# Temperature Sensing In order to configure coolant temperature sensor or intake air sensor you would need to know it's resistance at three temperatures - lowest, highest and somewhere in between. You would also need to know the value of pull-up 'bias' resistor, which together with your sensor would make a voltage divider. While troubleshooting CLT and IAT, the two most useful console commands are `analoginfo` and `tempinfo` - these show you the voltage registered by rusEFI alongside with input pins and resistance processing values. See also [Measuring Temperature](http://rusefi.com/articles/measuring_temperature/) See also [Troubleshooting](Troubleshooting) ![analoginfo Output](Images/analoginfo2.png) ![tempinfo Output](Images/tempinfo.png) ![CLT Thermistor Settings](Images/thermistor_settings.png) ## Some data points [1996 Dodge RAM 1500 V8 Temp spreadsheet from FSM - Forum](http://rusefi.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=864&start=60#p15344) ![IAT Thermistor settings](Images/IAT_screen.png) MLX90621 [MLX90620 / MLX90621 - 16X4 pixel IR thermal array](http://forum.arduino.cc/index.php?topic=126244.0) [Broken Link](http://www.melexis.com/Asset/Datasheet-IR-thermometer-16X4-sensor-array-MLX90620-DownloadLink-6099.aspx) [Transition from MLX90620 to MLX90621](https://www.melexis.com/en/documents/documentation/how-it-works/how-it-works-transition-mlx90620-mlx90621) ![MLX90621 Pinout](Images/MLX90621_pinout.png)