# Joining the rusEFI slack channel #### What is slack and why should I be there? Slack in a group messenger that can be accessed through your browser or as an application on your PC. Before joining slack please read the section on [asking questions.](HOWTO-ask-questions.md) Please also read the topic on [distraction.](D-is-for-DISTRACTION). And maybe even [Knowledge-best-practices-and-Channels](Knowledge-best-practices-and-Channels) #### Joining the channel NEW LINK [https://join.slack.com/t/rusefi/shared_invite/zt-1jay59c0l-idseNjIRg~gU1GNQuimYQw](https://join.slack.com/t/rusefi/shared_invite/zt-1jay59c0l-idseNjIRg~gU1GNQuimYQw) To get started you'll have to get the invite to our channel, you can do that using the link above. ![invite](FAQ/images/HOWTO_join_rusEFI_slack_channel/slack_channel_invite.png) After entering, you'll receive an invitation in your E-mail of choice. ![email](FAQ/images/HOWTO_join_rusEFI_slack_channel/slack_invite_email.png) You'll need to open the invite e-mail and click on the link inside ![link](FAQ/images/HOWTO_join_rusEFI_slack_channel/slack_invite_link.png) After opening the link you'll be directed to the sigh-up page. ![account](FAQ/images/HOWTO_join_rusEFI_slack_channel/slack_invite_account.png) You'll need to fill out the specified spaces and create your then account. After creating your account you'll enter the rusEFI slack channel. ![channel](FAQ/images/HOWTO_join_rusEFI_slack_channel/slack_channel_channel.png) Welcome! If you already have a slack account you can just use our workspace url - rusefi.slack.com , you'll know what to do.