/* * @file mazda_miata_vvt.cpp * * Miata NB2, also known as MX-5 Mk2.5 * * Frankenso MAZDA_MIATA_2003 * set engine_type 47 * * coil1/4 (p1 +5 VP) Gpio::E14 * coil2/2 (p1 +5 VP) Gpio::C9 * tachometer +5 VP (p3 +12 VP) Gpio::E8 * alternator +5 VP (p3 +12 VP) Gpio::E10 * ETB PWM Gpio::E6 inverted low-side with pull-up * ETB dir1 Gpio::E12 * ETB dir2 Gpio::C7 * * COP ion #1 Gpio::D8 * COP ion #3 Gpio::D9 * * @date Oct 4, 2016 * @author Andrey Belomutskiy, (c) 2012-2020 * http://rusefi.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=1095 * * * See also TT_MAZDA_MIATA_VVT_TEST for trigger simulation * * Based on http://rusefi.com/wiki/index.php?title=Manual:Hardware_Frankenso_board#Default_Pinout * * board #70 - red car, hunchback compatible * set engine_type 55 * * Crank primary trigger PA5 (3E in Miata board) white * Cam vvt input PC6 (3G in Miata board) blue * Wideband input PA3 (3J in Miata board) * * coil1/4 (p1 +5 VP) Gpio::E14 * coil2/2 (p1 +5 VP) Gpio::C7 * * tachometer +5 VP (p3 +12 VP) Gpio::E8 * alternator +5 VP (p3 +12 VP) Gpio::E10 * * VVT solenoid on aux PID#1 Gpio::E3 * warning light Gpio::E6 * * * idle solenoid PC13 on middle harness plug. diodes seem to be in the harness */ #include "pch.h" #include "mazda_miata_vvt.h" #include "custom_engine.h" #include "mazda_miata_base_maps.h" #if HW_PROTEUS #include "proteus_meta.h" #endif #include "mre_meta.h" #if HW_HELLEN static const float injectorLagBins[VBAT_INJECTOR_CURVE_SIZE] = { 6.0, 8.0, 10.0, 11.0, 12.0, 13.0, 14.0, 15.0 }; static const float injectorLagCorrection[VBAT_INJECTOR_CURVE_SIZE] = { 4.0 , 3.0 , 2.0 , 1.7, 1.5 , 1.35, 1.25 , 1.20 }; static const float vvt18fsioRpmBins[SCRIPT_TABLE_8] = {700.0, 1000.0, 2000.0, 3000.0, 3500.0, 4500.0, 5500.0, 6500.0} ; static const float vvt18fsioLoadBins[SCRIPT_TABLE_8] = {30.0, 40.0, 50.0, 60.0, 70.0, 75.0, 82.0, 85.0} ; static const uint8_t SCRIPT_TABLE_vvt_target[SCRIPT_TABLE_8][SCRIPT_TABLE_8] = { /* Generated by TS2C on Mon Feb 13 19:11:32 EST 2017*/ {/* 0 30 *//* 0 700.0*/1, /* 1 1000.0*/3, /* 2 2000.0*/10, /* 3 3000.0*/20, /* 4 3500.0*/27, /* 5 4500.0*/28, /* 6 5500.0*/11, /* 7 6500.0*/5, }, {/* 1 40 *//* 0 700.0*/3, /* 1 1000.0*/10, /* 2 2000.0*/19, /* 3 3000.0*/26, /* 4 3500.0*/30, /* 5 4500.0*/28, /* 6 5500.0*/11, /* 7 6500.0*/5, }, {/* 2 50 *//* 0 700.0*/7, /* 1 1000.0*/16, /* 2 2000.0*/24, /* 3 3000.0*/28, /* 4 3500.0*/30, /* 5 4500.0*/28, /* 6 5500.0*/11, /* 7 6500.0*/5, }, {/* 3 60 *//* 0 700.0*/11, /* 1 1000.0*/20, /* 2 2000.0*/27, /* 3 3000.0*/28, /* 4 3500.0*/30, /* 5 4500.0*/28, /* 6 5500.0*/11, /* 7 6500.0*/5, }, {/* 4 70 *//* 0 700.0*/13, /* 1 1000.0*/24, /* 2 2000.0*/31, /* 3 3000.0*/28, /* 4 3500.0*/30, /* 5 4500.0*/28, /* 6 5500.0*/11, /* 7 6500.0*/5, }, {/* 5 75 *//* 0 700.0*/15, /* 1 1000.0*/27, /* 2 2000.0*/33, /* 3 3000.0*/28, /* 4 3500.0*/30, /* 5 4500.0*/28, /* 6 5500.0*/11, /* 