148 lines
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148 lines
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* @file test_idle_controller.cpp
* @date Oct 17, 2013
* @author Andrey Belomutskiy, (c) 2012-2018
#include "engine_test_helper.h"
#include "advance_map.h"
#include "tps.h"
#include "pid.h"
TEST(idle, pid) {
print("******************************************* testPidController\r\n");
pid_s pidS;
pidS.pFactor = 50;
pidS.iFactor = 0.5;
pidS.dFactor = 0;
pidS.offset = 0;
pidS.minValue = 10;
pidS.maxValue = 90;
pidS.periodMs = 1;
Pid pid(&pidS);
ASSERT_EQ( 90, pid.getOutput(14, 12, 0.1)) << "getValue#90";
ASSERT_EQ( 10, pid.getOutput(14, 16, 0.1)) << "getValue#10";
ASSERT_EQ(10, pid.getOutput(14, 16, 1));
pid.updateFactors(29, 0, 0);
ASSERT_EQ(10, pid.getOutput(14, 16, 1));
// ASSERT_EQ(68, pid.getIntegration());
ASSERT_EQ(10, pid.getOutput(14, 16, 1));
// ASSERT_EQ(0, pid.getIntegration());
ASSERT_EQ(10, pid.getOutput(14, 16, 1));
// ASSERT_EQ(68, pid.getIntegration());
pidS.pFactor = 1;
pidS.iFactor = 0;
pidS.dFactor = 0;
pidS.offset = 0;
pidS.minValue = 0;
pidS.maxValue = 100;
pidS.periodMs = 1;
ASSERT_EQ( 50, pid.getOutput(/*target*/50, /*input*/0)) << "target=50, input=0";
ASSERT_EQ( 0, pid.iTerm) << "target=50, input=0 iTerm";
ASSERT_EQ( 0, pid.getOutput(/*target*/50, /*input*/70)) << "target=50, input=70";
ASSERT_EQ( 0, pid.iTerm) << "target=50, input=70 iTerm";
ASSERT_EQ( 0, pid.getOutput(/*target*/50, /*input*/70)) << "target=50, input=70 #2";
ASSERT_EQ( 0, pid.iTerm) << "target=50, input=70 iTerm #2";
ASSERT_EQ( 0, pid.getOutput(/*target*/50, /*input*/50)) << "target=50, input=50";
ASSERT_EQ( 0, pid.iTerm) << "target=50, input=50 iTerm";
TEST(idle, timingPid) {
print("******************************************* testTimingPidController\r\n");
// basic engine setup
// set PID settings
pid_s pidS;
pidS.pFactor = 0.1;
pidS.iFactor = 0;
pidS.dFactor = 0;
pidS.offset = 0;
pidS.minValue = -20;
pidS.maxValue = +20;
pidS.periodMs = 1;
// setup TimingPid settings
engineConfiguration->idleTimingPidDeadZone = 10;
engineConfiguration->idleTimingPidWorkZone = 100;
engineConfiguration->idlePidFalloffDeltaRpm = 30;
// setup target rpm curve (we need only 1 value when CLT sensor is disabled)
const int idleRpmTarget = 700;
engineConfiguration->cltIdleRpm[0] = idleRpmTarget;
// setup other settings
engineConfiguration->idleTimingPid = pidS;
eth.engine.fsioState.fsioTimingAdjustment = 0;
eth.engine.fsioState.fsioIdleTargetRPMAdjustment = 0;
eth.engine.engineState.cltTimingCorrection = 0;
// configure TPS
engineConfiguration->tpsMin = 0;
engineConfiguration->tpsMax = 100;
engineConfiguration->bc.idlePidDeactivationTpsThreshold = 10;
// disable temperature sensors
eth.engine.sensors.clt = NAN;
eth.engine.sensors.iat = NAN;
// all corrections disabled, should be 0
engineConfiguration->bc.useIdleTimingPidControl = false;
angle_t corr = getAdvanceCorrections(idleRpmTarget PASS_ENGINE_PARAMETER_SUFFIX);
ASSERT_EQ(0, corr) << "getAdvanceCorrections#1";
// basic IDLE PID correction test
engineConfiguration->bc.useIdleTimingPidControl = true;
int baseTestRpm = idleRpmTarget + engineConfiguration->idleTimingPidWorkZone;
corr = getAdvanceCorrections(baseTestRpm PASS_ENGINE_PARAMETER_SUFFIX);
// (delta_rpm=-100) * (p-factor=0.1) = -10 degrees
ASSERT_EQ(-10, corr) << "getAdvanceCorrections#2";
// check if rpm is too close to the target
corr = getAdvanceCorrections((idleRpmTarget + engineConfiguration->idleTimingPidDeadZone) PASS_ENGINE_PARAMETER_SUFFIX);
ASSERT_EQ(0, corr) << "getAdvanceCorrections#3";
// check if rpm is too high (just outside the workzone and even falloff) so we disable the PID correction
int tooHighRpm = idleRpmTarget + engineConfiguration->idleTimingPidWorkZone + engineConfiguration->idlePidFalloffDeltaRpm;
corr = getAdvanceCorrections(tooHighRpm PASS_ENGINE_PARAMETER_SUFFIX);
ASSERT_EQ(0, corr) << "getAdvanceCorrections#4";
// check if rpm is within the falloff zone
int falloffRpm = idleRpmTarget + engineConfiguration->idleTimingPidWorkZone + (engineConfiguration->idlePidFalloffDeltaRpm / 2);
corr = getAdvanceCorrections(falloffRpm PASS_ENGINE_PARAMETER_SUFFIX);
// -(100+30/2) * 0.1 / 2 = -5.75
ASSERT_FLOAT_EQ(-5.75f, corr) << "getAdvanceCorrections#5";
// check if PID correction is disabled in running mode (tps > threshold):
setMockTpsAdc(engineConfiguration->bc.idlePidDeactivationTpsThreshold + 1 PASS_ENGINE_PARAMETER_SUFFIX);
corr = getAdvanceCorrections(idleRpmTarget PASS_ENGINE_PARAMETER_SUFFIX);
ASSERT_EQ(0, corr) << "getAdvanceCorrections#6";
// check if PID correction is interpolated for transient idle-running TPS positions
setMockTpsAdc(engineConfiguration->bc.idlePidDeactivationTpsThreshold / 2 PASS_ENGINE_PARAMETER_SUFFIX);
corr = getAdvanceCorrections(baseTestRpm PASS_ENGINE_PARAMETER_SUFFIX);
ASSERT_FLOAT_EQ(-5.0f, corr) << "getAdvanceCorrections#7";