
324 lines
11 KiB

package com.rusefi;
import com.rusefi.core.MessagesCentral;
import com.rusefi.core.Sensor;
import com.rusefi.core.SensorCentral;
import com.rusefi.file.TableGenerator;
import com.rusefi.models.Point3D;
import com.rusefi.models.Range;
import com.rusefi.models.XYData;
//import com.rusefi.ui.ChartHelper;
import com.rusefi.ui.RpmModel;
//import com.rusefi.ui.widgets.PotCommand;
import com.rusefi.ui.widgets.RpmCommand;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch;
* Date: 3/24/13
* Andrey Belomutskiy, (c) 2013-2020
public class EcuStimulator {
private static final String DELIMITER = ",";
private static final long SLEEP_TIME = 300;
private static final double EPS = 0.001;
public boolean isDisplayingFuel = true;
private static final int MEASURES = 7;
// private static final String C_FILE_NAME = "advance_map.c";
// private static final String C_PREFIX = "ad_";
private static final String C_PREFIX = "fuel_";
public static Range RPM_RANGE = new Range(0, StimulationInputs.DEFAULT_RPM_MAX); // x-coord
private StimulationInputs inputs = new StimulationInputs(this);
private XYData data = new XYData();
private DefaultSurfaceModel model = ChartHelper.createDefaultSurfaceModel(data, RPM_RANGE, new Range(1, 5));
private final JPanel content = new JPanel(new BorderLayout());
private static EcuStimulator instance = new EcuStimulator();
private final JLabel statusLabel = new JLabel();
private EcuStimulator() {
JPanel panel = ChartHelper.create3DControl(data, model, isDisplayingFuel ? "Fuel Table" : "Timing");
content.add(statusLabel, BorderLayout.NORTH);
content.add(panel, BorderLayout.CENTER);
content.add(inputs.getContent(), BorderLayout.SOUTH);
public static EcuStimulator getInstance() {
return instance;
public JPanel getPanel() {
return content;
public void buildTable() {
// setPotVoltage(2.2, Sensor.MAF);
// if (1 == 1)
// return;
String csvFileName = "table_" + inputs.getRpmStep() + "_" + inputs.getEngineLoadStep() + FileLog.getDate() + ".csv";
FileLog.MAIN.logLine("Wring to " + csvFileName);
final BufferedWriter csv;
try {
csv = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(csvFileName));
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new IllegalStateException(e);
ResultListener listener = new ResultListener() {
public void onResult(int rpm, double engineLoad, double advance, double dwell) {
data.addPoint(new Point3D(rpm, engineLoad, isDisplayingFuel ? (float) dwell : (float) advance));
String msg = putValue("rpm", rpm) +
putValue("engine_load", engineLoad) +
putValue("advance", advance) +
putValue("dwell", dwell);
MessagesCentral.getInstance().postMessage(EcuStimulator.class, msg);
try {
csv.write(msg + "\r\n");
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new IllegalStateException(e);
ChartHelper.setYRange(new Range(inputs.getEngineLoadMin(), inputs.getEngineLoadMax()), model);
//buildTable(listener, DWELL_SENSOR);
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new IllegalStateException(e);
TableGenerator.writeAsC(data, C_PREFIX, "map" + FileLog.getDate() + ".c");
private void buildTable(ResultListener listener, Sensor dwellSensor) {
for (double rpm = inputs.getRpmFrom(); rpm <= inputs.getRpmTo() + EPS; rpm += inputs.getRpmStep()) {
for (double engineLoad = inputs.getEngineLoadMin(); engineLoad <= inputs.getEngineLoadMax() + EPS; engineLoad += inputs.getEngineLoadStep()) {
for (int clt = inputs.getCltFrom(); clt <= inputs.getCltTo(); clt += 100) {
testPoint((int) rpm, engineLoad, clt, listener, dwellSensor);
private void testPoint(int rpm, double engineLoad, int clt, ResultListener resultListener, Sensor dwellSensor) {
//setPotVoltage(maf, Sensor.MAF);
setPotVoltage(engineLoad, null);
* Let's give the firmware some time to react
statusLabel.setText("RPM " + rpm + ", el " + engineLoad + ", CLT " + clt);
* We are making a number of measurements and then we take the middle one