7 6500.0*/5, }, {/* 6 82 *//* 0 700.0*/17, /* 1 1000.0*/28, /* 2 2000.0*/33, /* 3 3000.0*/28, /* 4 3500.0*/30, /* 5 4500.0*/28, /* 6 5500.0*/11, /* 7 6500.0*/5, }, {/* 7 85 *//* 0 700.0*/17, /* 1 1000.0*/28, /* 2 2000.0*/33, /* 3 3000.0*/28, /* 4 3500.0*/30, /* 5 4500.0*/28, /* 6 5500.0*/11, /* 7 6500.0*/5, }, }; #if (FUEL_LOAD_COUNT == DEFAULT_FUEL_LOAD_COUNT) && (FUEL_RPM_COUNT == DEFAULT_FUEL_LOAD_COUNT) const float mazda_miata_nb2_RpmBins[FUEL_RPM_COUNT] = {700.0, 820.0, 950.0, 1100.0, 1300.0, 1550.0, 1800.0, 2150.0, 2500.0, 3000.0, 3500.0, 4150.0, 4900.0, 5800.0, 6800.0, 8000.0} ; const float mazda_miata_nb2_LoadBins[FUEL_LOAD_COUNT] = {20.0, 25.0, 30.0, 35.0, 40.0, 46.0, 54.0, 63.0, 73.0, 85.0, 99.0, 116.0, 135.0, 158.0, 185.0, 220.0} ; #endif #if (IGN_RPM_COUNT == DEFAULT_IGN_RPM_COUNT) && (IGN_LOAD_COUNT == DEFAULT_IGN_LOAD_COUNT) static const float ignition18vvtRpmBins[IGN_RPM_COUNT] = { 700.0, 850.0 , 943.0 , 1112.0 , 1310.0 , 1545.0 , 1821.0, 2146.0, 2530.0, 2982.0, 3515.0 , 4144.0 , 4884.0 , 5757.0 , 6787.0, 8000.0}; static const float ignition18vvtLoadBins[IGN_LOAD_COUNT] = { 25.0 , 29.10009765625 , 34.0 , 39.60009765625 , 46.2001953125 , 53.89990234375 , 62.7998046875 , 73.2001953125 , 85.400390625 , 99.5 , 116.0 , 135.30078125 , 157.69921875 , 183.900390625 , 214.400390625 , 250.0}; static const int8_t mapBased18vvtVeTable_NB_fuel_rail[16][16] = { /* Generated by TS2C on Tue Apr 18 21:46:03 EDT 2017*/ {/* 0 20 *//* 0 700.0*/35, /* 1 820.0*/36, /* 2 950.0*/37, /* 3 1100.0*/35, /* 4 1300.0*/36, /* 5 1550.0*/37, /* 6 1800.0*/33, /* 7 2150.0*/31, /* 8 2500.0*/25, /* 9 3000.0*/24, /* 10 3500.0*/24, /* 11 4150.0*/25, /* 12 4900.0*/26, /* 13 5800.0*/29, /* 14 6800.0*/33, /* 15 8000.0*/36, }, {/* 1 25 *//* 0 700.0*/35, /* 1 820.0*/37, /* 2 950.0*/38, /* 3 1100.0*/37, /* 4 1300.0*/36, /* 5 1550.0*/37, /* 6 1800.0*/41, /* 7 2150.0*/39, /* 8 2500.0*/40, /* 9 3000.0*/37, /* 10 3500.0*/35, /* 11 4150.0*/36, /* 12 4900.0*/37, /* 13 5800.0*/35, /* 14 6800.0*/38, /* 15 8000.0*/40, }, {/* 2 30 *//* 0 700.0*/37, /* 1 820.0*/40, /* 2 950.0*/39, /* 3 1100.0*/37, /* 4 1300.0*/38, /* 5 1550.0*/41, /* 6 1800.0*/45, /* 7 2150.0*/47, /* 8 2500.0*/54, /* 9 3000.0*/48, /* 10 3500.0*/47, /* 11 4150.0*/55, /* 12 4900.0*/55, /* 13 5800.0*/49, /* 14 6800.0*/50, /* 15 8000.0*/51, }, {/* 3 35 *//* 0 700.0*/39, /* 1 820.0*/44, /* 2 950.0*/42, /* 3 1100.0*/40, /* 4 1300.0*/45, /* 5 1550.0*/48, /* 6 1800.0*/48, /* 7 2150.0*/52, /* 8 2500.0*/56, /* 9 3000.0*/53, /* 10 3500.0*/52, /* 11 4150.0*/58, /* 12 4900.0*/62, /* 13 5800.0*/57, /* 14 6800.0*/58, /* 15 8000.0*/58, }, {/* 4 40 *//* 0 700.0*/45, /* 1 820.0*/56, /* 2 950.0*/49, /* 3 1100.0*/45, /* 4 1300.0*/54, /* 5 1550.0*/53, /* 6 1800.0*/55, /* 7 2150.0*/54, /* 8 2500.0*/57, /* 9 3000.0*/55, /* 10 3500.0*/57, /* 11 4150.0*/59, /* 12 4900.0*/62, /* 13 5800.0*/59, /* 14 