
437 lines
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2023-01-06 08:55:59 -08:00
package com.rusefi;
import com.devexperts.logging.Logging;
import com.opensr5.ini.RawIniFile;
import com.opensr5.ini.field.EnumIniField;
import com.rusefi.enum_reader.Value;
import com.rusefi.output.*;
import com.rusefi.util.IoUtils;
import com.rusefi.util.SystemOut;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import java.util.*;
import static com.devexperts.logging.Logging.getLogging;
import static com.rusefi.ConfigFieldImpl.BOOLEAN_T;
import static com.rusefi.VariableRegistry.unquote;
import static com.rusefi.output.JavaSensorsConsumer.quote;
* We keep state here as we read configuration definition
* <p>
* Andrey Belomutskiy, (c) 2013-2020
* 12/19/18
public class ReaderStateImpl implements ReaderState {
private static final Logging log = getLogging(ReaderStateImpl.class);
public static final String BIT = "bit";
private static final String CUSTOM = "custom";
private static final String END_STRUCT = "end_struct";
private static final String STRUCT_NO_PREFIX = "struct_no_prefix ";
private static final String STRUCT = "struct ";
// used to update other files
private final List<String> inputFiles = new ArrayList<>();
private final Stack<ConfigStructureImpl> stack = new Stack<>();
private final Map<String, Integer> tsCustomSize = new HashMap<>();
private final Map<String, String> tsCustomLine = new HashMap<>();
private final Map<String, ConfigStructureImpl> structures = new HashMap<>();
private String headerMessage;
// well, technically those should be a builder for state, not this state class itself
private String tsFileOutputName = "rusefi.ini";
private String definitionInputFile = null;
private boolean withC_Defines = true;
private final List<String> prependFiles = new ArrayList<>();
private final List<ConfigurationConsumer> destinations = new ArrayList<>();
private final EnumsReader enumsReader = new EnumsReader();
private final VariableRegistry variableRegistry = new VariableRegistry();
public void setWithC_Defines(boolean withC_Defines) {
this.withC_Defines = withC_Defines;
public EnumsReader getEnumsReader() {
return enumsReader;
public List<String> getInputFiles() {
return inputFiles;
private static void handleBitLine(ReaderStateImpl state, String line) {
line = line.substring(BIT.length() + 1).trim();
String bitName;
String comment;
if (!line.contains(";")) {
bitName = line;
comment = "";
} else {
int index = line.indexOf(";");
bitName = line.substring(0, index);
comment = line.substring(index + 1);
String[] bitNameParts = bitName.split(",");
if (log.debugEnabled())
log.debug("Need to align before bit " + bitName);
state.stack.peek().addAlignmentFill(state, 4);
String trueName = bitNameParts.length > 1 ? bitNameParts[1].replaceAll("\"", "") : null;
String falseName = bitNameParts.length > 2 ? bitNameParts[2].replaceAll("\"", "") : null;
ConfigFieldImpl bitField = new ConfigFieldImpl(state, bitNameParts[0], comment, null, BOOLEAN_T, new int[0], null, false, false, false, trueName, falseName);
if (state.stack.isEmpty())
throw new IllegalStateException("Parent structure expected");
ConfigStructureImpl structure = state.stack.peek();
public void doJob() throws IOException {
for (String prependFile : prependFiles)
* this is the most important invocation - here we read the primary input file and generated code into all
* the destinations/writers
SystemOut.println("Reading definition from " + definitionInputFile);
BufferedReader definitionReader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(definitionInputFile),;
readBufferedReader(definitionReader, destinations);
public void read(Reader reader) throws IOException {
Map<String, EnumsReader.EnumState> newEnums = EnumsReader.readStatic(reader);
for (Map.Entry<String, EnumsReader.EnumState> enumFamily : newEnums.entrySet()) {
for (Map.Entry<String, Value> enumValue : enumFamily.getValue().entrySet()) {
String key = enumFamily.getKey() + "_" + enumValue.getKey();
String value = enumValue.getValue().getValue();
variableRegistry.register(key, value);
try {
int numericValue = enumValue.getValue().getIntValue();
variableRegistry.registerHex(key, numericValue);
