27 lines
644 B
27 lines
644 B
@echo off
call compile.bat
rem svn info > ../firmware_binary/version.txt
rem cp config/features.h ../firmware_binary
rem cp build/rusefi.hex ../firmware_binary
rem cp build/rusefi.elf ../firmware_binary
rem cp tunerstudio/rusefi.ini ../firmware_binary
rem cd ../firmware_binary
rem del firmaware_binary.zip
rem 7z a firmaware_binary.zip rusefi.hex rusefi.ini features.h flash.bat
rem cd ../firmware
echo Looking at size
arm-none-eabi-size --format=berkeley "build\rusefi.elf"
echo Compiler version
arm-none-eabi-gcc -v
echo Have the file, let's program the board right away
call flash_openocd
echo Done flashing