6800.0*/63, /* 15 8000.0*/62, }, {/* 5 46 *//* 0 700.0*/54, /* 1 820.0*/61, /* 2 950.0*/56, /* 3 1100.0*/52, /* 4 1300.0*/53, /* 5 1550.0*/58, /* 6 1800.0*/57, /* 7 2150.0*/59, /* 8 2500.0*/58, /* 9 3000.0*/58, /* 10 3500.0*/60, /* 11 4150.0*/64, /* 12 4900.0*/66, /* 13 5800.0*/64, /* 14 6800.0*/65, /* 15 8000.0*/63, }, {/* 6 54 *//* 0 700.0*/60, /* 1 820.0*/67, /* 2 950.0*/66, /* 3 1100.0*/60, /* 4 1300.0*/59, /* 5 1550.0*/59, /* 6 1800.0*/61, /* 7 2150.0*/63, /* 8 2500.0*/63, /* 9 3000.0*/60, /* 10 3500.0*/62, /* 11 4150.0*/69, /* 12 4900.0*/71, /* 13 5800.0*/67, /* 14 6800.0*/65, /* 15 8000.0*/63, }, {/* 7 63 *//* 0 700.0*/65, /* 1 820.0*/70, /* 2 950.0*/71, /* 3 1100.0*/67, /* 4 1300.0*/62, /* 5 1550.0*/61, /* 6 1800.0*/65, /* 7 2150.0*/63, /* 8 2500.0*/63, /* 9 3000.0*/64, /* 10 3500.0*/66, /* 11 4150.0*/69, /* 12 4900.0*/73, /* 13 5800.0*/71, /* 14 6800.0*/67, /* 15 8000.0*/65, }, {/* 8 73 *//* 0 700.0*/70, /* 1 820.0*/74, /* 2 950.0*/73, /* 3 1100.0*/75, /* 4 1300.0*/71, /* 5 1550.0*/66, /* 6 1800.0*/66, /* 7 2150.0*/65, /* 8 2500.0*/67, /* 9 3000.0*/69, /* 10 3500.0*/68, /* 11 4150.0*/72, /* 12 4900.0*/76, /* 13 5800.0*/75, /* 14 6800.0*/66, /* 15 8000.0*/65, }, {/* 9 85 *//* 0 700.0*/71, /* 1 820.0*/75, /* 2 950.0*/76, /* 3 1100.0*/74, /* 4 1300.0*/73, /* 5 1550.0*/72, /* 6 1800.0*/71, /* 7 2150.0*/70, /* 8 2500.0*/72, /* 9 3000.0*/72, /* 10 3500.0*/74, /* 11 4150.0*/76, /* 12 4900.0*/78, /* 13 5800.0*/76, /* 14 6800.0*/68, /* 15 8000.0*/64, }, {/* 10 99 *//* 0 700.0*/75, /* 1 820.0*/76, /* 2 950.0*/78, /* 3 1100.0*/76, /* 4 1300.0*/73, /* 5 1550.0*/74, /* 6 1800.0*/74, /* 7 2150.0*/74, /* 8 2500.0*/77, /* 9 3000.0*/76, /* 10 3500.0*/77, /* 11 4150.0*/76, /* 12 4900.0*/77, /* 13 5800.0*/76, /* 14 6800.0*/69, /* 15 8000.0*/65, }, {/* 11 116 *//* 0 700.0*/80, /* 1 820.0*/80, /* 2 950.0*/80, /* 3 1100.0*/80, /* 4 1300.0*/80, /* 5 1550.0*/80, /* 6 1800.0*/80, /* 7 2150.0*/80, /* 8 2500.0*/80, /* 9 3000.0*/80, /* 10 3500.0*/80, /* 11 4150.0*/80, /* 12 4900.0*/80, /* 13 5800.0*/80, /* 14 6800.0*/80, /* 15 8000.0*/80, }, {/* 12 135 *//* 0 700.0*/80, /* 1 820.0*/80, /* 2 950.0*/80, /* 3 1100.0*/80, /* 4 1300.0*/80, /* 5 1550.0*/80, /* 6 1800.0*/80, /* 7 2150.0*/80, /* 8 2500.0*/80, /* 9 3000.0*/80, /* 10 3500.0*/80, /* 11 4150.0*/80, /* 12 4900.0*/80, /* 13 5800.0*/80, /* 14 6800.0*/80, /* 15 8000.0*/80, }, {/* 13 158 *//* 0 700.0*/80, /* 1 820.0*/80, /* 2 950.0*/80, /* 3 1100.0*/80, /* 4 1300.0*/80, /* 5 1550.0*/80, /* 6 1800.0*/80, /* 7 2150.0*/80, /* 8 2500.0*/80, /* 9 3000.0*/80, /* 10 3500.0*/80, /* 11 4150.0*/80, /* 12 4900.0*/80, /* 13 5800.0*/80, /* 14 6800.0*/80, /* 15 8000.0*/80, }, {/* 14 185 *//* 0 700.0*/80, /* 1 820.0*/80, /* 2 950.0*/80, /* 3 1100.0*/80, /* 4 1300.0*/80, /* 5 1550.0*/80, /* 6 1800.0*/80, /* 7 2150.0*/80, /* 8 2500.0*/80, /* 9 3000.0*/80, /* 10 3500.0*/80, /* 11 4150.0*/80, /* 12 