# How can I help rusEfi? The weakest point of rusEfi is documentation. If you've played with rusEfi for any time chances are you have help improve the documentation. [Click here for more details](HOWTO_contribute_to_documentation.md) #### How to contribute to https://github.com/rusefi/rusefi_documentation Step 1: Sign up or sign in to https://github.com Step 2: Open https://github.com/rusefi/rusefi_documentation and click 'Fork' - this would produce your own fork/copy of rusefi_documentation which you can now edit right in your browser! ![editor](github_online_editor.png) Step 3: Edit your code and Commit changes using the button below the editor. Step 4: Once you are ready to contribute your changes, hit 'New pull request' button on the main page of your fork. This would produce a [Pull request like this](https://github.com/rusefi/rusefi_documentation/pull/3) in the official rusefi repository and your changes would probably soon become public! https://github.com/rusefi/rusefi/blob/master/firmware/tunerstudio/rusefi.input #### How to contribute to rusEfi TunerStudio project Same as above, fork https://github.com/rusefi/rusefi and edit your local copy of https://github.com/rusefi/rusefi/blob/master/firmware/tunerstudio/rusefi.input file https://github.com/rusefi/rusefi/commit/9d9ae5a05499027b32ed76df3e7ee2e2e8240c31 is an example of how more help could be added right into TunerStudio project file. Lines with green background are the lines being added. Unfortunately while you would be modifying your mainController.ini file while trying your changes, you need to edit rusefi.input file which is a template from which rusefi.ini is generated programmatically on rusefi side. #### Last but not least Since 2012 until today, this is just a hobby project with zero paid employees. Test PCBs, forum hosting, damaged hardware and etc. costs money There are two ways to help financially: One-time or monthly https://tinyurl.com/paypal-rusefi One-time or monthly [rusEfi Patreon](https://www.patreon.com/rusefi)