package com.rusefi.binaryprotocol; import com.devexperts.logging.Logging; import com.opensr5.ConfigurationImage; import; import; import com.rusefi.ConfigurationImageDiff; import com.rusefi.NamedThreadFactory; import com.rusefi.core.SignatureHelper; import com.rusefi.Timeouts; import com.rusefi.binaryprotocol.test.Bug3923; import com.rusefi.config.generated.Fields; import com.rusefi.core.Pair; import com.rusefi.core.SensorCentral; import*; import; import; import com.rusefi.core.FileUtil; import com.rusefi.tune.xml.Msq; import com.rusefi.ui.livedocs.LiveDocsRegistry; import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable; import; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.nio.ByteOrder; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.concurrent.*; import static com.devexperts.logging.Logging.getLogging; import static com.rusefi.binaryprotocol.IoHelper.*; import static com.rusefi.config.generated.Fields.*; /** * This object represents logical state of physical connection. *

* Instance is connected until we experience issues. Once we decide to close the connection there is no restart - * new instance of this class would need to be created once we establish a new physical connection. *

* Andrey Belomutskiy, (c) 2013-2020 * 3/6/2015 */ public class BinaryProtocol { private static final Logging log = getLogging(BinaryProtocol.class); private static final ThreadFactory THREAD_FACTORY = new NamedThreadFactory("text pull"); private static final String USE_PLAIN_PROTOCOL_PROPERTY = "protocol.plain"; private static final String CONFIGURATION_RUSEFI_BINARY = "current_configuration.rusefi_binary"; private static final String CONFIGURATION_RUSEFI_XML = "current_configuration.msq"; /** * This properly allows to switch to non-CRC32 mode * todo: finish this feature, assuming we even need it. */ public static boolean PLAIN_PROTOCOL = Boolean.getBoolean(USE_PLAIN_PROTOCOL_PROPERTY); private final LinkManager linkManager; private final IoStream stream; private final IncomingDataBuffer incomingData; private boolean isBurnPending; public String signature; public boolean isGoodOutputChannels; private final BinaryProtocolState state = new BinaryProtocolState(); // todo: this ioLock needs better documentation! private final Object ioLock = new Object(); BinaryProtocolLogger binaryProtocolLogger; public static boolean DISABLE_LOCAL_CACHE; public static String findCommand(byte command) { switch (command) { case Fields.TS_PAGE_COMMAND: return "PAGE"; case Fields.TS_COMMAND_F: return "PROTOCOL"; case Fields.TS_CRC_CHECK_COMMAND: return "CRC_CHECK"; case Fields.TS_BURN_COMMAND: return "BURN"; case Fields.TS_HELLO_COMMAND: return "HELLO"; case Fields.TS_READ_COMMAND: return "READ"; case Fields.TS_GET_TEXT: return "TS_GET_TEXT"; case Fields.TS_GET_FIRMWARE_VERSION: return "GET_FW_VERSION"; case Fields.TS_CHUNK_WRITE_COMMAND: return "WRITE_CHUNK"; case Fields.TS_OUTPUT_COMMAND: return "TS_OUTPUT_COMMAND"; case Fields.TS_RESPONSE_OK: return "TS_RESPONSE_OK"; default: return "command " + (char) command + "/" + command; } } public IoStream getStream() { return stream; } public boolean isClosed; public CommunicationLoggingListener communicationLoggingListener; public BinaryProtocol(LinkManager linkManager, IoStream stream) { this.linkManager = linkManager; = stream; communicationLoggingListener = linkManager.messageListener::postMessage; incomingData = stream.getDataBuffer(); binaryProtocolLogger = new BinaryProtocolLogger(linkManager); binaryProtocolLogger.needCompositeLogger = linkManager.getCompositeLogicEnabled(); } public static void sleep(long millis) { try { Thread.sleep(millis); } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw new IllegalStateException(e); } } public void doSend(final String command, boolean fireEvent) throws InterruptedException {"Sending [" + command + "]"); if (fireEvent && LinkManager.LOG_LEVEL.isDebugEnabled()) { communicationLoggingListener.onPortHolderMessage(BinaryProtocol.class, "Sending [" + command + "]"); } Future f = linkManager.submit(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { sendTextCommand(command); } @Override public String toString() { return "Runnable for " + command; } }); try { f.get(Timeouts.COMMAND_TIMEOUT_SEC, TimeUnit.SECONDS); } catch (ExecutionException e) { throw new IllegalStateException(e); } catch (TimeoutException e) { log.error("timeout sending [" + command + "] giving up: " + e); return; } /** * this here to make CommandQueue happy */ linkManager.getCommandQueue().handleConfirmationMessage(CommandQueue.CONFIRMATION_PREFIX + command); } public static String getSignature(IoStream stream) throws IOException { HelloCommand.send(stream); return HelloCommand.getHelloResponse(stream.getDataBuffer()); } /** * this method reads configuration snapshot from controller * * @return true if everything fine */ public String connectAndReadConfiguration(Arguments arguments, DataListener listener) { try { signature = getSignature(stream);"Got " + signature + " signature"); SignatureHelper.downloadIfNotAvailable(SignatureHelper.getUrl(signature)); } catch (IOException e) { return "Failed to read signature " + e; } String errorMessage = validateConfigVersion(); if (errorMessage != null) return errorMessage; readImage(arguments, Fields.TOTAL_CONFIG_SIZE); if (isClosed) return "Failed to read calibration"; startPullThread(listener); binaryProtocolLogger.start(); return null; } /** * @return null if everything is good, error message otherwise */ private String validateConfigVersion() { int requestSize = 4; byte[] packet = GetOutputsCommand.createRequest(TS_FILE_VERSION_OFFSET, requestSize); String msg = "load TS_CONFIG_VERSION"; byte[] response = executeCommand(Fields.TS_OUTPUT_COMMAND, packet, msg); if (!checkResponseCode(response, (byte) Fields.TS_RESPONSE_OK) || response.length != requestSize + 1) { close(); return "Failed to " + msg; } int actualVersion = FileUtil.littleEndianWrap(response, 1, requestSize).getInt(); if (actualVersion != TS_FILE_VERSION) { log.error("Got TS_CONFIG_VERSION " + actualVersion); return "Incompatible firmware format=" + actualVersion + " while format " + TS_FILE_VERSION + " expected"; } return null; } private void startPullThread(final DataListener textListener) { if (!linkManager.COMMUNICATION_QUEUE.isEmpty()) {"Current queue size: " + linkManager.COMMUNICATION_QUEUE.size()); } Runnable textPull = new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { while (!isClosed) { // FileLog.rlog("queue: " + LinkManager.COMMUNICATION_QUEUE.toString()); if (linkManager.COMMUNICATION_QUEUE.isEmpty() && linkManager.getNeedPullData()) { linkManager.submit(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { isGoodOutputChannels = requestOutputChannels(); if (isGoodOutputChannels) HeartBeatListeners.onDataArrived(); binaryProtocolLogger.compositeLogic(BinaryProtocol.this); if (linkManager.isNeedPullText()) { String text = requestPendingMessages(); if (text != null) textListener.onDataArrived((text + "\r\n").getBytes()); } if (linkManager.isNeedPullLiveData()) { LiveDocsRegistry.LiveDataProvider liveDataProvider = LiveDocsRegistry.getLiveDataProvider(); LiveDocsRegistry.INSTANCE.refresh(liveDataProvider); } } }); } sleep(Timeouts.TEXT_PULL_PERIOD); }"Port shutdown: Stopping text pull"); } }; Thread tr = THREAD_FACTORY.newThread(textPull); tr.start(); } private void dropPending() { synchronized (ioLock) { if (isClosed) return; incomingData.dropPending(); } } public void uploadChanges(ConfigurationImage newVersion) { ConfigurationImage current = getControllerConfiguration(); // let's have our own copy which no one would be able to change newVersion = newVersion.clone(); int offset = 0; while (offset < current.getSize()) { Pair range = ConfigurationImageDiff.findDifferences(current, newVersion, offset); if (range == null) break; int size = range.second - range.first;"Need to patch: " + range + ", size=" + size); byte[] oldBytes = current.getRange(range.first, size);"old " + Arrays.toString(oldBytes)); byte[] newBytes = newVersion.getRange(range.first, size);"new " + Arrays.toString(newBytes)); writeData(newVersion.getContent(), 0, range.first, size); offset = range.second; } burn(); setController(newVersion); } private byte[] receivePacket(String msg) throws IOException { long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); synchronized (ioLock) { return incomingData.getPacket(msg, start); } } /** * read complete tune from physical data stream */ public void readImage(Arguments arguments, int size) { ConfigurationImage image = getAndValidateLocallyCached(); if (image == null) { image = readFullImageFromController(arguments, size); if (image == null) return; } setController(image);"Got configuration from controller."); ConnectionStatusLogic.INSTANCE.setValue(ConnectionStatusValue.CONNECTED); } public static class Arguments { final boolean saveFile; public Arguments(boolean saveFile) { this.saveFile = saveFile; } } @Nullable private ConfigurationImage readFullImageFromController(Arguments arguments, int size) { ConfigurationImage image; image = new ConfigurationImage(size); int offset = 0; long start = System.currentTimeMillis();"Reading from controller..."); while (offset < image.getSize() && (System.currentTimeMillis() - start < Timeouts.READ_IMAGE_TIMEOUT)) { if (isClosed) return null; int remainingSize = image.getSize() - offset; int requestSize = Math.min(remainingSize, Fields.BLOCKING_FACTOR); byte[] packet = new byte[4]; putShort(packet, 0, swap16(offset)); putShort(packet, 2, swap16(requestSize)); byte[] response = executeCommand(Fields.TS_READ_COMMAND, packet, "load image offset=" + offset); if (!checkResponseCode(response, (byte) Fields.TS_RESPONSE_OK) || response.length != requestSize + 1) { String code = (response == null || response.length == 0) ? "empty" : "ERROR_CODE=" + getCode(response); String info = response == null ? "NO RESPONSE" : (code + " length=" + response.length);"readImage: ERROR UNEXPECTED Something is wrong, retrying... " + info); // todo: looks like forever retry? that's weird continue; } HeartBeatListeners.onDataArrived(); ConnectionStatusLogic.INSTANCE.markConnected(); System.arraycopy(response, 1, image.getContent(), offset, requestSize); offset += requestSize; } if (arguments != null && arguments.saveFile) { try { ConfigurationImageFile.saveToFile(image, CONFIGURATION_RUSEFI_BINARY); Msq tune = MsqFactory.valueOf(image); tune.writeXmlFile(CONFIGURATION_RUSEFI_XML); } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println("Ignoring " + e); } } return image; } private static String getCode(byte[] response) { int b = response[0] & 0xff; switch (b) { case TS_RESPONSE_CRC_FAILURE: return "CRC_FAILURE"; case TS_RESPONSE_UNRECOGNIZED_COMMAND: return "UNRECOGNIZED_COMMAND"; case TS_RESPONSE_OUT_OF_RANGE: return "OUT_OF_RANGE"; case TS_RESPONSE_FRAMING_ERROR: return "FRAMING_ERROR"; case TS_RESPONSE_UNDERRUN: return "TS_RESPONSE_UNDERRUN"; } return Integer.toString(b); } private ConfigurationImage getAndValidateLocallyCached() { if (DISABLE_LOCAL_CACHE) return null; ConfigurationImage localCached; try { localCached = ConfigurationImageFile.readFromFile(CONFIGURATION_RUSEFI_BINARY); } catch (IOException e) { System.err.println("Error reading " + CONFIGURATION_RUSEFI_BINARY + ": no worries " + e); return null; } if (localCached != null) { int crcOfLocallyCachedConfiguration = IoHelper.getCrc32(localCached.getContent()); + " Local cache CRC %x\n", crcOfLocallyCachedConfiguration)); int crcFromController = getCrcFromController(localCached.getSize()); if (crcOfLocallyCachedConfiguration == crcFromController) { return localCached; } } return null; } public int getCrcFromController(int configSize) { byte[] packet = createCrcCommand(configSize); byte[] response = executeCommand(Fields.TS_CRC_CHECK_COMMAND, packet, "get CRC32"); if (checkResponseCode(response, (byte) Fields.TS_RESPONSE_OK) && response.length == 5) { ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.wrap(response, 1, 4); // that's unusual - most of the protocol is LITTLE_ENDIAN bb.order(ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN); int crcFromController = bb.getInt();"rusEFI says tune CRC32 0x%x %d\n", crcFromController, crcFromController)); short crc16FromController = (short) crcFromController;"rusEFI says tune CRC16 0x%x %d\n", crc16FromController, crc16FromController)); return crcFromController; } else { return -1; } } public static byte[] createCrcCommand(int size) { byte[] packet = new byte[4]; putShort(packet, 0, swap16(/*offset = */ 0)); putShort(packet, 2, swap16(size)); return packet; } public byte[] executeCommand(char opcode, String msg) { return executeCommand(opcode, null, msg); } /** * Blocking sending binary packet and waiting for a response * * @return null in case of IO issues */ public byte[] executeCommand(char opcode, byte[] packet, String msg) { if (isClosed) return null; byte[] fullRequest; if (packet != null) { fullRequest = new byte[packet.length + 1]; System.arraycopy(packet, 0, fullRequest, 1, packet.length); } else { fullRequest = new byte[1]; } fullRequest[0] = (byte)opcode; try { linkManager.assertCommunicationThread(); dropPending(); if (Bug3923.obscene)"Sending opcode " + opcode + " payload " + packet.length); sendPacket(fullRequest); return receivePacket(msg); } catch (IOException e) { log.error(msg + ": executeCommand failed: " + e); close(); return null; } } public void close() { if (isClosed) return; isClosed = true; binaryProtocolLogger.close(); stream.close(); } public void writeData(byte[] content, int contentOffset, int ecuOffset, int size) { isBurnPending = true; byte[] packet = new byte[4 + size]; putShort(packet, 0, swap16(ecuOffset)); putShort(packet, 2, swap16(size)); System.arraycopy(content, contentOffset, packet, 4, size); long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); while (!isClosed && (System.currentTimeMillis() - start < Timeouts.BINARY_IO_TIMEOUT)) { byte[] response = executeCommand(Fields.TS_CHUNK_WRITE_COMMAND, packet, "writeImage"); if (!checkResponseCode(response, (byte) Fields.TS_RESPONSE_OK) || response.length != 1) { log.error("writeData: Something is wrong, retrying..."); continue; } break; } } public void burn() { if (!isBurnPending) return;"Need to burn"); while (true) { if (isClosed) return; byte[] response = executeCommand(Fields.TS_BURN_COMMAND, "burn"); if (!checkResponseCode(response, (byte) Fields.TS_RESPONSE_BURN_OK) || response.length != 1) { continue; } break; }"DONE"); isBurnPending = false; } public void setController(ConfigurationImage controller) { state.setController(controller); } /** * Configuration as it is in the controller to the best of our knowledge */ public ConfigurationImage getControllerConfiguration() { return state.getControllerConfiguration(); } private void sendPacket(byte[] command) throws IOException { stream.sendPacket(command); } /** * This method blocks until a confirmation is received or {@link Timeouts#BINARY_IO_TIMEOUT} is reached * * @return true in case of timeout, false if got proper confirmation */ private boolean sendTextCommand(String text) { byte[] command = getTextCommandBytesOnlyText(text); long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); while (!isClosed && (System.currentTimeMillis() - start < Timeouts.BINARY_IO_TIMEOUT)) { byte[] response = executeCommand(Fields.TS_EXECUTE, command, "execute"); if (!checkResponseCode(response, (byte) Fields.TS_RESPONSE_COMMAND_OK) || response.length != 1) { continue; } return false; } return true; } public static byte[] getTextCommandBytes(String text) { byte[] asBytes = text.getBytes(); byte[] command = new byte[asBytes.length + 1]; command[0] = Fields.TS_EXECUTE; System.arraycopy(asBytes, 0, command, 1, asBytes.length); return command; } public static byte[] getTextCommandBytesOnlyText(String text) { return text.getBytes(); } private String requestPendingMessages() { if (isClosed) return null; try { byte[] response = executeCommand(Fields.TS_GET_TEXT, "text"); if (response != null && response.length == 1) Thread.sleep(100); return new String(response, 1, response.length - 1); } catch (InterruptedException e) { log.error(e.toString()); return null; } } public boolean requestOutputChannels() { if (isClosed) return false; // TODO: Get rid of the +1. This adds a byte at the front to tack a fake TS response code on the front // of the reassembled packet. byte[] reassemblyBuffer = new byte[TS_TOTAL_OUTPUT_SIZE + 1]; reassemblyBuffer[0] = Fields.TS_RESPONSE_OK; int reassemblyIdx = 0; int remaining = TS_TOTAL_OUTPUT_SIZE; while (remaining > 0) { // If less than one full chunk left, do a smaller read int chunkSize = Math.min(remaining, Fields.BLOCKING_FACTOR); byte[] response = executeCommand( Fields.TS_OUTPUT_COMMAND, GetOutputsCommand.createRequest(reassemblyIdx, chunkSize), "output channels" ); if (response == null || response.length != (chunkSize + 1) || response[0] != Fields.TS_RESPONSE_OK) { return false; } // Copy this chunk in to the reassembly buffer System.arraycopy(response, 1, reassemblyBuffer, reassemblyIdx + 1, chunkSize); remaining -= chunkSize; } state.setCurrentOutputs(reassemblyBuffer); SensorCentral.getInstance().grabSensorValues(reassemblyBuffer); return true; } public BinaryProtocolState getBinaryProtocolState() { return state; } }