Operation mode / speed: 'Some triggers could be mounted differently. Most well-known triggers imply specific sensor setup. 4 stroke with symmetrical crank' is a pretty special case for example on Miata NB2
See engineCycle
set operation_mode X
use only rising edge: VR sensors are only precise on rising front
Operation mode / speed: 'Some triggers could be mounted differently. Most well-known triggers imply specific sensor setup. 4 stroke with symmetrical crank' is a pretty special case for example on Miata NB2
Operation mode / speed: 'Some triggers could be mounted differently. Most well-known triggers imply specific sensor setup. 4 stroke with symmetrical crank' is a pretty special case for example on Miata NB2
vBatt ADC input: This is the processor input pin that the battery voltage circuit is connected to, if you are unsure of what pin to use, check the schematic that corresponds to your PCB.
Pin: This implementation produces one pulse per engine cycle. See also dizzySparkOutputPin.
Off Above TPS(%): Turns off alternator output above specified TPS, enabling this reduced parasitic drag on the engine at full load.
Detailed status in console: Print details into rusEfi console
vBatt ADC input: This is the processor input pin that the battery voltage circuit is connected to, if you are unsure of what pin to use, check the schematic that corresponds to your PCB.
Pin: This implementation produces one pulse per engine cycle. See also dizzySparkOutputPin.
Off Above TPS(%): Turns off alternator output above specified TPS, enabling this reduced parasitic drag on the engine at full load.
Detailed status in console: Print details into rusEfi console
vBatt ADC input: This is the processor input pin that the battery voltage circuit is connected to, if you are unsure of what pin to use, check the schematic that corresponds to your PCB.
Pin: This implementation produces one pulse per engine cycle. See also dizzySparkOutputPin.
Off Above TPS(%): Turns off alternator output above specified TPS, enabling this reduced parasitic drag on the engine at full load.
Detailed status in console: Print details into rusEfi console