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KNOCK", "function": "DIGITAL" }, { "pin": "4C", "id": [ "GPIOC_4", "EFI_ADC_14" ], "class": [ "switch_inputs", "analog_inputs" ], "ts_name": "4C - IN TEMP/PPS2", "function": "TEMP OR PPS2" }, { "pin": "4D", "function": "boost see 3T" }, { "pin": "4E", "id": "GPIOD_9", "class": "outputs", "ts_name": "4E - VVT", "function": "VVT Oil Control Valve neg.", "type": "ls" }, { "pin": "4F", "function": "+5V" }, { "pin": "4G", "function": "WBO" }, { "pin": "4H", "function": "WBO" }, { "pin": "4I", "function": "WBO" }, { "pin": "4J", "function": "WBO" }, { "pin": "4K", "function": "WBO" }, { "pin": "4L", "function": "WBO" }, { "pin": "int_pps1", "id": [ "GPIOA_3", "EFI_ADC_3" ], "class": [ "switch_inputs", "analog_inputs" ], "ts_name": "PPS1" }, { "pin": "int_tps2", "id": [ "GPIOA_1", "EFI_ADC_1" ], "class": [ "switch_inputs", "analog_inputs" ], "ts_name": "TPS1" }, { "pin": "int_etb+", "id": "GPIOC_7", "class": "outputs", "ts_name": "ETB +" }, { "pin": "int_etb-", "id": "GPIOC_8", "class": "outputs", "ts_name": "ETB +" }, { "pin": "int_etb_EN", "id": "GPIOC_6", "class": "outputs", "ts_name": "ETB +" } ], "info": { "title": "Hellen Miata NB1", "image": { "file": "main.jpg" }, "pins": [ { "pin": "1A", "x": 3984, "y": 312 }, { "pin": "1B", "x": 3984, "y": 512 }, { "pin": "1C", "x": 3860, "y": 312 }, { "pin": "1D", "x": 3860, "y": 512 }, { "pin": "1E", "x": 3735, "y": 352 }, { "pin": "1F", "x": 3735, "y": 544 }, { "pin": "1G", "x": 3624, "y": 352 }, { "pin": "1H", "x": 3624, "y": 544 }, { "pin": "1I", "x": 3508, "y": 352 }, { "pin": "1J", "x": 3508, "y": 544 }, { "pin": "1M", "x": 3284, "y": 352 }, { "pin": "1N", "x": 3284, "y": 544 }, { "pin": "1R", "x": 3062, "y": 544 }, { "pin": "1S", "x": 2952, "y": 352 }, { "pin": "1T", "x": 2952, "y": 544 }, { "pin": "1V", "x": 2838, "y": 512 }, { "pin": "2A", "x": 2616, "y": 352 }, { "pin": "2B", "x": 2616, "y": 544 }, { "pin": "2C", "x": 2506, "y": 352 }, { "pin": "2D", "x": 2506, "y": 544 }, { "pin": "2E", "x": 2396, "y": 352 }, { "pin": "2F", "x": 2396, "y": 544 }, { "pin": "2G", "x": 2286, "y": 352 }, { "pin": "2H", "x": 2286, "y": 544 }, { "pin": "2I", "x": 2176, "y": 352 }, { "pin": "2J", "x": 2176, "y": 544 }, { "pin": "2K", "x": 2066, "y": 352 }, { "pin": "2L", "x": 2066, "y": 544 }, { "pin": "2M", "x": 1956, "y": 352 }, { "pin": "2N", "x": 1956, "y": 544 }, { "pin": "2O", "x": 1846, "y": 352 }, { "pin": "2P", "x": 1846, "y": 544 }, { "pin": "3A", "x": 1604, "y": 312 }, { "pin": "3B", "x": 1604, "y": 512 }, { "pin": "3C", "x": 1488, "y": 312 }, { "pin": "3D", "x": 1488, "y": 512 }, { "pin": "3E", "x": 1368, "y": 360 }, { "pin": "3F", "x": 1368, "y": 552 }, { "pin": "3G", "x": 1256, "y": 360 }, { "pin": "3I", "x": 1140, "y": 360 }, { "pin": "3J", "x": 1140, "y": 552 }, { "pin": "3O", "x": 807, "y": 360 }, { "pin": "3P", "x": 807, "y": 552 }, { "pin": "3Q", "x": 690, "y": 360 }, { "pin": "3U", "x": 460, "y": 312 }, { "pin": "3V", "x": 460, "y": 512 }, { "pin": "3W", "x": 330, "y": 312 }, { "pin": "3Y", "x": 200, "y": 312 }, { "pin": "3Z", "x": 200, "y": 512 } ] } } `,
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function addRow(table, pin, cid) {
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if (elem.matches(".container")) {
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if (c.pins[iii].pin == pin) {
clickPin(table, c.pins[iii],;
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for (var i = 0; i < connector.pins.length; i++) {
var pin = connector.pins[i];
if (! {
var pinfo = {};
for (var ii = 0; ii <; ii++) {
if ([ii].pin == {
pinfo =[ii];
if (!pinfo.x) {
addRow(fullTable, connector.pins[i], cid);
var closest = 1000000;
for (var ii = 0; ii <; ii++) {
var tinfo =[ii];
var distance = Math.pow((tinfo.x - pinfo.x), 2) + Math.pow((tinfo.y - pinfo.y), 2);
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pin.pdiv = pdiv;
pdiv.addEventListener("click", function(table, pin, cid) {
clickPin(table, pin, cid);
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addRow(fullTable, pin, cid);
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<img class="connector-img"></img>
<table class="info-table">
<th class="pin-header" data-field="pin">Pin Number</th>
<th class="ts-header" data-field="ts_name">TS Name</th>
<th class="type-header" data-field="type">Type</th>
<th class="function-header" data-field="function">Typical Function</th>
<th class="color-header" data-field="color">Pigtail Color</th>
<h2>Full Pinout Table</h2>
<div class="table-wrapper">
<table class="pinout-table">
<th class="pin-header" data-field="pin">Pin Number</th>
<th class="ts-header" data-field="ts_name">TS Name</th>
<th class="type-header" data-field="type">Type</th>
<th class="function-header" data-field="function">Typical Function</th>
<th class="color-header" data-field="color">Pigtail Color</th>