4900.0*/80, /* 13 5800.0*/80, /* 14 6800.0*/80, /* 15 8000.0*/80, }, {/* 15 220 *//* 0 700.0*/80, /* 1 820.0*/80, /* 2 950.0*/80, /* 3 1100.0*/80, /* 4 1300.0*/80, /* 5 1550.0*/80, /* 6 1800.0*/80, /* 7 2150.0*/80, /* 8 2500.0*/80, /* 9 3000.0*/80, /* 10 3500.0*/80, /* 11 4150.0*/80, /* 12 4900.0*/80, /* 13 5800.0*/80, /* 14 6800.0*/80, /* 15 8000.0*/80, }, }; static const uint8_t mapBased18vvtTimingTable[16][16] = { /* Generated by TS2C on Tue Apr 18 21:43:57 EDT 2017*/ {/* 0 25 *//* 0 700.0*/14, /* 1 850.0*/13, /* 2 943.0*/13, /* 3 1112.0*/16, /* 4 1310.0*/21, /* 5 1545.0*/25, /* 6 1821.0*/28, /* 7 2146.0*/31, /* 8 2530.0*/34, /* 9 2982.0*/36, /* 10 3515.0*/38, /* 11 4144.0*/39, /* 12 4884.0*/40, /* 13 5757.0*/40, /* 14 6787.0*/40, /* 15 8000.0*/41, }, {/* 1 29.100 *//* 0 700.0*/14, /* 1 850.0*/13, /* 2 943.0*/13, /* 3 1112.0*/16, /* 4 1310.0*/21, /* 5 1545.0*/25, /* 6 1821.0*/28, /* 7 2146.0*/31, /* 8 2530.0*/34, /* 9 2982.0*/36, /* 10 3515.0*/38, /* 11 4144.0*/39, /* 12 4884.0*/40, /* 13 5757.0*/40, /* 14 6787.0*/40, /* 15 8000.0*/40, }, {/* 2 34 *//* 0 700.0*/14, /* 1 850.0*/13, /* 2 943.0*/13, /* 3 1112.0*/16, /* 4 1310.0*/21, /* 5 1545.0*/24, /* 6 1821.0*/27, /* 7 2146.0*/30, /* 8 2530.0*/33, /* 9 2982.0*/35, /* 10 3515.0*/37, /* 11 4144.0*/38, /* 12 4884.0*/39, /* 13 5757.0*/40, /* 14 6787.0*/40, /* 15 8000.0*/40, }, {/* 3 39.600 *//* 0 700.0*/15, /* 1 850.0*/13, /* 2 943.0*/13, /* 3 1112.0*/17, /* 4 1310.0*/21, /* 5 1545.0*/24, /* 6 1821.0*/27, /* 7 2146.0*/30, /* 8 2530.0*/33, /* 9 2982.0*/35, /* 10 3515.0*/36, /* 11 4144.0*/38, /* 12 4884.0*/38, /* 13 5757.0*/39, /* 14 6787.0*/39, /* 15 8000.0*/39, }, {/* 4 46.200 *//* 0 700.0*/15, /* 1 850.0*/13, /* 2 943.0*/13, /* 3 1112.0*/18, /* 4 1310.0*/21, /* 5 1545.0*/24, /* 6 1821.0*/26, /* 7 2146.0*/29, /* 8 2530.0*/32, /* 9 2982.0*/33, /* 10 3515.0*/36, /* 11 4144.0*/37, /* 12 4884.0*/38, /* 13 5757.0*/38, /* 14 6787.0*/38, /* 15 8000.0*/39, }, {/* 5 53.900 *//* 0 700.0*/15, /* 1 850.0*/14, /* 2 943.0*/14, /* 3 1112.0*/18, /* 4 1310.0*/21, /* 5 1545.0*/24, /* 6 1821.0*/26, /* 7 2146.0*/28, /* 8 2530.0*/30, /* 9 2982.0*/32, /* 10 3515.0*/34, /* 11 4144.0*/36, /* 12 4884.0*/37, /* 13 5757.0*/37, /* 14 6787.0*/38, /* 15 8000.0*/38, }, {/* 6 62.800 *//* 0 700.0*/15, /* 1 850.0*/15, /* 2 943.0*/14, /* 3 1112.0*/19, /* 4 1310.0*/21, /* 5 1545.0*/23, /* 6 1821.0*/25, /* 7 2146.0*/27, /* 8 2530.0*/29, /* 9 2982.0*/31, /* 10 3515.0*/33, /* 11 4144.0*/34, /* 12 4884.0*/35, /* 13 5757.0*/36, /* 14 6787.0*/36, /* 15 8000.0*/37, }, {/* 7 73.200 *//* 0 700.0*/16, /* 1 850.0*/16, /* 2 943.0*/15, /* 3 1112.0*/19, /* 4 1310.0*/21, /* 5 1545.0*/23, /* 6 1821.0*/24, /* 7 2146.0*/26, /* 8 2530.0*/28, /* 9 2982.0*/30, /* 10 3515.0*/31, /* 11 4144.0*/32, /* 12 4884.0*/33, /* 13 5757.0*/34, /* 14 6787.0*/34, /* 15 8000.0*/35, }, {/* 8 85.400 *//* 0 700.0*/16, /* 1 850.0*/17, /* 2 