We can develop and fabricate a Standalone PnP ECU board* for more or less any port injected gasoline engine for $750. (well, minimal order of five required so minimal order price $3750, additional boards $400) * two months turn around time * up to dual ETB * up to 16 injectors * up to 16 coil drivers * CAN programming of whatever packets as long as you know what packets are needed * new or used main connector, depending on availability * shape matching OEM case if desired * if we mess up second round is on us! * interested in GDI? Let's talk! Powered by [Hellen One Platform](Hellen-One-Platform) ![x](Hardware/Hellen/hellen-one-logo-300.jpg) For list of Hellen boards available for sale already see [Hellen-One-Platform](Hellen-One-Platform) # Plug and Play * Uses OEM header (new if available, used otherwise) * Goes into OEM case * Basic CAN programming included according to provided CAN message format * Tuning NOT included * K-line NOT supported * Vehicle integration research NOT included * TL,DR: this is a _blank_ PnP _board_ not a "Hook it up and drive to the race track" deal. Please do your research! # What next? rusEFI LLC does not have experience and resources to provide adequate support to retail customers. The ideal setup is rusEFI focusing on hardware, software and fabrication, with _product owners_ dealing with sales, marketing and user support for each of the platform specific ECUs. See also [Plug-In-Board-Process](Plug-In-Board-Process)