plugins { id 'java-library' id 'com.github.johnrengelman.shadow' version "${shadowVersion}" id 'antlr' } apply from: '../../java_tools/dependencies.gradle' defaultTasks 'shadowJar' dependencies { api project(':config_definition_base') implementation project(':models') antlr global_libs.antlr } shadowJar { /* to exclude suffix '-all' in resulting archive file name */ archiveBaseName = 'ConfigDefinition' archiveClassifier = '' destinationDirectory = file( '$rootDir/../..' ) manifest { attributes( 'Main-Class': 'com.rusefi.ConfigDefinition' ) } /* to keep only classes from logging and loggin-api as in build.xml */ dependencies { exclude(dependency(global_libs.jsr305)) exclude(dependency(global_libs.junit)) exclude(dependency(global_libs.annotations)) exclude(dependency('*')) } } test { testLogging { events "failed" exceptionFormat "full" } }