943.0*/16, /* 3 1112.0*/19, /* 4 1310.0*/20, /* 5 1545.0*/22, /* 6 1821.0*/23, /* 7 2146.0*/24, /* 8 2530.0*/26, /* 9 2982.0*/28, /* 10 3515.0*/29, /* 11 4144.0*/31, /* 12 4884.0*/31, /* 13 5757.0*/32, /* 14 6787.0*/33, /* 15 8000.0*/33, }, {/* 9 99.500 *//* 0 700.0*/16, /* 1 850.0*/16, /* 2 943.0*/17, /* 3 1112.0*/18, /* 4 1310.0*/19, /* 5 1545.0*/20, /* 6 1821.0*/21, /* 7 2146.0*/22, /* 8 2530.0*/23, /* 9 2982.0*/25, /* 10 3515.0*/26, /* 11 4144.0*/28, /* 12 4884.0*/28, /* 13 5757.0*/29, /* 14 6787.0*/30, /* 15 8000.0*/31, }, {/* 10 116 *//* 0 700.0*/15, /* 1 850.0*/15, /* 2 943.0*/16, /* 3 1112.0*/16, /* 4 1310.0*/17, /* 5 1545.0*/18, /* 6 1821.0*/19, /* 7 2146.0*/20, /* 8 2530.0*/21, /* 9 2982.0*/23, /* 10 3515.0*/24, /* 11 4144.0*/25, /* 12 4884.0*/26, /* 13 5757.0*/27, /* 14 6787.0*/28, /* 15 8000.0*/29, }, {/* 11 135.301 *//* 0 700.0*/13, /* 1 850.0*/13, /* 2 943.0*/14, /* 3 1112.0*/14, /* 4 1310.0*/15, /* 5 1545.0*/15, /* 6 1821.0*/17, /* 7 2146.0*/17, /* 8 2530.0*/19, /* 9 2982.0*/20, /* 10 3515.0*/22, /* 11 4144.0*/23, /* 12 4884.0*/24, /* 13 5757.0*/25, /* 14 6787.0*/26, /* 15 8000.0*/27, }, {/* 12 157.699 *//* 0 700.0*/11, /* 1 850.0*/11, /* 2 943.0*/11, /* 3 1112.0*/12, /* 4 1310.0*/12, /* 5 1545.0*/13, /* 6 1821.0*/14, /* 7 2146.0*/15, /* 8 2530.0*/16, /* 9 2982.0*/17, /* 10 3515.0*/19, /* 11 4144.0*/20, /* 12 4884.0*/21, /* 13 5757.0*/22, /* 14 6787.0*/24, /* 15 8000.0*/25, }, {/* 13 183.900 *//* 0 700.0*/8, /* 1 850.0*/8, /* 2 943.0*/9, /* 3 1112.0*/9, /* 4 1310.0*/9, /* 5 1545.0*/10, /* 6 1821.0*/11, /* 7 2146.0*/12, /* 8 2530.0*/13, /* 9 2982.0*/14, /* 10 3515.0*/16, /* 11 4144.0*/17, /* 12 4884.0*/18, /* 13 5757.0*/19, /* 14 6787.0*/21, /* 15 8000.0*/22, }, {/* 14 214.400 *//* 0 700.0*/5, /* 1 850.0*/5, /* 2 943.0*/5, /* 3 1112.0*/5, /* 4 1310.0*/6, /* 5 1545.0*/7, /* 6 1821.0*/7, /* 7 2146.0*/8, /* 8 2530.0*/9, /* 9 2982.0*/10, /* 10 3515.0*/12, /* 11 4144.0*/13, /* 12 4884.0*/14, /* 13 5757.0*/16, /* 14 6787.0*/17, /* 15 8000.0*/18, }, {/* 15 250 *//* 0 700.0*/1, /* 1 850.0*/1, /* 2 943.0*/1, /* 3 1112.0*/2, /* 4 1310.0*/2, /* 5 1545.0*/3, /* 6 1821.0*/3, /* 7 2146.0*/4, /* 8 2530.0*/5, /* 9 2982.0*/6, /* 10 3515.0*/7, /* 11 4144.0*/9, /* 12 4884.0*/10, /* 13 5757.0*/12, /* 14 6787.0*/13, /* 15 8000.0*/14, }, }; #endif /* #define MAF_TRANSFER_SIZE 8 static const float mafTransferVolts[MAF_TRANSFER_SIZE] = {1.365, 1.569, 2.028, 2.35, 2.611, 2.959, 3.499, 4.011, }; according to internet this should be the Miata NB transfer function but in reality it seems off this could be related to us not using proper signal conditioning hardware static const float mafTransferKgH[MAF_TRANSFER_SIZE] = { 0, 3.9456, 18.7308, 45.4788, 82.278, 154.4328, 329.8104, 594.2772 }; */ #define MAF_TRANSFER_SIZE 10 // this transfer function somehow works with 1K pull-down static const float mafTransferVolts[MAF_TRANSFER_SIZE] = { 