mirror of https://github.com/rusefi/wideband.git
320 lines
16 KiB
320 lines
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; This is a TunerStudio project for the rusEFI.com engine management system
; this should stop TS from looking for the CAN ID in the 2nd byte location and allow the page reads to work correctly.
enable2ndByteCanID = false
; the referenceName will over-ride previous, so if you are creating a
; settingGroup with a reference name of lambdaSensor, it will replace the
; setting group defined in the settingGroups.xml of the TunerStudio config
; folder. If is is an undefined referenceName, it will be added.
; keyword = referenceName, DisplayName
; https://rusefi.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=36201#p36201
signature = "rusEFI 2022.12.06.wideband_dual"
queryCommand = "S"
versionInfo = "V" ; firmware version for title bar.
signature = "rusEFI 2022.12.06.wideband_dual" ; signature is expected to be 7 or more characters.
; TS will try to use legacy temp units in some cases, showing "deg F" on a CLT gauge that's actually deg C
useLegacyFTempUnits = false
ignoreMissingBitOptions = true
defaultRuntimeRecordPerSec = 50;
; new packet serial format with CRC
messageEnvelopeFormat = msEnvelope_1.0
endianness = little
nPages = 2
pageSize = 256, 64
pageIdentifier = "\x00\x00", "\x00\x01"
pageReadCommand = "R%2i%2o%2c", "R%2i%2o%2c"
burnCommand = "B%2i"
pageChunkWrite = "C%2i%2o%2c%v", "C%2i%2o%2c%v"
crc32CheckCommand = "k%2i%2o%2c", "k%2i%2o%2c"
retrieveConfigError = "e"
; communication settings
pageActivationDelay = 500 ; Milliseconds delay after burn command. See https://sourceforge.net/p/rusefi/tickets/77/
; e.g. put writeblocks off and add an interwrite delay
writeBlocks = on
interWriteDelay = 10
blockReadTimeout = 3000; Milliseconds general timeout
; delayAfterPortOpen = 500
blockingFactor = 256 ; max chunk size
; end communication settings
; name = bits, type, offset, bits
; name = array, type, offset, shape, units, scale, translate, lo, hi, digits
; name = scalar, type, offset, units, scale, translate, lo, hi, digits
page = 1
; name = class, type, offset, [shape], units, scale, translate, min, max, digits
; First four bytes are used for internal tag. Should not be accessable from TS
CanIndexOffset = scalar, U08, 4, "", 1, 0, 0, 255, 0
Aux0OutBins = array, F32, 5, [8], "", 1, 0, 0, 1500, 2
Aux1OutBins = array, F32, 37, [8], "", 1, 0, 0, 1500, 2
Aux0Out = array, F32, 69, [8], "V", 1, 0, 0, 5.0, 2
Aux1Out = array, F32, 101, [8], "V", 1, 0, 0, 5.0, 2
Aux0InputSel = bits, U08, 133, [0:3], "AFR 0", "AFR 1", "Lambda 0", "Lambda 1", "EGT 0", "EGT 1"
Aux1InputSel = bits, U08, 134, [0:3], "AFR 0", "AFR 1", "Lambda 0", "Lambda 1", "EGT 0", "EGT 1"
LsuSensorType = bits, U08, 135, [0:2], "LSU 4.9", "LSU 4.2", "LSU ADV", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID", "INVALID"
page = 2 ; this is a RAM only page with no burnable flash
; name = class, type, offset, [shape], units, scale, translate, min, max, digits
highSpeedOffsets = array, U16, 0, [32], "", 1, 0, 0, 65535, 0, noMsqSave
