# Proteus v0.3/0.4 Pinout & Wiring ## _NOTE: this pinout only applies to boards v0.3 and newer (green). [If you have v0.2 or older (probably black), then use the pinout found here!](Hardware-Proteus-Wiring-v02)_ ## Black 35 Pin 776231-1 |Pin Number|Name | Type ID | Default function | | ---:|:------------- | ----- |:------------------------------------ | | 1 |Highside #2 | hs | output | | 2 |Highside #1 | hs | output | | 3 |**Lowside #1** | ls | Injector #1 | | 4 |**Lowside #3** | ls | Injector #3 | | 5 |**Lowside #5** | ls | Injector #5 | | 6 |**Lowside #6** | ls | Injector #6 | | 7 |**Lowside #7** | ls | Injector #7 | | 8 |**Lowside #9** | ls | Injector #9 | | 9 |**Lowside #11**| ls | Injector #11 | | 10 |**Lowside #13**| ls | low-side output: main relay | | 11 |**Lowside #14**| ls | low-side output | | 12 |**Lowside #15**| ls | low-side output: radiator fan relay | | 13 |Highside #3 | hs | output | | 14 |Highside #4 | hs | output | | 15 |**Lowside #2** | ls | Injector #2 | | 16 |**Lowside #4** | ls | Injector #4 | | 17 | **GND** | gnd | Power GND | | 18 | **GND** | gnd | Power GND | | 19 |**Lowside #8** | ls | Injector #8 | | 20 |**Lowside #10**| ls | Injector #10 | | 21 |**Lowside #12**| ls | Injector #12 | | 22 | Ignition 3 | hl | Ignition cylinder 3 | | 23 |**Lowside #16**| ls | low-side output: fuel pump | | 24 | **GND** | gnd | Power GND | | 25 | Ignition 12 | hl | Ignition cylinder 12 | | 26 | Ignition 11 | hl | Ignition cylinder 11 | | 27 | Ignition 10 | hl | Ignition cylinder 10 | | 28 | Ignition 9 | hl | Ignition cylinder 9 | | 29 | Ignition 8 | hl | Ignition cylinder 8 | | 30 | Ignition 7 | hl | Ignition cylinder 7 | | 31 | Ignition 6 | hl | Ignition cylinder 6 | | 32 | Ignition 5 | hl | Ignition cylinder 5 | | 33 | Ignition 4 | hl | Ignition cylinder 4 | | 34 | Ignition 2 | hl | Ignition cylinder 2 | | 35 | Ignition 1 | hl | Ignition cylinder 1 | ## Black 23 Pin 776228-1 |Pin Number|Name | Type ID | Default function | | ---:|:---------- | ----- |:------------------------------------ | | 1 | DIGITAL 2 | din | Digital trigger/switch input | | 2 | DIGITAL 3 | din | Digital trigger/switch input | | 3 | DIGITAL 4 | din | Digital trigger/switch input | | 4 | VR2 pos | vr | Variable Reluctance #2 positive | | 5 | VR1 pos | vr | Variable Reluctance #1 positive | | 6 | ETB1- | etb | ETB 1 negative | | 7 | ETB1+ | etb | ETB 1 positive | | 8 | ETB2- | etb | ETB 2 negative | | 9 | DIGITAL 5 | din | Digital trigger/switch input | | 10 | DIGITAL 1 | din | Digital trigger/switch input | | 11 | DIGITAL 6 | din | Digital trigger/switch input | | 12 | VR2 neg | vr | Variable Reluctance #2 negative | | 13 | VR1 neg | vr | Variable Reluctance #1 negative | | 14 | Reserved | | Reserved for future use | | 15 | ETB2+ | etb | ETB 2 positive | | 16 | CAN- | can | CAN bus low | | 17 | CAN+ | can | CAN bus high | | 18 | +12 raw | 12v | Ignition power / ECU power source
Connect this pin to the output of your ignition switch.| | 19 | **GND** | gnd | Power GND | | 20 | **GND** | gnd | Power GND | | 21 | Reserved | | Reserved for future use | | 22 | Reserved | | Reserved for future use | | 23 | +12V mr | 12v | Power supply from main relay.
Connect this pin to the output of the car's main relay that also powers injectors, coils, etc.
Supplies power to electronic throttle drivers and high side outputs.### | ## White 35 Pin 776231-2 |Pin Number|Name | Type ID | Default function | | ---:|:---------- | ----- |:------------------------------------ | | 1 | **GND** | sgnd | Sensor GND | | 2 | **GND** | sgnd | Sensor GND | | 3 | **GND** | sgnd | Sensor GND | | 4 | **GND** | sgnd | Sensor GND | | 5 | **GND** | sgnd | Sensor GND | | 6 | **GND** | sgnd | Sensor GND | | 7 | **GND** | sgnd | Sensor GND | | 8 | **GND** | sgnd | Sensor GND | | 9 | 5V SENS 1 | 5v | Analog Voltage +5 supply #1 | | 10 | 5V SENS 2 | 5v | Analog Voltage +5 supply #2 | | 11 | +12V out | 12v | 12V protected output for sensors | | 12 | +12V out | 12v | 12V protected output for sensors | | 13 | AV1 | av | Analog Voltage Input #1 | | 14 | AV3 | av | Analog Voltage Input #3 | | 15 | AV5 | av | Analog Voltage Input #5 | | 16 | AV7 | av | Analog Voltage Input #7 | | 17 | AV9 | av | Analog Voltage Input #9 | | 18 | AV11 | av | Analog Voltage Input #11 | | 19 | AT1 | at | Analog Thermistor Input #1 | | 20 | AT3 | at | Analog Thermistor Input #3 | | 21 | 5V SENS 1 | 5v | Analog Voltage +5 supply #1 | | 22 | 5V SENS 2 | 5v | Analog Voltage +5 supply #2 | | 23 | **GND** | sgnd | Sensor GND | | 24 | AV2 | av | Analog Voltage Input #2 | | 25 | AV4 | av | Analog Voltage Input #4 | | 26 | AV6 | av | Analog Voltage Input #6 | | 27 | AV8 | av | Analog Voltage Input #8 | | 28 | AV10 | av | Analog Voltage Input #10 | | 29 | **GND** | sgnd | Sensor GND | | 30 | AT2 | at | Intake air temperature | | 31 | AT4 | at | Analog Thermistor Input #4 | | 32 | 5V SENS 1 | 5v | Analog Voltage +5 supply #1 | | 33 | 5V SENS 2 | 5v | Analog Voltage +5 supply #2 | | 34 | KNOCK 1 | | Knock input 1 on 0.4. Due to a hardware defect, knock hardware can't work on v0.3 :( | | 35 | KNOCK 2 | | Knock input 2 on 0.4 | ## Misc notes - UB-20PMFP-LC7002 waterproof USB connector - Hammond 1590XXFL metal enclosure