0.50, 0.87, 1.07, 1.53, 1.85, 2.11, 2.46, 3.00, 3.51, 4.50 }; static const float mafTransferKgH[MAF_TRANSFER_SIZE] = { 0.00, 0.00, 1.00, 3.00, 8.00, 19.00, 45.00, 100.00, 175.00, 350.00 }; static void setMAFTransferFunction() { memcpy(config->mafDecoding, mafTransferKgH, sizeof(mafTransferKgH)); memcpy(config->mafDecodingBins, mafTransferVolts, sizeof(mafTransferVolts)); for (int i = MAF_TRANSFER_SIZE;imafDecodingBins[i] = config->mafDecodingBins[MAF_TRANSFER_SIZE - 1] + i * 0.01; config->mafDecoding[i] = config->mafDecoding[MAF_TRANSFER_SIZE - 1]; } } static void setMazdaMiataNbInjectorLag() { copyArray(engineConfiguration->injector.battLagCorr, injectorLagCorrection); copyArray(engineConfiguration->injector.battLagCorrBins, injectorLagBins); } /** * stuff common between NB1 and NB2 */ static void setCommonMazdaNB() { // Base engine engineConfiguration->displacement = 1.839; engineConfiguration->cylindersCount = 4; engineConfiguration->firingOrder = FO_1_3_4_2; engineConfiguration->rpmHardLimit = 7200; engineConfiguration->cylinderBore = 83; strcpy(engineConfiguration->engineMake, ENGINE_MAKE_MAZDA); engineConfiguration->vehicleWeight = 1070; engineConfiguration->injectionMode = IM_SEQUENTIAL; engineConfiguration->ignitionMode = IM_WASTED_SPARK; // Trigger engineConfiguration->trigger.type = trigger_type_e::TT_MIATA_VVT; engineConfiguration->vvtMode[0] = VVT_MIATA_NB; engineConfiguration->vvtOffsets[0] = 98; // Cranking engineConfiguration->ignitionDwellForCrankingMs = 4; engineConfiguration->cranking.baseFuel = 27.5; // this value for return-less NB miata fuel system, higher pressure engineConfiguration->cranking.rpm = 400; engineConfiguration->crankingIACposition = 60; engineConfiguration->afterCrankingIACtaperDuration = 250; // Idle engineConfiguration->idleMode = IM_AUTO; engineConfiguration->manIdlePosition = 20; engineConfiguration->iacByTpsTaper = 6; engineConfiguration->acIdleExtraOffset = 15; engineConfiguration->useIdleTimingPidControl = true; engineConfiguration->idlePidRpmUpperLimit = 350; engineConfiguration->idlePidRpmDeadZone = 100; engineConfiguration->idleRpmPid.pFactor = 0.0065; engineConfiguration->idleRpmPid.iFactor = 0.3; engineConfiguration->idle_derivativeFilterLoss = 0.08; engineConfiguration->idle_antiwindupFreq = 0.03; engineConfiguration->idleRpmPid.dFactor = 0.002; engineConfiguration->idleRpmPid.minValue = -8; engineConfiguration->idleRpmPid.maxValue = 10; engineConfiguration->idlerpmpid_iTermMin = -15; engineConfiguration->idlerpmpid_iTermMax = 30; // Fan engineConfiguration->enableFan1WithAc = true; // Alternator engineConfiguration->isAlternatorControlEnabled = true; engineConfiguration->targetVBatt = 14.0f; engineConfiguration->alternatorControl.offset = 20; engineConfiguration->alternatorControl.pFactor = 16; engineConfiguration->alternatorControl.iFactor = 