/* Timers are used for having actions performed repeatedly at a fixed interval (Eg every 100ms) They should not be confused with Schedulers, which are for performing an action once at a given point of time in the future Timers are typically low resolution (Compared to Schedulers), with maximum frequency currently being approximately every 10ms */ void initialiseTimers() { //Configure Timer2 for our low-freq interrupt code. TCCR2B = 0x00; //Disbale Timer2 while we set it up TCNT2 = 99; //Preload timer2 with 100 cycles, leaving 156 till overflow. TIFR2 = 0x00; //Timer2 INT Flag Reg: Clear Timer Overflow Flag TIMSK2 = 0x01; //Timer2 Set Overflow Interrupt enabled. TCCR2A = 0x00; //Timer2 Control Reg A: Wave Gen Mode normal TCCR2B = ((1 << CS10) | (1 << CS11) | (1 << CS12)); //Timer2 Set Prescaler to 5 (101), 1024 mode. } //Timer2 Overflow Interrupt Vector, called when the timer overflows. //Executes every ~10ms. ISR(TIMER2_OVF_vect) { //Increment Loop Counters loop250ms++; loopSec++; //Loop executed every 250ms loop (10ms x 25 = 250ms) //Anything inside this if statement will run every 250ms. if (loop250ms == 25) { loop250ms = 0; //Reset Counter. } //Loop executed every 1 second (10ms x 100 = 1000ms) if (loopSec == 100) { loopSec = 0; //Reset counter. //************************************************************************************************************************************************** //This updates the runSecs variable //If the engine is running or cranking, we need ot update the run time counter. if ((BIT_CHECK(currentStatus.engine, BIT_ENGINE_RUN) || BIT_CHECK(currentStatus.engine, BIT_ENGINE_CRANK))) { //NOTE - There is a potential for a ~1sec gap between engine crank starting and ths runSec number being incremented. This may delay ASE! if (currentStatus.runSecs <= 254) //Ensure we cap out at 255 and don't overflow. (which would reset ASE) { currentStatus.runSecs++; } //Increment our run counter by 1 second. } //************************************************************************************************************************************************** //This records the number of main loops the system has completed in the last second currentStatus.loopsPerSecond = mainLoopCount; mainLoopCount = 0; //************************************************************************************************************************************************** //increament secl (secl is simply a counter that increments every second and is used to track whether the system has unexpectedly reset currentStatus.secl++; } //Reset Timer2 to trigger in another ~10ms TCNT2 = 99; //Preload timer2 with 100 cycles, leaving 156 till overflow. TIFR2 = 0x00; //Timer2 INT Flag Reg: Clear Timer Overflow Flag }