MultipleMeasurements r = waitForMultipleResults(dwellSensor, null);
List<Double> dwells = r.getDwells();
List<Double> advances = r.getAdvances();
// sorting measurements, taking middle value
double dwellDiff = Math.abs(dwells.get(0) - dwells.get(MEASURES - 1));
if (dwellDiff > 1)
System.out.println("dwells " + dwells);
double dwell = dwells.get(MEASURES / 2);
double advance = advances.get(MEASURES / 2);
// if (dwell > 40)
// throw new IllegalStateException("Unexpected value, how come? " + dwell);
log("Stimulator result: " + rpm + "@" + engineLoad + ": " + dwell + ", adv=" + advance);
// double dwell = Launcher.getAdcModel().getValue(Sensor.DWELL0);
// double advance = Launcher.getAdcModel().getValue(Sensor.ADVANCE);
resultListener.onResult(rpm, engineLoad, (float) advance, dwell);
private static void sleepRuntime(long sleepTime) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
throw new IllegalStateException(e);
private static double getValue(Sensor sensor) {
return SensorCentral.getInstance().getValue(sensor);
private static void setRpm(int rpm) {
int actual;
int attempt = 0;
do {
RpmCommand.requestRpmChange(rpm, null);
actual = RpmModel.getInstance().getValue();
} while (attempt++ < 10 && Math.abs(rpm - actual) >= 100);
log("Result: " + actual + " while setting " + rpm);
public static void setPotVoltage(double targetVoltage, Sensor sensor) {
if (sensor != null)
log("Current targetVoltage: " + getValue(sensor) + ", setting " + targetVoltage);
int attempt = 0;
double vRef = getVRef();
int resistance = PotCommand.getPotResistance(targetVoltage, vRef);
if (resistance <= 0) {
log("Invalid resistance " + resistance + ". Invalid targetVoltage " + targetVoltage + "?");
if (sensor == null) {
PotCommand.requestPotChange(1, resistance);
} else {
double actual;
do {
PotCommand.requestPotChange(1, resistance);
actual = getValue(sensor);
log("Got: " + actual + " on attempt=" + attempt + " while setting " + targetVoltage + " for " + sensor);
} while (attempt++ < 10 && Math.abs(targetVoltage - actual) > 0.2);
log("Result: " + actual + " while setting " + targetVoltage);
private static double getVRef() {
// todo: make this adjustable via the UI
//double vRef = SensorCentral.getConfig().getValue(Sensor.VREF) * PotCommand.VOLTAGE_CORRECTION;
return 4.7;
private static void log(String message) {
MessagesCentral.getInstance().postMessage(EcuStimulator.class, message);
private static String putValue(String msg, double value) {
return msg + DELIMITER + value + DELIMITER;
private static String putValue(String msg, int value) {
return msg + DELIMITER + value + DELIMITER;
public JButton createButton() {
final JButton button = new JButton("stimulate stock ECU");
button.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
new Thread(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
try {
} catch (Throwable e) {
SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
}, "Ecu Stimulator").start();
return button;
public StimulationInputs getInputs() {
return inputs;
interface ResultListener {
void onResult(int rpm, double engineLoad, double advance, double dwell);
public MultipleMeasurements waitForMultipleResults(final Sensor dwellSensor, final Sensor advanceSensor) {
final MultipleMeasurements result = new MultipleMeasurements();
final CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(MEASURES);
EngineTimeListener listener = new EngineTimeListener() {
public void onTime(double time) {
if (latch.getCount() == 0)
double dwell = getValue(dwellSensor);
double advance = getValue(advanceSensor);
advance = Sensor.processAdvance(advance);
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
throw new IllegalStateException(e);
return result;
private static class MultipleMeasurements {
private List<Double> dwells = new ArrayList<>(MEASURES);
private List<Double> advances = new ArrayList<>(MEASURES);
public List<Double> getDwells() {
return dwells;
public List<Double> getAdvances() {
return advances;