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Because the size of the table is dynamic, this functino is required to reallocate the array sizes
Note that this may clear some of the existing values of the table
void table2D_setSize(struct table2D* targetTable, byte newSize)
targetTable->values = (byte *)realloc(targetTable->values, newSize * sizeof(byte));
targetTable->axisX = (byte *)realloc(targetTable->axisX, newSize * sizeof(byte));
targetTable->xSize = newSize;
This function simply pulls a 1D linear interpolated (ie averaged) value from a 2D table
ie: Given a value on the X axis, it returns a Y value that coresponds to the point on the curve between the nearest two defined X values
int table2D_getValue(struct table2D fromTable, int X)
int xMinValue = fromTable.axisX[0];
int xMaxValue = fromTable.axisX[fromTable.xSize-1];
int xMin = 0;
int xMax = 0;
//If the requested X value is greater/small than the maximum/minimum bin, reset X to be that value
if(X > xMaxValue) { X = xMaxValue; }
if(X < xMinValue) { X = xMinValue; }
for (int x = fromTable.xSize-1; x >= 0; x--)
//Checks the case where the X value is exactly what was requested
if ( (X == fromTable.axisX[x]) || (x == 0) )
return fromTable.values[x]; //Simply return the coresponding value
//Normal case
if ( (X <= fromTable.axisX[x]) && (X > fromTable.axisX[x-1]) )
xMaxValue = fromTable.axisX[x];
xMinValue = fromTable.axisX[x-1];
xMax = x;
xMin = x-1;
unsigned int m = X - xMinValue;
unsigned int n = xMaxValue - xMinValue;
//Float version
int yVal = (m / n) * (abs(fromTable.values[xMax] - fromTable.values[xMin]));
//Non-Float version
int yVal;
yVal = ((long)(m << 6) / n) * (abs(fromTable.values[xMax] - fromTable.values[xMin]));
yVal = (yVal >> 6);
if (fromTable.values[xMax] > fromTable.values[xMin]) { yVal = fromTable.values[xMin] + yVal; }
else { yVal = fromTable.values[xMin] - yVal; }
return yVal;
//This function pulls a value from a 3D table given a target for X and Y coordinates.
//It performs a 2D linear interpolation as descibred in: http://www.megamanual.com/v22manual/ve_tuner.pdf
int get3DTableValue(struct table3D fromTable, int Y, int X)
//Loop through the X axis bins for the min/max pair
//Note: For the X axis specifically, rather than looping from tableAxisX[0] up to tableAxisX[max], we start at tableAxisX[Max] and go down.
// This is because the important tables (fuel and injection) will have the highest RPM at the top of the X axis, so starting there will mean the best case occurs when the RPM is highest (And hence the CPU is needed most)
int xMinValue = fromTable.axisX[0];
int xMaxValue = fromTable.axisX[fromTable.xSize-1];
int xMin = 0;
int xMax = 0;
//If the requested X value is greater/small than the maximum/minimum bin, reset X to be that value
if(X > xMaxValue) { X = xMaxValue; }
if(X < xMinValue) { X = xMinValue; }
for (int x = fromTable.xSize-1; x >= 0; x--)
//Checks the case where the X value is exactly what was requested
if ( (X == fromTable.axisX[x]) || (x == 0) )
xMaxValue = fromTable.axisX[x];
xMinValue = fromTable.axisX[x];
xMax = x;
xMin = x;
//Normal case
if ( (X <= fromTable.axisX[x]) && (X > fromTable.axisX[x-1]) )
xMaxValue = fromTable.axisX[x];
xMinValue = fromTable.axisX[x-1];
xMax = x;
xMin = x-1;
//Loop through the Y axis bins for the min/max pair
int yMaxValue = fromTable.axisY[0];
int yMinValue = fromTable.axisY[fromTable.ySize-1];
int yMin = 0;
int yMax = 0;
//If the requested Y value is greater/small than the maximum/minimum bin, reset Y to be that value
if(Y > yMaxValue) { Y = yMaxValue; }
if(Y < yMinValue) { Y = yMinValue; }
for (int y = fromTable.ySize-1; y >= 0; y--)
//Checks the case where the Y value is exactly what was requested
if ( (Y == fromTable.axisY[y]) || (y==0) )
yMaxValue = fromTable.axisY[y];
yMinValue = fromTable.axisY[y];
yMax = y;
yMin = y;
//Normal case
if ( (Y >= fromTable.axisY[y]) && (Y < fromTable.axisY[y-1]) )
yMaxValue = fromTable.axisY[y];
yMinValue = fromTable.axisY[y-1];
yMax = y;
yMin = y-1;
At this point we have the 4 corners of the map where the interpolated value will fall in
Eg: (yMin,xMin) (yMin,xMax)
(yMax,xMin) (yMax,xMax)
In the following calculation the table values are referred to by the following variables:
int A = fromTable.values[yMin][xMin];
int B = fromTable.values[yMin][xMax];
int C = fromTable.values[yMax][xMin];
int D = fromTable.values[yMax][xMax];
//Create some normalised position values
//These are essentially percentages (between 0 and 1) of where the desired value falls between the nearest bins on each axis
// Float version
float p, q;
if (xMaxValue == xMinValue)
{ p = (float)(X-xMinValue); }
else { p = ((float)(X - xMinValue)) / (float)(xMaxValue - xMinValue); }
if (yMaxValue == yMinValue)
{ q = (float)(Y - yMinValue); }
else { q = ((float)(Y - yMaxValue)) / (float)(yMinValue - yMaxValue); }
float m = (1.0-p) * (1.0-q);
float n = p * (1-q);
float o = (1-p) * q;
float r = p * q;
return ( (A * m) + (B * n) + (C * o) + (D * r) );
// Non-Float version:
//Initial check incase the values were hit straight on
long p;
if (xMaxValue == xMinValue)
{ p = ((long)(X - xMinValue) << 8); } //This only occurs if the requested X value was equal to one of the X axis bins
p = ((long)(X - xMinValue) << 8) / (xMaxValue - xMinValue); } //This is the standard case
long q;
if (yMaxValue == yMinValue)
{ q = ((long)(Y - yMinValue) << 8); }
{ q = ((long)(Y - yMaxValue) << 8) / (yMinValue - yMaxValue); }
int m = ((257-p) * (257-q)) >> 8;
int n = (p * (257-q)) >> 8;
int o = ((257-p) * q) >> 8;
int r = (p * q) >> 8;
return ( (A * m) + (B * n) + (C * o) + (D * r) ) >> 8;