224 lines
7.9 KiB
224 lines
7.9 KiB
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# brokenlinks.sh #
# 02/18/2021 #
# Written By David Holdeman #
# Searches for broken links in a Github Wiki repo, and suggests and applies corrections. #
# Usage: brokenlinks.sh [-s non-interactive] [-d debug] <optional file(s)> ... #
# These two functions are used to escape variables for use in a sed command
# Passed a single string
escape() {
sed 's/[^^]/[&]/g; s/\^/\\^/g' <<<"$1";
export -f escape
escapeReplace() {
sed 's/[&/\]/\\&/g' <<<"$1";
export -f escapeReplace
# return status:
# 0: file is good .md
# 1: file is bad
# 2: file is not .md
checkurl() {
# If it's an internet link, ignore it.
# That's beyond the scope of this tool.
if echo "$LINK" | grep -E '^http' >/dev/null; then
return 2
# Check for links that begin in ./ or /, as they won't function as expected everywhere.
if echo "$LINK" | grep -E '^[.]?/' >/dev/null; then
# Save the link for replacement
# Correct the link.
# We save this to $LINK because the next check in this function need the corrected version.
LINK=$(echo "$LINK" | sed 's/^.\{0,1\}\///')
# Lock user-facing input/output so that the user is presented with one fix at a time.
flock -x 200
# Print the file and the old link
echo "In $1:" >&2
echo "$OLDLINK" >&2
# Print the options as though they are a list in order to have the same UI as other types of correction
echo "$LINK" | cat --number >&2
# Make sure we aren't in non-interactive mode.
if [ "$SCRIPT" -lt 1 ]; then
echo "Type a number, then hit return to select an alternative, or just hit return to skip fixing:" >&2
# Read the user input
read -r PICK
if [[ $PICK =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]] && [ "$PICK" -eq 1 ]; then
# Replace the old link with the new one.
# Parentheses are placed around both the old link and new one in order to ensure we replace the link,
# and not some other place in the file that happens to use the same words.
REPLACE=$(escape '('"$OLDLINK""$HASH"')')
REPLACEWITH=$(escapeReplace "$LINK""$HASH")
sed -i "s/$REPLACE/\($REPLACEWITH\)/" "$1"
# We don't continue here because the link we fixed might be broken.
# File descriptor for the lock.
) 200>brokenlinks.lock
# Skip links that are to an .md file and aren't broken.
if [ "$(echo "$LIST" | grep "$LINK"".md" 2>/dev/null | wc -l)" -gt 0 ]; then
# print the URL for use in `checkhash`
echo "$LINK"
return 0
# Skip non-md links if they're not broken.
if echo "$LINK" | grep -v '.md$' >/dev/null && ls "$LINK" 2>/dev/null >/dev/null; then
return 2
# Build the search term we will look for.
# All hyphens and underscores are replaced with asterisks, so we
# can find files with mismatched hyphens or underscores.
SEARCH='*'$(basename "$LINK" | sed 's/[-_ ]/*/g')'*'
# Search for matching files.
# We are using `find` here because we need to search for all files, while $LIST has only .md files
FILES=$(find . -iname "$SEARCH")
# Lock user-facing input/output so that the user is presented with one fix at a time.
flock -x 200
# Print the filename and the broken link.
echo "In $1:" >&2
echo "$LINK" >&2
# If there are no files, skip to next link.
if [ -z "$FILES" ]; then
echo "Could not find" >&2
return 1
# List the potential files, with numbers.
echo "$FILES" | cat --number >&2
# Make sure we aren't in non-interactive mode.
if [ "$SCRIPT" -lt 1 ]; then
echo "Type a number, then hit return to select an alternative, or just hit return to skip fixing:" >&2
# Read the user input
read -r PICK
# If the selection isn't a number, skip to the next link.
if ! [[ $PICK =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]]; then
return 1
# Get the selected file path, without the preceding ./
FILE=$(echo "$FILES" | head -n "$PICK" | tail -n 1 | sed 's/^\.\///')
# Track if the linked file is a .md file
if echo "$FILE" | grep ".md$" >/dev/null; then
# Drop the .md from the link
FILE=$(basename "$FILE" .md)
# Replace the old link with the new one.
# Parentheses are placed around both the old link and new one in order to ensure we replace the link,
# and not some other place in the file that happens to use the same words.
REPLACE=$(escape '('"$LINK""$HASH"')')
REPLACEWITH=$(escapeReplace "$FILE""$HASH")
sed -i "s/$REPLACE/\($REPLACEWITH\)/" "$1"
# print the URL for use in `checkhash`
echo "$LINK"
if [ "$MD" -eq 1 ]; then
return 0
return 2
return 1
# File descriptor for the lock.
) 200>brokenlinks.lock
# The returns within the lock closure don't return from the function, only from the closure.
return $?
export -f checkurl
checkhash() {
# $1: file
# $2: hash
# $3: url - won't always be present
# TODO check hash fragment validity
return 0
export -f checkhash
# Main processing function
# Passed the path to a .md file
searchfile() {
# This loops for every link in the file.
# See the end of the function for the grep that finds the links in the file.
# We use file descriptor 3, because if we used stdin, the read calls inside this loop would read from that instead of
# reading the user's input.
while IFS= read -r -u 3 LINK; do
# Break the link into URL and hash fragment, if one is present
if echo "$LINK" | grep '#' >/dev/null; then
URL=$(echo "$LINK" | cut -d '#' -f 1)
HASH="#"$(echo "$LINK" | cut -d '#' -f 2)
# We need to store the return status of `checkurl` to know whether we need to check the hash
if [ -n "$URL" ]; then
# `checkurl` returns the URL if it is good,
# so that if it was fixed, we have the update version to use in `checkhash`.
URL=$(checkurl "$1" "$URL" "$HASH")
if [ "$URLSTATUS" -eq 1 ]; then
# Only check the hash if it exists and the URL was good.
if [ -n "$HASH" ] && [ "$URLSTATUS" -eq 0 ]; then
# Parameters are reversed because we won't always have a URL - we might only have a hash fragment.
checkhash "$1" "$HASH" "$URL"
# Check exit code directly https://www.shellcheck.net/wiki/SC2181
if ! checkhash "$1" "$HASH" "$URL"; then
if [ "$DEBUG" -eq 1 ]; then
echo "$(date +%T.%N) $1 $URL $HASH"
# This regex finds links in the file that is passed to searchfile
# Results are fed to file descriptor 3 for the reasons previously explained.
done 3< <(grep -oP '(?<=\]\().*?(?=[\)])' "$1" | sed -e "s/^<//g" -e "s/>$//g" | cut -d '"' -f1 | sed -e 's/^[[:space:]]*//' -e 's/[[:space:]]*$//')
return $STATUS
export -f searchfile
export SCRIPT=0
export DEBUG=0
for i in $@; do
if [ "$i" == "-s" ]; then
export SCRIPT=1
elif [ "$i" == "-d" ]; then
export DEBUG=1
# split into 2 commands to avoid masking of return values https://www.shellcheck.net/wiki/SC2155
LIST=$(find . -iname "*.md" ! -name '_*')
export LIST
if [ "${#FILES[@]}" -gt 0 ]; then
# Only run `searchfile` on passed-in file names.
for f in "${FILES[@]}"; do
# Check exit code directly https://www.shellcheck.net/wiki/SC2181
if ! searchfile "$f"; then
exit $STATUS
# run `searchfile` on every .md file in the repo
xargs -0 -P $(nproc --all) -a <(echo "$LIST" | tr '\n' '\0') -I {} bash -c 'searchfile "$@"' _ {}