
483 lines
9.5 KiB

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<script type="text/javascript" src="yaml.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
var connectorYaml = `
- pin: 1
id: [GPIOE_11, GPIOE_11]
class: [event_inputs, switch_inputs]
function: Digital trigger/switch input
ts_name: Digital 2
type: din
- pin: 2
id: [GPIOE_12, GPIOE_12]
class: [event_inputs, switch_inputs]
function: Digital trigger/switch input
ts_name: Digital 3
type: din
- pin: 3
id: [GPIOE_13, GPIOE_13]
class: [event_inputs, switch_inputs]
function: Digital trigger/switch input
ts_name: Digital 4
type: din
- pin: 4
function: Variable Reluctance #2 positive
type: vr
- id: GPIOE_8
class: event_inputs
ts_name: VR 2
- pin: 5
function: Variable Reluctance #1 positive
type: vr
- id: GPIOE_7
class: event_inputs
ts_name: VR 1
- pin: 6
function: ETB 1 negative
type: etb
- pin: 7
function: ETB 1 positive
type: etb
- pin: 8
function: ETB 2 negative
type: etb
- pin: 9
id: [GPIOE_14, GPIOE_14]
class: [event_inputs, switch_inputs]
function: Digital trigger/switch input
ts_name: Digital 5
type: din
- pin: 10
id: [GPIOC_6, GPIOC_6]
class: [event_inputs, switch_inputs]
function: Digital trigger/switch input
ts_name: Digital 1
type: din
- pin: 11
id: [GPIOE_15, GPIOE_15]
class: [event_inputs, switch_inputs]
function: Digital trigger/switch input
ts_name: Digital 6
type: din
- pin: 12
function: Variable Reluctance #2 negative
type: vr
- pin: 13
function: Variable Reluctance #1 negative
type: vr
- pin: 14
function: Reserved For Future Use
- pin: 15
function: ETB 2 positive
type: etb
- pin: 16
function: CAN bus low
type: can
- pin: 17
function: CAN bus high
type: can
- pin: 18
id: EFI_ADC_7
class: analog_inputs
ts_name: Battery Sense
function: Ignition power / ECU power source. Connect this pin to the output of your ignition switch.
type: 12v
- pin: 19
function: Power GND
type: gnd
- pin: 20
function: Power GND
type: gnd
- pin: 21
function: Reserved For Future Use
- pin: 22
function: Reserved For Future Use
- pin: 23
function: Power supply from main relay. Connect this pin to the output of the car's main relay that also powers injectors, coils, etc. Supplies power to electronic throttle drivers and high side outputs.
type: 12v
file: black23.jpg
- pin: 1
x: 239
y: 312
- pin: 2
x: 343
y: 312
- pin: 3
x: 447
y: 312
- pin: 4
x: 551
y: 312
- pin: 5
x: 655
y: 312
- pin: 6
x: 759
y: 312
- pin: 7
x: 863
y: 312
- pin: 8
x: 967
y: 312
- pin: 9
x: 291
y: 412
- pin: 10
x: 395
y: 412
- pin: 11
x: 499
y: 412
- pin: 12
x: 603
y: 412
- pin: 13
x: 707
y: 412
- pin: 14
x: 811
y: 412
- pin: 15
x: 915
y: 412
- pin: 16
x: 239
y: 512
- pin: 17
x: 343
y: 512
- pin: 18
x: 447
y: 512
- pin: 19
x: 551
y: 512
- pin: 20
x: 655
y: 512
- pin: 21
x: 759
y: 512
- pin: 22
x: 863
y: 512
- pin: 23
x: 967
y: 512
function addRow(table, pin, pdiv) {
var template = document.getElementById("table-template");
var clone = template.content.cloneNode(true);
var row = clone.querySelector(".data");
var pdata = clone.querySelector(".pin-data");
var idata = clone.querySelector(".id-data");
var tdata = clone.querySelector(".type-data");
var fdata = clone.querySelector(".function-data");
var cdata = clone.querySelector(".color-data");
pdata.textContent =;
idata.textContent =;
tdata.textContent = pin.type
fdata.textContent = pin.function;
cdata.textContent = pin.color
row.addEventListener('click', function(pin, pdiv) {
clickPin(pin, pdiv);
}.bind(null, pin, pdiv));
function clickPin(pin, pdiv) {
var table = document.getElementById("info-table").querySelector("tbody");
table.innerHTML = "";
if (Array.isArray( {
var pinIds =, index) => {
return === index;
for (var i = 0; i < pinIds.length; i++) {
addRow(table, {pin:, id: pinIds[i], function: pin.function}, pdiv);
} else {
addRow(table, pin, pdiv);
var pins = document.querySelectorAll(".pin-marker");
for (var i = 0; i < pins.length; i++) {
if (pins[i].dataset.type == pin.type) {
} else {
function adjustMarkers() {
var cdiv = document.getElementById("connector-div"); = document.getElementById("connector-img").clientWidth;
var pins = document.querySelectorAll(".pin-marker");
for (var i = 0; i < pins.length; i++) {
var height = cdiv.clientHeight * 0.05;
pins[i].style.height = height + "px";
pins[i].style.width = height + "px";
pins[i].style.marginTop = "-" + (height * 0.5) + "px";
pins[i].style.marginLeft = "-" + (height * 0.5) + "px";
pins[i].style.fontSize = (height * 0.5) + "px";
window.addEventListener('load', function() {
var connector = YAML.parse(connectorYaml);
document.getElementById("connector-img").addEventListener('load', function() {
for (var i = 0; i < connector.pins.length; i++) {
var pin = connector.pins[i];
if (! {
var pinfo;
for (var ii = 0; ii <; ii++) {
if ([ii].pin == {
pinfo =[ii];
var cdiv = document.getElementById("connector-div");
var template = document.getElementById("pin-template");
var clone = template.content.cloneNode(true);
var pdiv = clone.querySelector("div");
var img = document.getElementById("connector-img");
var imgHeight = img.naturalHeight;
var imgWidth = img.naturalWidth;
pdiv.textContent =; = ((pinfo.y / imgHeight) * 100) + "%"; = ((pinfo.x / imgWidth) * 100) + "%";
pdiv.dataset.type = pin.type;
pdiv.addEventListener("click", function(pin, pdiv) {
clickPin(pin, pdiv);
}.bind(null, pin, pdiv));
var fullTable = document.getElementById("pinout-table").querySelector("tbody");
addRow(fullTable, connector.pins[i], pdiv);
document.getElementById("connector-img").src =;
window.addEventListener('resize', function() {
<template id="pin-template">
<div class="pin-marker"></div>
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<div id="connector-div">
<img id="connector-img"></img>
<template id="table-template">
<tr class="data">
<td class="pin-data"></td>
<td class="id-data"></td>
<td class="type-data"></td>
<td class="function-data"></td>
<td class="color-data"></td>
<table id="info-table">
<th>Pin Number</th>
<th>Firmware ID</th>
<th>Typical Function</th>
<th>Pigtail Color</th>
<h2>Full Pinout Table</h2>
<table id="pinout-table">
<th>Pin Number</th>
<th>Firmware ID</th>
<th>Typical Function</th>
<th>Pigtail Color</th>