; two zero bytes added after cmd byte to align with page read/write format
ochGetCommand = "O\x00\x00%2o%2c"
; see TS_OUTPUT_SIZE in console source code
ochBlockSize = 256
; 11.2.3 Full Optimized – High Speed
scatteredOchGetCommand = "9"
scatteredOffsetArray = highSpeedOffsets
scatteredGetEnabled = { 1 }
; Common
VBatt = scalar, F32, 0, "V", 1, 0
; AFR0
AFR0_lambda = scalar, F32, 32, "", 1, 0
AFR0_afr = scalar, F32, 32, "", 14.7, 0
AFR0_temp = scalar, F32, 36, "C", 1, 0
AFR0_Nernst = scalar, F32, 40, "V", 1, 0
AFR0_PumpITarget = scalar, F32, 44, "mA", 1, 0
AFR0_PumpIMeasure = scalar, F32, 48, "mA", 1, 0
AFR0_HeaterDuty = scalar, F32, 52, "%", 100, 0
AFR0_esr = scalar, F32, 56, "ohms", 1, 0
AFR0_fault = scalar, U08, 60, "", 1, 0
AFR0_heater = scalar, U08, 61, "", 1, 0
; AFR1
AFR1_lambda = scalar, F32, 64, "", 1, 0
AFR1_afr = scalar, F32, 64, "", 14.7, 0
AFR1_temp = scalar, F32, 68, "C", 1, 0
AFR1_Nernst = scalar, F32, 72, "V", 1, 0
AFR1_PumpITarget = scalar, F32, 76, "mA", 1, 0
AFR1_PumpIMeasure = scalar, F32, 80, "mA", 1, 0
AFR1_HeaterDuty = scalar, F32, 84, "%", 100, 0
AFR1_esr = scalar, F32, 88, "ohms", 1, 0
AFR1_fault = scalar, U08, 92, "", 1, 0
AFR1_heater = scalar, U08, 93, "", 1, 0
; EGT0
EGT0_temp = scalar, F32, 96, "C", 1, 0
EGT0_coldJunction = scalar, F32, 100, "C", 1, 0
EGT0_state = scalar, U08, 104, "", 1, 0
; EGT1
EGT1_temp = scalar, F32, 112, "C", 1, 0
EGT1_coldJunction = scalar, F32, 116, "C", 1, 0
EGT1_state = scalar, U08, 120, "", 1, 0
; TODO: something is wrong with these
Aux0InputSig = { (Aux0InputSel == 0) ? AFR0_lambda : ((Aux0InputSel == 1) ? AFR1_lambda : ((Aux0InputSel == 2) ? EGT0_temp : EGT1_temp)) }
Aux1InputSig = { (Aux1InputSel == 0) ? AFR0_lambda : ((Aux1InputSel == 1) ? AFR1_lambda : ((Aux1InputSel == 2) ? EGT0_temp : EGT1_temp)) }
;Aux0InputSigMax = { (Aux0InputSel == 0) ? 25 : ((Aux0InputSel == 1) ? 25 : 1500 }
;Aux1InputSigMax = { (Aux1InputSel == 0) ? 25 : ((Aux1InputSel == 1) ? 25 : 1500 }
; Keep in sync with Max31855State enum from max31855.h
EgtStatesList = bits, U08, [0:7], "Ok", "Open Circuit", "Short to GND", "Short to VCC", "No reply"
; Keep in sync with WBO::Fault from ../for_rusefi/wideband_can.h
AfrFaultList = bits, U08, [0:7], "Ok", "Unk", "Unk", "Failed to heat", "Overheat", "Underheat", "No supply"
; Keep in sync with HeaterState from heater_control.h
HeaterStatesList = bits, U08, [0:7], "Preheat", "Warmup", "Close loop", "Stopped", "No supply"
curve = auxOut0Curve, "AUX output 0 voltage"
columnLabel = "Input", "Output"
xAxis = { (Aux0InputSel < 2) ? 7 : 300 }, { (Aux0InputSel < 2) ? 25 : 1500 }, 13
yAxis = 0, 5, 6
xBins = Aux0OutBins, Aux0InputSig
yBins = Aux0Out
showTextValues = true
curve = auxOut1Curve, "AUX output 1 voltage"
columnLabel = "Input", "Output"
xAxis = { (Aux1InputSel < 2) ? 7 : 300 }, { (Aux1InputSel < 2) ? 19 : 1500 }, 13
yAxis = 0, 5, 6
xBins = Aux1OutBins, Aux1InputSig
yBins = Aux1Out
showTextValues = true
gaugeCategory = Common
; Name = Channel, Title, Units, Lo, Hi, LoD, LoW, HiW, HiD, vd, ld, Active