8; engineConfiguration->alternatorControl.dFactor = 0.1; engineConfiguration->alternatorControl.periodMs = 10; // Tach engineConfiguration->tachPulsePerRev = 2; #if (FUEL_RPM_COUNT == DEFAULT_FUEL_LOAD_COUNT) && (FUEL_LOAD_COUNT == DEFAULT_FUEL_LOAD_COUNT) // Tables copyArray(config->veRpmBins, mazda_miata_nb2_RpmBins); copyArray(config->veLoadBins, mazda_miata_nb2_LoadBins); #endif #if (IGN_RPM_COUNT == DEFAULT_IGN_RPM_COUNT) && (IGN_LOAD_COUNT == DEFAULT_IGN_LOAD_COUNT) copyTable(config->veTable, mapBased18vvtVeTable_NB_fuel_rail); copyArray(config->ignitionRpmBins, ignition18vvtRpmBins); copyArray(config->ignitionLoadBins, ignition18vvtLoadBins); copyTable(config->ignitionTable, mapBased18vvtTimingTable); #endif setMazdaMiataNbInjectorLag(); // Sensors // TPS // set tps_min 90 engineConfiguration->tpsMin = 100; // convert 12to10 bit (ADC/4) // set tps_max 540 engineConfiguration->tpsMax = 650; // convert 12to10 bit (ADC/4) // CLT/IAT setCommonNTCSensor(&engineConfiguration->clt, 2700); setCommonNTCSensor(&engineConfiguration->iat, 2700); // MAF (todo: do we use this?) setMAFTransferFunction(); // second harmonic (aka double) is usually quieter background noise engineConfiguration->knockBandCustom = 13.8; engineConfiguration->wwaeTau = 0.1; miataNA_setCltIdleCorrBins(); miataNA_setCltIdleRpmBins(); miataNA_setIacCoastingBins(); // All factory miata setups end up with 1.12 speed sensor turns // per wheel turn, by matching the speedo sensor gear to the // diff ratio // - 6 teeth on transmission output shaft // - 23 teeth on speedometer sensor // - 3.909 rear axle ratio // 3.909 * 6 / 21 ~= 1.12 engineConfiguration->vssGearRatio = 3.909 * 6 / 21; engineConfiguration->vssToothCount = 4; } static void setMazdaMiataEngineNB2Defaults() { strcpy(engineConfiguration->engineCode, "NB2"); /** * http://miataturbo.wikidot.com/fuel-injectors * 01-05 (purple) - #195500-4060 */ engineConfiguration->injector.flow = 265; engineConfiguration->fuelReferencePressure = 400; // 400 kPa, 58 psi engineConfiguration->injectorCompensationMode = ICM_FixedRailPressure; setCommonMazdaNB(); copyArray(config->vvtTable1RpmBins, vvt18fsioRpmBins); copyArray(config->vvtTable1LoadBins, vvt18fsioLoadBins); copyTable(config->vvtTable1, SCRIPT_TABLE_vvt_target); // VVT closed loop engineConfiguration->auxPid[0].pFactor = 2; engineConfiguration->auxPid[0].iFactor = 0.005; engineConfiguration->auxPid[0].dFactor = 0.002; engineConfiguration->auxPid[0].offset = 33; engineConfiguration->auxPid[0].minValue = 20; engineConfiguration->auxPid[0].maxValue = 90; // Vehicle speed/gears engineConfiguration->totalGearsCount = 6; engineConfiguration->gearRatio[0] = 3.760; engineConfiguration->gearRatio[1] = 2.269; engineConfiguration->gearRatio[2] = 1.646; engineConfiguration->gearRatio[3] = 1.257; engineConfiguration->gearRatio[4] = 1.000; engineConfiguration->gearRatio[5] = 