} catch (NumberFormatException ignore) {
// ENUM_32_BITS would be an example of a non-numeric enum, let's just skip for now
private void handleCustomLine(String line) {
line = line.substring(CUSTOM.length() + 1).trim();
int index = line.indexOf(' ');
String name = line.substring(0, index);
String autoEnumOptions = variableRegistry.getEnumOptionsForTunerStudio(enumsReader, name);
if (autoEnumOptions != null) {
variableRegistry.register(name + VariableRegistry.AUTO_ENUM_SUFFIX, autoEnumOptions);
line = line.substring(index).trim();
index = line.indexOf(' ');
String customSize = line.substring(0, index);
String tunerStudioLine = line.substring(index).trim();
tunerStudioLine = variableRegistry.applyVariables(tunerStudioLine);
int size = parseSize(customSize, line);
tsCustomSize.put(name, size);
RawIniFile.Line rawLine = new RawIniFile.Line(tunerStudioLine);
//boolean isKeyValueForm = tunerStudioLine.contains("=\"");
if (rawLine.getTokens()[0].equals("bits")) {
EnumIniField.ParseBitRange bitRange = new EnumIniField.ParseBitRange().invoke(rawLine.getTokens()[3]);
int totalCount = 1 << (bitRange.getBitSize0() + 1);
List<String> enums = Arrays.asList(rawLine.getTokens()).subList(4, rawLine.getTokens().length);
// at the moment we read 0=NONE as two tokens, thus enums.size() is divided by two
if (enums.size() / 2 > totalCount)
throw new IllegalStateException(name + ": Too many options in " + tunerStudioLine + " capacity=" + totalCount + "/size=" + enums.size());
this does not work right now since smt32 and kinetis enum sizes could be different but same .txt file
todo: identify relevant bitsizes and use variables for bitsizes?
if (enums.size() <= totalCount / 2)
throw new IllegalStateException("Too many bits allocated for " + enums + " capacity=" + totalCount + "/size=" + enums.size());
tsCustomLine.put(name, tunerStudioLine);
public int parseSize(String customSize, String line) {
customSize = variableRegistry.applyVariables(customSize);
customSize = customSize.replaceAll("x", "*");
line = variableRegistry.applyVariables(line);
int multPosition = customSize.indexOf(VariableRegistry.MULT_TOKEN);
if (multPosition != -1) {
String firstPart = customSize.substring(0, multPosition).trim();
int first;
try {
first = Integer.parseInt(firstPart);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Size in " + line);
return first * parseSize(customSize.substring(multPosition + 1), line);
try {
return Integer.parseInt(customSize);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Size in " + line);
private void handleEndStruct(List<ConfigurationConsumer> consumers) throws IOException {
if (stack.isEmpty())
throw new IllegalStateException("Unexpected end_struct");
ConfigStructureImpl structure = stack.pop();
if (log.debugEnabled())
log.debug("Ending structure " + structure.getName());
structure.addAlignmentFill(this, 4);
structures.put(structure.getName(), structure);
for (ConfigurationConsumer consumer : consumers)
consumer.handleEndStruct(this, structure);
public void readBufferedReader(String inputString, ConfigurationConsumer... consumers) {
try {
readBufferedReader(new BufferedReader(new StringReader(inputString)), Arrays.asList(consumers));
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new IllegalStateException(e);
public void readBufferedReader(BufferedReader definitionReader, List<ConfigurationConsumer> consumers) throws IOException {
for (ConfigurationConsumer consumer : consumers)
int lineIndex = 0;
String line;
while ((line = definitionReader.readLine()) != null) {
line = ToolUtil.trimLine(line);
* we should ignore empty lines and comments
if (ToolUtil.isEmptyDefinitionLine(line))
if (line.startsWith(STRUCT)) {
handleStartStructure(this, line.substring(STRUCT.length()), true);
} else if (line.startsWith(STRUCT_NO_PREFIX)) {
handleStartStructure(this, line.substring(STRUCT_NO_PREFIX.length()), false);
} else if (line.startsWith(END_STRUCT)) {
} else if (line.startsWith(BIT)) {
handleBitLine(this, line);
} else if (ToolUtil.startsWithToken(line, CUSTOM)) {
} else if (ToolUtil.startsWithToken(line, VariableRegistry.DEFINE)) {
* for example
* #define CLT_CURVE_SIZE 16
} else {
if (stack.isEmpty())
