Initial work on fast digital and analog IO

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Josh Stewart 2013-06-27 13:08:49 +10:00
parent 572f0cf183
commit 443eba0083
2 changed files with 33 additions and 7 deletions

fastAnalog.h Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
#ifndef cbi
#define cbi(sfr, bit) (_SFR_BYTE(sfr) &= ~_BV(bit))
#ifndef sbi
#define sbi(sfr, bit) (_SFR_BYTE(sfr) |= _BV(bit))

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@ -19,6 +19,11 @@ Need to calculate the req_fuel figure here, preferably in pre-processor macro
//The following lines are configurable, but the defaults are probably pretty good for most applications
#define engineInjectorDeadTime 1.5 //Time in ms that the injector takes to open
#define engineSquirtsPerCycle 2 //Would be 1 for a 2 stroke
#define pinInjector 6 //Output pin the injector is on (Assumes 1 cyl only)
#define pinCoil 7 //Pin for the coil (AS above, 1 cyl only)
#define pinTPS 8 //TPS input pin
#define pinTrigger 2 //The CAS pin
#include "utils.h"
@ -26,20 +31,17 @@ Need to calculate the req_fuel figure here, preferably in pre-processor macro
#include "testing.h"
#include "scheduler.h"
#include "fastAnalog.h"
#include "digitalIOPerformance.h"
float req_fuel = ((engineCapacity / engineInjectorSize) / engineCylinders / engineStoich) * 100; // This doesn't seem quite correct, but I can't find why. It will be close enough to start an engine
int req_fuel_uS = req_fuel * 1000; //Convert to uS and, importantly, an int. This is the only variable to be used in calculations
// Setup section
// These aren't really configuration options, more so a description of how the hardware is setup. These are things that will be defined in the recommended hardware setup
int triggerActualTeeth = triggerTeeth - triggerMissingTeeth; //The number of physical teeth on the wheel. Doing this here saves us a calculation each time in the interrupt
int triggerOffset = 120;
int triggerToothAngle = 360 / triggerTeeth; //The number of degrees that passes from tooth to tooth
int pinInjector = 6; // The standard pin for the injector driver (Assumes 1 cyl only)
int pinCoil = 7; //Pin for the coil (AS above, 1 cyl only)
int pinTrigger = 2;
volatile boolean hasSync = false;
volatile int toothCurrentCount = 0; //The current number of teeth (Onec sync has been achieved, this can never actually be 0
@ -83,6 +85,14 @@ void setup() {
#ifdef sbi
//This sets the ADC (Analog to Digitial Converter) to run at 1Mhz, greatly reducing analog read times (MAP/TPS)
//1Mhz is the fastest speed permitted by the CPU without affecting accuracy
@ -103,9 +113,11 @@ void loop()
long revolutionTime = (triggerTeeth * (toothLastToothTime - toothLastMinusOneToothTime)); //The time in uS that one revolution would take at current speed
rpm = US_IN_MINUTE / revolutionTime;
//Serial.print("RPM: "); Serial.println(rpm);
rpm = 1000;
//Get the current MAP value
int MAP = 20; //Placeholder
int TPS = 20; //Placeholder
//Begin the fuel calculation
//Perform lookup into fuel map for RPM vs MAP value
@ -120,6 +132,8 @@ void loop()
int crankAngle = (toothCurrentCount - 1) * triggerToothAngle + triggerAngle; //Number of teeth that have passed since tooth 1, multiplied by the angle each tooth represents, plus the angle that tooth 1 is from TDC
if (crankAngle > 360) { crankAngle -= 360; } //Not sure if this is actually required
//Serial.print("Crank angle: "); Serial.println(crankAngle);
//How fast are we going? Can possibly work this out from RPM, but I don't think it's going to take a lot of CPU
unsigned long timePerDegree = (toothLastToothTime - toothLastMinusOneToothTime) / triggerToothAngle; //The time (uS) it is currently taking to move 1 degree
@ -127,6 +141,8 @@ void loop()
int injectorStartAngle = 355 - (pulseWidth / timePerDegree); //This is a bit rough, but is based on the idea that all fuel needs to be delivered before the inlet valve opens. I am using 355 as the point at which the injector MUST be closed by. See for more detail
int ignitionStartAngle = 360 - ignitionAdvance; //Simple
//Serial.print("Injector start angle: "); Serial.println(injectorStartAngle);
//Finally calculate the time (uS) until we reach the firing angles and set the schedules
//We only need to set the shcedule if we're BEFORE the open angle
@ -175,6 +191,7 @@ void loop()
scheduleEnd = 0;
@ -214,13 +231,14 @@ void trigger()
unsigned long curTime = micros();
toothCurrentCount++; //Increment the tooth counter
//Begin the missing tooth detection
unsigned long curTime = micros();
//If the time between the current tooth and the last is greater than 1.5x the time between the last tooth and the tooth before that, we make the assertion that we must be at the first tooth after the gap
//if ( (curTime - toothLastToothTime) > (1.5 * (toothLastToothTime - toothLastMinusOneToothTime))) { toothCurrentCount = 1; }
if ( (curTime - toothLastToothTime) > ((3 * (toothLastToothTime - toothLastMinusOneToothTime))>>1)) { toothCurrentCount = 1; } //Same as above, but uses bitshift instead of multiplying by 1.5
//if (toothCurrentCount > triggerActualTeeth) { toothCurrentCount = 1; } //For testing ONLY
// Update the last few tooth times
toothLastMinusOneToothTime = toothLastToothTime;