VBattGauge = VBatt, "Battery", "V", 3.0, 24.0, 9.0, 11.0, 15.0, 16.0, 1, 1
; AFR0
gaugeCategory = AFR channel 0
; Name = Channel, Title, Units, Lo, Hi, LoD, LoW, HiW, HiD, vd, ld, Active
AFR0_LambdaGauge = AFR0_lambda, "0: lambda", "", 0.5, 1.3, 0.5, 0.6, 1.05, 1.2, 3, 3
AFR0_AfrGauge = AFR0_afr, "0: AFR", "", 6.5, 20.0, 9.0, 10.0, 16.0, 17.0, 2, 2
AFR0_TempGauge = AFR0_temp, "0: AFR t", "C", 500, 1050, 500, 650, 800, 950, 0, 0
AFR0_NernstGauge = AFR0_Nernst, "0: nernst", "V", 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.9, 0.95, 3, 3
AFR0_HeaterDutyGauge = AFR0_HeaterDuty, "0: Heater Duty", "%", 0.0, 100.0, 1.0, 3.0, 90, 95, 1, 1
AFR0_PumpITargetGauge = AFR0_PumpITarget, "0: Ipump Target", "mA", -5.0, 5.0, -4.0, -3.0, 3.0, 4.0, 2, 2
AFR0_PumpIMeasureGauge = AFR0_PumpIMeasure, "0: Ipump Actual", "mA", -5.0, 5.0, -4.0, -3.0, 3.0, 4.0, 2, 2
AFR0_EsrGauge = AFR0_esr, "0: ESR", "ohms", 0, 600, 200, 200, 350, 400, 0, 0
; AFR1
gaugeCategory = AFR channel 1
; Name = Channel, Title, Units, Lo, Hi, LoD, LoW, HiW, HiD, vd, ld, Active
AFR1_LambdaGauge = AFR1_lambda, "1: lambda", "", 0.5, 1.3, 0.5, 0.6, 1.05, 1.2, 3, 3
AFR1_AfrGauge = AFR1_afr, "1: AFR", "", 6.5, 20.0, 9.0, 10.0, 16.0, 17.0, 2, 2
AFR1_TempGauge = AFR1_temp, "1: AFR t", "C", 500, 1050, 500, 650, 800, 950, 0, 0
AFR1_NernstGauge = AFR1_Nernst, "1: nernst", "V", 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.9, 0.95, 3, 3
AFR1_HeaterDutyGauge = AFR1_HeaterDuty, "1: Heater Duty", "%", 0.0, 100.0, 1.0, 3.0, 90, 95, 1, 1
AFR1_PumpITargetGauge = AFR1_PumpITarget, "1: Ipump Target", "mA", -5.0, 5.0, -4.0, -3.0, 3.0, 4.0, 2, 2
AFR1_PumpIMeasureGauge = AFR1_PumpIMeasure, "1: Ipump Actual", "mA", -5.0, 5.0, -4.0, -3.0, 3.0, 4.0, 2, 2
AFR1_EsrGauge = AFR1_esr, "1: ESR", "ohms", 0, 600, 200, 200, 350, 400, 0, 0
; EGT0
gaugeCategory = EGT channel 0
; Name = Channel, Title, Units, Lo, Hi, LoD, LoW, HiW, HiD, vd, ld, Active
EGT0_Gauge = EGT0_temp, "0: EGT", "C", 0.0, 1600.0, 100.0, 250.0, 900.0, 1000.0, 0, 0
EGT0_ColdJunctionGauge = EGT0_coldJunction, "0: EGT CJ", "C", 0.0, 130.0, -55.0, -20.0, 95.0, 105.0, 1, 1
EGT0_StateGauge = EGT0_state, "0: EGT state", "", 0.0, 5.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5, 0.5, 0, 0
; EGT1
gaugeCategory = EGT channel 1
; Name = Channel, Title, Units, Lo, Hi, LoD, LoW, HiW, HiD, vd, ld, Active
EGT1_Gauge = EGT1_temp, "1: EGT", "C", 0.0, 1600.0, 100.0, 250.0, 900.0, 1000.0, 0, 0
EGT1_ColdJunctionGauge = EGT1_coldJunction, "1: EGT CJ", "C", 0.0, 130.0, -55.0, -20.0, 95.0, 105.0, 1, 1
EGT1_StateGauge = EGT1_state, "1: EGT state", "", 0.0, 5.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5, 0.5, 0, 0
; AUX outputs
Aux0InputGauge = { (Aux0InputSel == 0) ? AFR0_AfrGauge : ((Aux0InputSel == 1) ? AFR1_AfrGauge : ((Aux0InputSel == 2) ? EGT0_Gauge : EGT1_Gauge)) }
Aux1InputGauge = { (Aux1InputSel == 0) ? AFR0_AfrGauge : ((Aux1InputSel == 1) ? AFR1_AfrGauge : ((Aux1InputSel == 2) ? EGT0_Gauge : EGT1_Gauge)) }
; Gauges are numbered left to right, top to bottom.