throw new IllegalStateException("Expected to be within structure at line " + lineIndex + ": " + line);
processField(this, line);
for (ConfigurationConsumer consumer : consumers)
private void addBitPadding() {
ConfigStructureImpl structure = stack.peek();
public void ensureEmptyAfterProcessing() {
if (!stack.isEmpty())
throw new IllegalStateException("Unclosed structure: " + stack.peek().getName());
private static void handleStartStructure(ReaderStateImpl state, String line, boolean withPrefix) {
String name;
String comment;
if (line.contains(" ")) {
int index = line.indexOf(' ');
name = line.substring(0, index);
comment = line.substring(index + 1).trim();
} else {
name = line;
comment = null;
ConfigStructureImpl structure = new ConfigStructureImpl(name, comment, withPrefix);
if (log.debugEnabled())
log.debug("Starting structure " + structure.getName());
private static void processField(ReaderStateImpl state, String line) {
ConfigFieldImpl cf = ConfigFieldImpl.parse(state, line);
if (cf == null) {
if (ConfigFieldImpl.isPreprocessorDirective(line)) {
cf = new ConfigFieldImpl(state, "", line, null,
ConfigFieldImpl.DIRECTIVE_T, new int[0], null, false, false, false,
null, null);
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot parse line [" + line + "]");
if (state.stack.isEmpty())
throw new IllegalStateException(cf.getName() + ": Not enclosed in a struct");
ConfigStructureImpl structure = state.stack.peek();
Integer getPrimitiveSize = TypesHelper.getPrimitiveSize(cf.getType());
Integer customTypeSize = state.tsCustomSize.get(cf.getType());
if (getPrimitiveSize != null && getPrimitiveSize > 1) {
if (log.debugEnabled())
log.debug("Need to align before " + cf.getName());
structure.addAlignmentFill(state, getPrimitiveSize);
} else if (state.structures.containsKey(cf.getType())) {
// we are here for struct members
structure.addAlignmentFill(state, 4);
} else if (customTypeSize != null) {
structure.addAlignmentFill(state, customTypeSize % 8);
if (cf.isIterate()) {
for (int i = 1; i <= cf.getArraySizes()[0]; i++) {
String commentWithIndex = getCommentWithIndex(cf, i);
ConfigFieldImpl element = new ConfigFieldImpl(state, cf.getName() + i, commentWithIndex, null,
cf.getType(), new int[0], cf.getTsInfo(), false, false, cf.isHasAutoscale(), null, null);
element.setFromIterate(cf.getName(), i);
} else if (cf.isDirective()) {
} else {
private static String getCommentWithIndex(ConfigFieldImpl cf, int i) {
String unquoted = unquote(cf.getCommentOrName());
String string = unquoted + " " + i;
return quote(string);
public String getHeader() {
if (headerMessage == null)
throw new NullPointerException("No header message yet");
return headerMessage;
public void setDefinitionInputFile(String definitionInputFile) {
this.definitionInputFile = definitionInputFile;
headerMessage = ToolUtil.getGeneratedAutomaticallyTag() + definitionInputFile + " " + new Date();
public void addCHeaderDestination(String cHeader) {
destinations.add(new CHeaderConsumer(this, cHeader, withC_Defines));
public void addJavaDestination(String fileName) {
destinations.add(new FileJavaFieldsConsumer(this, fileName, 0));
public void addPrepend(String fileName) {
if (fileName == null || fileName.isEmpty()) {
// see LiveDataProcessor use-case with dynamic prepend usage
public void addDestination(ConfigurationConsumer... consumers) {
public void addInputFile(String fileName) {
public VariableRegistry getVariableRegistry() {
return variableRegistry;
public Map<String, Integer> getTsCustomSize() {
return tsCustomSize;
public Map<String, ? extends ConfigStructure> getStructures() {
return structures;
public Map<String, String> getTsCustomLine() {
return tsCustomLine;
public void setHeaderMessage(String headerMessage) {
this.headerMessage = headerMessage;
public String getTsFileOutputName() {
return tsFileOutputName;
public void setTsFileOutputName(String tsFileOutputName) {
this.tsFileOutputName = tsFileOutputName;
public String getDefinitionInputFile() {
return definitionInputFile;
public List<String> getPrependFiles() {
return prependFiles;
public boolean isDestinationsEmpty() {
return destinations.isEmpty();
public boolean isStackEmpty() {
return stack.isEmpty();