EFI_SPI1_MISO_PIN, EFI_SPI1_MOSI_PORT, EFI_SPI1_MOSI_PIN, EFI_SPI1_AF); #endif } if (device == SPI_DEVICE_2) { #if STM32_SPI_USE_SPI2 // scheduleMsg(&logging, "Turning on SPI2 pins"); initSpiModule(&SPID2, EFI_SPI2_SCK_PORT, EFI_SPI2_SCK_PIN, EFI_SPI2_MISO_PORT, EFI_SPI2_MISO_PIN, EFI_SPI2_MOSI_PORT, EFI_SPI2_MOSI_PIN, EFI_SPI2_AF); #endif } if (device == SPI_DEVICE_3) { #if STM32_SPI_USE_SPI3 // scheduleMsg(&logging, "Turning on SPI3 pins"); initSpiModule(&SPID3, EFI_SPI3_SCK_PORT, EFI_SPI3_SCK_PIN, EFI_SPI3_MISO_PORT, EFI_SPI3_MISO_PIN, EFI_SPI3_MOSI_PORT, EFI_SPI3_MOSI_PIN, EFI_SPI3_AF); #endif } } static void initSpiModules(board_configuration_s *boardConfiguration) { if (boardConfiguration->is_enabled_spi_2) { turnOnSpi(SPI_DEVICE_2); } if (boardConfiguration->is_enabled_spi_3) { turnOnSpi(SPI_DEVICE_3); } } static I2CConfig i2cfg = { OPMODE_I2C, 100000, STD_DUTY_CYCLE, }; void initI2Cmodule(void) { print("Starting I2C module\r\n"); i2cInit(); i2cStart(&I2CD1, &i2cfg); mySetPadMode("I2C clock", EFI_I2C_SCL_PORT, EFI_I2C_SCL_PIN, PAL_MODE_ALTERNATE(EFI_I2C_AF) | PAL_STM32_OTYPE_OPENDRAIN); mySetPadMode("I2C data", EFI_I2C_SDA_PORT, EFI_I2C_SDA_PIN, PAL_MODE_ALTERNATE(EFI_I2C_AF) | PAL_STM32_OTYPE_OPENDRAIN); } //static char txbuf[1]; static void sendI2Cbyte(int addr, int data) { // i2cAcquireBus(&I2CD1); // txbuf[0] = data; // i2cMasterTransmit(&I2CD1, addr, txbuf, 1, NULL, 0); // i2cReleaseBus(&I2CD1); } // this is all very lame code, just playing with EXTI for now. TODO: refactor it competely! static int joyTotal = 0; static int joyA = 0; static int joyB = 0; static int joyC = 0; void initHardware(Logging *logger, Engine *engine) { engine_configuration_s *engineConfiguration = engine->engineConfiguration; efiAssertVoid(engineConfiguration!=NULL, "engineConfiguration"); board_configuration_s *boardConfiguration = &engineConfiguration->bc; printMsg(logger, "initHardware()"); // todo: enable protection. it's disabled because it takes // 10 extra seconds to re-flash the chip //flashProtect(); chMtxInit(&spiMtx); #if EFI_HISTOGRAMS /** * histograms is a data structure for CPU monitor, it does not depend on configuration */ initHistogramsModule(); #endif /* EFI_HISTOGRAMS */ /** * We need the LED_ERROR pin even before we read configuration */ initPrimaryPins(); if (hasFirmwareError()) { return; } initDataStructures(engineConfiguration); #if EFI_INTERNAL_FLASH palSetPadMode(CONFIG_RESET_SWITCH_PORT, CONFIG_RESET_SWITCH_PIN, PAL_MODE_INPUT_PULLUP); initFlash(); /** * this call reads configuration from flash memory or sets default configuration * if flash state does not look right. */ if (SHOULD_INGORE_FLASH()) { engineConfiguration->engineType = FORD_ASPIRE_1996; resetConfigurationExt(logger, engineConfiguration->engineType, engineConfiguration, engineConfiguration2); writeToFlash(); } else { readFromFlash(); } #else engineConfiguration->engineType = FORD_ASPIRE_1996; resetConfigurationExt(logger, engineConfiguration->engineType, engineConfiguration, engineConfiguration2, boardConfiguration); #endif /* EFI_INTERNAL_FLASH */ if (hasFirmwareError()) { return; } mySetPadMode2("board test", boardConfiguration->boardTestModeJumperPin, PAL_MODE_INPUT_PULLUP); bool isBoardTestMode_b = GET_BOARD_TEST_MODE_VALUE(); initAdcInputs(); if (isBoardTestMode_b) { initBoardTest(); efiAssertVoid(FALSE, "board test done"); } initRtc(); initOutputPins(); #if EFI_HIP_9011 initHip9011(); #endif /* EFI_HIP_9011 */ #if EFI_MAX_31855 initMax31855(boardConfiguration); #endif /* EFI_MAX_31855 */ #if EFI_CAN_SUPPORT initCan(); #endif /* EFI_CAN_SUPPORT */ // init_adc_mcp3208(&adcState, &SPID2); // requestAdcValue(&adcState, 0); // todo: figure out