
113 lines
3.3 KiB

A *platformio* PRE-script to rename output elf/bin program binaries
based on a cascade-fallback list of custom-options & commands to derive them
from as `<project-name>-<project-version>`:
- **project-name**:
- `custom_prog_name` custom-option in `platformio.ini`
- last element of project dir
- **project-version**:
- `custom_prog_version` custom-option in `platformio.ini`
- `${PROJECT_PATH}/version.txt` file in project root
- git-describe
- `0.0.0`
See https://docs.platformio.org/en/stable/scripting/examples/custom_program_name.html
import io
import subprocess
from typing import Tuple
#: The custom-option that when defined, modifies the program-version.
PROG_NAME_OPTION = "custom_prog_name"
#: The custom-option that when defined, modifies the program-version.
PROG_VERSION_OPTION = "custom_prog_version"
#: A filepath to read the version of the program from.
#: The shell-command to collect the output of `git describe`.
GIT_DESCRIBE_CMD = "git describe --always --long --dirty".split()
# Shell command to get current branch
def fallback_get(*getters: Tuple[callable, str]):
for getter, label in getters:
value = getter()
if value is not None:
return value, label
def get_program_name(env) -> Tuple[str, str]:
:return: 2-tuple of (project, source-label)
return fallback_get(
lambda: env.GetProjectOption(PROG_NAME_OPTION, None),
lambda: env.Dir(env.get("PROJECT_SRC_DIR")).get_path_elements()[-1].name,
def read_version_from_file(env) -> str:
ver_fpath = env.subst(PROG_VERSION_FPATH)
with io.open(ver_fpath, "rt") as fd:
return fd.read().strip()
except Exception as ex:
## Logging source of each app-ingo
# sys.stderr.write(
# f"could not read project-version from file '{ver_fpath}'"
# f" due to {type(ex).__name__}: {ex}\n"
# )
def git_describe() -> str:
return subprocess.check_output(
GIT_DESCRIBE_CMD, universal_newlines=True
except Exception as ex:
## Logging source of each app-ingo
# sys.stderr.write(
# f"could not read project-version from `{GIT_DESCRIBE_CMD}`"
# f" due to {type(ex).__name__}: {ex}\n"
# )
def get_program_ver(env) -> Tuple[str, str]:
:return: 2-tuple of (project_version, source-label)
return fallback_get(
lambda: env.GetProjectOption(PROG_VERSION_OPTION, None),
(lambda: read_version_from_file(env), "version_file"),
(lambda: git_describe(), "git_describe"),
(lambda: "0.0.0", "fixed"),
def rename_progname(env):
project_name, project_name_src = get_program_name(env)
project_ver, project_ver_src = get_program_ver(env)
progname = f"{project_name}-{project_ver}"
f"RENAME: '{env['PROGNAME']}' --> '{progname}'"
f"\n sourced from project_name({project_name_src}), project_ver({project_ver_src})"
if __name__ == "SCons.Script":