function setTwoBytes(data, offset, value) value = math.floor(value) data[offset + 2] = value >> 8 data[offset + 1] = value & 0xff end R52_RPM = 0x316 data = { 0, 0, 0, 00, 0, 0 , 0, 0 } -- just nice init position rpm = 4000 -- -- tested on 9286699 -- CAN Rx Channels IDRIVE_BUTTONS = 0x267 IDRIVE_ROTARY = 0x264 -- CAN Tx Channels IDRIVE_BRIGHTNESS = 0x202 IDRIVE_HEARBEAT = 0x560 IDRIVE_ROTARY_INIT = 0x273 brighness = 0 canRxAdd(IDRIVE_ROTARY) -- rotation canRxAdd(IDRIVE_BUTTONS) -- buttons setTickRate(5) -- set tick rate to 5hz -- One time rotary initialisation txCan(1, IDRIVE_ROTARY_INIT, 0, { 0x1D, 0xE1, 0x00, 0xF0, 0xFF, 0x7F, 0xDE, 0x04 }) function onCanRx(bus, id, dlc, data) -- print('got CAN id=' ..' dlc=' ..dlc) if id == IDRIVE_BUTTONS then -- print('got buttons @4='[4] ..' @6='[6]) if data[4] == 1 or data[4] == 2 then print('got hold or release @4='[4] ..' @6='[6]) if data[6] == 2 and brighness > 0 then brighness = brighness - 1 print('brighness ' ..brighness) end if data[6] == 4 and brighness < 15 then brighness = brighness + 1 print('brighness ' ..brighness) end end end if id == IDRIVE_ROTARY then if data[5] == 0x80 then rightClicks = data[4] print('rotary turned right ' ..rightClicks ..' clicks') rpm = 400 * rightClicks end if data[5] == 0x7f then print('rotary turned left ' ..255 - data[4] ..' clicks') end end end function onTick() -- wake up, need to send once every 1.5 second but we can send more often because why not txCan(1, IDRIVE_HEARBEAT, 0, { 3 }) txCan(1, IDRIVE_BRIGHTNESS, 0, { brighness * 16 + 0xd }) -- rpm = rpm + 300 -- if rpm > 8000 then -- rpm = 0 -- end setTwoBytes(data, 2, rpm * 6.39) txCan(1, R52_RPM, 0, data) -- 1 ABS and warm-up light but no tach -- 3 blinker and alive -- 4 ABS and alive -- status2 = 2 -- status3 = 0xC0 status3 = 0x0 status4 = 0x0 -- status4 = 0xC0 -- with ABS with blinker with warm-up light -- status4 = 0xFF txCan(1, 0x61f, 0, { 0, 0, status2, status3, status, 0 , 0, 0 }) end