better startup logic initTriggerCentral(engine); #if EFI_SHAFT_POSITION_INPUT initShaftPositionInputCapture(); #endif /* EFI_SHAFT_POSITION_INPUT */ initSpiModules(boardConfiguration); #if EFI_FILE_LOGGING initMmcCard(); #endif /* EFI_FILE_LOGGING */ // initFixedLeds(); // initBooleanInputs(); #if EFI_UART_GPS initGps(); #endif #if ADC_SNIFFER initAdcDriver(); #endif #if EFI_HD44780_LCD // initI2Cmodule(); lcd_HD44780_init(); if (hasFirmwareError()) return; lcd_HD44780_print_string(VCS_VERSION); #endif /* EFI_HD44780_LCD */ addConsoleActionII("i2c", sendI2Cbyte); // while (true) { // for (int addr = 0x20; addr < 0x28; addr++) { // sendI2Cbyte(addr, 0); // int err = i2cGetErrors(&I2CD1); // print("I2C: err=%x from %d\r\n", err, addr); // chThdSleepMilliseconds(5); // sendI2Cbyte(addr, 255); // chThdSleepMilliseconds(5); // } // } printMsg(logger, "initHardware() OK!"); } SPIDriver * getSpiDevice(spi_device_e spiDevice) { if (spiDevice == SPI_NONE) { return NULL; } #if STM32_SPI_USE_SPI1 || defined(__DOXYGEN__) if (spiDevice == SPI_DEVICE_1) { return &SPID1; } #endif #if STM32_SPI_USE_SPI2 || defined(__DOXYGEN__) if (spiDevic e== SPI_DEVICE_2) { return &SPID2; } #endif #if STM32_SPI_USE_SPI3 || defined(__DOXYGEN__) if (spiDevice == SPI_DEVICE_3) { return &SPID3; } #endif firmwareError("Unexpected SPI device: %d", spiDevice); return NULL; } void initSpiCs(SPIConfig *spiConfig, brain_pin_e csPin) { spiConfig->end_cb = NULL; ioportid_t port = getHwPort(csPin); ioportmask_t pin = getHwPin(csPin); spiConfig->ssport = port; spiConfig->sspad = pin; mySetPadMode("chip select", port, pin, PAL_STM32_MODE_OUTPUT); } // {EXT_CH_MODE_BOTH_EDGES | EXT_CH_MODE_AUTOSTART | EXT_MODE_GPIOA, extcb1}, static void extCallback(EXTDriver *extp, expchannel_t channel) { joyTotal++; if(channel==8) { joyA++; } else if (channel==9){ joyB++; } else if (channel==10){ joyC++; } } /** * EXTI is a funny thing: you can only use same pin on one port. For example, you can use * PA0 PB5 PE2 PD7 * but you cannot use * PA0 PB0 PE2 PD7 * because pin '0' would be used on two different ports */ static EXTConfig extcfg = { { { EXT_CH_MODE_DISABLED, NULL }, { EXT_CH_MODE_DISABLED, NULL }, { EXT_CH_MODE_DISABLED, NULL }, { EXT_CH_MODE_DISABLED, NULL }, { EXT_CH_MODE_DISABLED, NULL }, { EXT_CH_MODE_DISABLED, NULL }, { EXT_CH_MODE_DISABLED, NULL }, { EXT_CH_MODE_DISABLED, NULL }, { EXT_CH_MODE_DISABLED, NULL }, { EXT_CH_MODE_DISABLED, NULL }, { EXT_CH_MODE_DISABLED, NULL }, { EXT_CH_MODE_DISABLED, NULL }, { EXT_CH_MODE_DISABLED, NULL }, { EXT_CH_MODE_DISABLED, NULL }, { EXT_CH_MODE_DISABLED, NULL }, { EXT_CH_MODE_DISABLED, NULL }, { EXT_CH_MODE_DISABLED, NULL }, { EXT_CH_MODE_DISABLED, NULL }, { EXT_CH_MODE_DISABLED, NULL }, { EXT_CH_MODE_DISABLED, NULL }, { EXT_CH_MODE_DISABLED, NULL }, { EXT_CH_MODE_DISABLED, NULL }, { EXT_CH_MODE_DISABLED, NULL } } }; void initExt(void) { // if (1 == 1) { // return; // } extcfg.channels[8].mode = EXT_CH_MODE_BOTH_EDGES | EXT_CH_MODE_AUTOSTART | EXT_MODE_GPIOD; // PD8 extcfg.channels[8].cb = extCallback; extcfg.channels[9].mode = EXT_CH_MODE_BOTH_EDGES | EXT_CH_MODE_AUTOSTART | EXT_MODE_GPIOD; // PD9 extcfg.channels[9].cb = extCallback; extcfg.channels[10].mode = EXT_CH_MODE_BOTH_EDGES | EXT_CH_MODE_AUTOSTART | EXT_MODE_GPIOD; // PD10 extcfg.channels[10].cb = extCallback; extcfg.channels[11].mode = EXT_CH_MODE_BOTH_EDGES | EXT_CH_MODE_AUTOSTART | EXT_MODE_GPIOD; // PD11 extcfg.channels[11].cb = extCallback; mySetPadMode("joy A", GPIOD, 8, PAL_MODE_INPUT_PULLUP); mySetPadMode("joy A", GPIOD, 9, PAL_MODE_INPUT_PULLUP); mySetPadMode("joy A", GPIOD, 10, PAL_MODE_INPUT_PULLUP); mySetPadMode("joy A", GPIOD, 11, PAL_MODE_INPUT_PULLUP); }