package com.rusefi.config; import; import com.opensr5.ConfigurationImage; import com.rusefi.core.FileUtil; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import; import; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.util.Objects; import static com.rusefi.config.FieldType.*; /** * @see Fields */ public class Field { public static final int NO_BIT_OFFSET = -1; private static final int FIELD_PRECISION = 3; private final String name; private final int offset; private final int stringSize; private final FieldType type; private final int bitOffset; private final String[] options; private double scale = 1; public Field(String name, int offset, FieldType type) { this(name, offset, type, NO_BIT_OFFSET); } public Field(String name, int offset, FieldType type, String... options) { this(name, offset, type, NO_BIT_OFFSET, options); } public Field(String name, int offset, FieldType type, int bitOffset) { this(name, offset, type, bitOffset, null); } public Field(String name, int offset, FieldType type, int bitOffset, String[] options) { this(name, offset, 0, type, bitOffset, options); } public Field(String name, int offset, int stringSize, FieldType type, int bitOffset, String... options) { = name; this.offset = offset; this.stringSize = stringSize; this.type = type; this.bitOffset = bitOffset; this.options = options; } public static Field findField(Field[] values, String instancePrefix, String fieldName) { Field field = findFieldOrNull(values, instancePrefix, fieldName); if (field == null) throw new IllegalStateException("No field: " + fieldName); return field; } /** * Finds field by name, ignoring case */ public static Field findFieldOrNull(Field[] values, String instancePrefix, String fieldName) { Objects.requireNonNull(fieldName); for (Field f : values) { if (fieldName.equalsIgnoreCase(f.getName())) return f; } // 2nd pass - let's try to find field with prefix if it was not found without prefix if (!instancePrefix.isEmpty()) { fieldName = instancePrefix + "_" + fieldName; for (Field f : values) { if (fieldName.equalsIgnoreCase(f.getName())) return f; } } return null; } public static int getStructureSize(Field[] values) { Field last = values[values.length - 1]; // todo: at the moment we do not support arrays and // todo: a lot of information is missing for example for Bit type, but this implementation is good enough for now return last.offset + 4; } public static String niceToString(Number value) { return niceToString(value, FIELD_PRECISION); } public static String niceToString(Number value, int precision) { // not enum field Number number = value; if (number instanceof Float) return niceToString(number.floatValue(), precision); return number.toString(); } public static String niceToString(double value, int precision) { int scale = (int) Math.log10(value); int places = 1 + Math.max(0, precision - scale); double toScale = Math.pow(10, places); return Double.toString(Math.round(value * toScale) / toScale); } public String getName() { return name; } public String setCommand() { if (type == FieldType.BIT) return "set_bit " + getOffset() + " " + bitOffset; return getType().getStoreCommand() + " " + getOffset(); } public String getCommand() { if (type == FieldType.BIT) return "get_bit " + getOffset() + " " + bitOffset; return type.getLoadCommand() + " " + getOffset(); } public int getOffset() { return offset; } public String[] getOptions() { return options; } public int getBitOffset() { return bitOffset; } public FieldType getType() { return type; } @Override public String toString() { return "Field{" + name + ", o=" + offset + ", type=" + type + '}'; } public Object getAnyValue(ConfigurationImage ci, double multiplier) { if (options == null) { // we are here for non-enum types return niceToString(getValue(ci, multiplier)); } if (type != INT8) throw new IllegalStateException("Unsupported enum " + type); int ordinal = ci.getByteBuffer(offset, type.getStorageSize()).get(); return options[ordinal]; } public void setValue(byte[] content, boolean value) { ByteBuffer wrapped = FileUtil.littleEndianWrap(content, 0, content.length); if (bitOffset != NO_BIT_OFFSET) { int packed = wrapped.getInt(); int thisBit = (value ? 1 : 0) << bitOffset; int mask = 1 << bitOffset; int newValue = (packed & ~mask) | thisBit; ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); LittleEndianOutputStream dout = new LittleEndianOutputStream(baos); // wow worst way to modify an integer in byte array? :) try { dout.writeInt(newValue); // dout.flush(); byte[] src = baos.toByteArray(); System.arraycopy(src, 0, content, getOffset(), 4); baos.close(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new IllegalStateException(e); } } } /** * each usage is a potential bug?! we are supposed to have explicit multiplier for each field */ @NotNull @Deprecated public Double getValue(ConfigurationImage ci) { return getValue(ci, 1); } // todo: rename to getNumberValue? @NotNull public Double getValue(ConfigurationImage ci, double multiplier) { Objects.requireNonNull(ci, "ConfigurationImage"); Number value; ByteBuffer wrapped = ci.getByteBuffer(getOffset(), type.getStorageSize()); if (bitOffset != NO_BIT_OFFSET) { int packed = wrapped.getInt(); value = (packed >> bitOffset) & 1; } else if (type == INT8) { value = wrapped.get(); } else if (type == UINT8) { byte signed = wrapped.get(); value = signed & 0xFF; } else if (type == INT) { value = wrapped.getInt(); } else if (type == INT16) { value = wrapped.getShort(); } else if (type == UINT16) { short signed = wrapped.getShort(); value = signed & 0xFFFF; } else { value = wrapped.getFloat(); } return value.doubleValue() * multiplier; } @NotNull public ByteBuffer getByteBuffer(ConfigurationImage ci) { return ci.getByteBuffer(getOffset(), 4); } public static Field create(String name, int offset, FieldType type, int bitOffset) { return new Field(name, offset, type, bitOffset); } public static Field create(String name, int offset, FieldType type, String... options) { return new Field(name, offset, type, options); } public static Field create(String name, int offset, int stringSize, FieldType type) { return new Field(name, offset, stringSize, type, 0); } public static Field create(String name, int offset, FieldType type) { return new Field(name, offset, type); } public String getStringValue(ConfigurationImage image) { Objects.requireNonNull(image, "image"); if (type != STRING) throw new IllegalStateException("Not a string parameter " + name); ByteBuffer bb = image.getByteBuffer(offset, stringSize); byte[] bytes = new byte[stringSize]; bb.get(bytes); return new String(bytes).trim(); } public boolean getBooleanValue(ConfigurationImage ci) { return getValue(ci) != 0.0; } public Field setScale(double scale) { this.scale = scale; return this; } public double getScale() { return scale; } }