0.843; // These may need to change based on your real car engineConfiguration->driveWheelRevPerKm = 538; engineConfiguration->finalGearRatio = 3.909; } #endif // HW_HELLEN /** * https://github.com/rusefi/rusefi/wiki/HOWTO-TCU-A42DE-on-Proteus */ #if HW_PROTEUS void setMiataNB2_Proteus_TCU() { engineConfiguration->tcuEnabled = true; strcpy(engineConfiguration->engineCode, "NB2"); strcpy(engineConfiguration->engineMake, ENGINE_MAKE_MAZDA); strcpy(engineConfiguration->vehicleName, "TCU test"); engineConfiguration->trigger.type = trigger_type_e::TT_TOOTHED_WHEEL; engineConfiguration->trigger.customTotalToothCount = 10; engineConfiguration->trigger.customSkippedToothCount = 0; engineConfiguration->triggerInputPins[0] = Gpio::Unassigned; engineConfiguration->tcuInputSpeedSensorPin = PROTEUS_VR_1; engineConfiguration->vehicleSpeedSensorInputPin = PROTEUS_VR_2; engineConfiguration->driveWheelRevPerKm = 544; // 205/50R15 engineConfiguration->vssGearRatio = 4.3; engineConfiguration->vssToothCount = 22; // "Highside 2" engineConfiguration->tcu_solenoid[0] = Gpio::A8; // "Highside 1" engineConfiguration->tcu_solenoid[1] = Gpio::A9; // "Digital 1" green engineConfiguration->tcuUpshiftButtonPin = Gpio::C6; engineConfiguration->tcuUpshiftButtonPinMode = PI_PULLUP; // "Digital 6" white engineConfiguration->tcuDownshiftButtonPin = Gpio::E15; engineConfiguration->tcuDownshiftButtonPinMode = PI_PULLUP; // R config->tcuSolenoidTable[0][0] = 1; config->tcuSolenoidTable[0][1] = 0; // P/N config->tcuSolenoidTable[1][0] = 1; config->tcuSolenoidTable[1][1] = 0; // 1 config->tcuSolenoidTable[2][0] = 1; config->tcuSolenoidTable[2][1] = 0; // 2 config->tcuSolenoidTable[3][0] = 1; config->tcuSolenoidTable[3][1] = 1; // 3 config->tcuSolenoidTable[4][0] = 0; config->tcuSolenoidTable[4][1] = 1; // 4 config->tcuSolenoidTable[5][0] = 0; config->tcuSolenoidTable[5][1] = 0; } #endif // HW_PROTEUS #if HW_HELLEN void setMazdaMiataNB1() { setCommonMazdaNB(); strcpy(engineConfiguration->engineCode, "NB1"); engineConfiguration->injector.flow = 256; // Vehicle speed/gears engineConfiguration->totalGearsCount = 5; engineConfiguration->gearRatio[0] = 3.136; engineConfiguration->gearRatio[1] = 1.888; engineConfiguration->gearRatio[2] = 1.330; engineConfiguration->gearRatio[3] = 1.000; engineConfiguration->gearRatio[4] = 0.814; // These may need to change based on your real car engineConfiguration->driveWheelRevPerKm = 551; engineConfiguration->finalGearRatio = 4.3; } void setMazdaMiataNB2() { setMazdaMiataEngineNB2Defaults(); strcpy(engineConfiguration->vehicleName, "H72 test"); // set tps_min 90 engineConfiguration->tpsMin = 110; // convert 12to10 bit (ADC/4) } void setMazdaMiataNB2_36() { setMazdaMiataNB2(); engineConfiguration->trigger.type = trigger_type_e::TT_TOOTHED_WHEEL_36_1; engineConfiguration->globalTriggerAngleOffset = 76; } #endif // HW_HELLEN