; 1 2 3 4
; 5 6 7 8
gauge1 = AFR0_TempGauge
gauge2 = AFR0_AfrGauge
gauge3 = AFR1_AfrGauge
gauge4 = AFR1_TempGauge
gauge5 = VBattGauge
gauge6 = VBattGauge
gauge7 = EGT0_Gauge
gauge8 = EGT1_Gauge
indicator = { EGT0_state }, "EGT0 ok", { EGT0: bitStringValue(EgtStatesList, EGT0_state)}, green, black, red, black
indicator = { AFR0_fault }, "AFR0 ok", { AFR0: bitStringValue(AfrFaultList, AFR0_fault)}, green, black, red, black
indicator = { (AFR0_heater != 2) }, "AFR0 Heater CL", { AFR0 heater: bitStringValue(HeaterStatesList, AFR0_heater)}, green, black, red, black
indicator = { (AFR1_heater != 2) }, "AFR1 Heater CL", { AFR1 heater: bitStringValue(HeaterStatesList, AFR1_heater)}, green, black, red, black
indicator = { AFR1_fault }, "AFR1 ok", { AFR1: bitStringValue(AfrFaultList, AFR1_fault)}, green, black, red, black
indicator = { EGT1_state }, "EGT1 ok", { EGT1: bitStringValue(EgtStatesList, EGT1_state)}, green, black, red, black
; Channel Label Type Format
entry = time, "Time", float, "%.3f"
entry = VBatt, "Battery", float, "%.2f"
; AFR0
entry = AFR0_lambda, "0: Lambda", float, "%.3f"
entry = AFR0_afr, "0: AFR", float, "%.2f"
entry = AFR0_temp, "0: Temp C", int, "%d"
entry = AFR0_Nernst, "0: Nernst", float, "%.3f"
entry = AFR0_PumpITarget, "0: Ipump target", float, "%.2f"
entry = AFR0_PumpIMeasure, "0: Ipump actual", float, "%.2f"
entry = AFR0_HeaterDuty, "0: Heater duty", float, "%.1f"
entry = AFR0_fault, "0: Fault code", int, "%d"
entry = AFR0_heater, "0: Heater status code", int, "%d"
entry = AFR0_esr, "0: ESR", float, "%.1f"
; AFR1
entry = AFR1_lambda, "1: Lambda", float, "%.3f"
entry = AFR1_afr, "1: AFR", float, "%.2f"
entry = AFR1_temp, "1: Temp C", int, "%d"
entry = AFR1_Nernst, "1: Nernst", float, "%.3f"
entry = AFR1_PumpITarget, "1: Ipump target", float, "%.2f"
entry = AFR1_PumpIMeasure, "1: Ipump actual", float, "%.2f"
entry = AFR1_HeaterDuty, "1: Heater duty", float, "%.1f"
entry = AFR1_fault, "1: Fault code", int, "%d"
entry = AFR1_heater, "1: Heater status code", int, "%d"
entry = AFR1_esr, "1: ESR", float, "%.1f"
; EGT0
entry = EGT0_temp, "EGT 0: EGT", int, "%d"
entry = EGT0_coldJunction, "EGT 0: CJ", int, "%d"
entry = EGT0_state, "EGT 0: State", int, "%d"
; EGT1
entry = EGT1_temp, "EGT 1: EGT", int, "%d"
entry = EGT1_coldJunction, "EGT 1: CJ", int, "%d"
entry = EGT1_state, "EGT 1: State", int, "%d"
menuDialog = main
menu = "&Settings"
subMenu = sensor_settings, "Sensor settings"
subMenu = can_settings, "CAN settings"
menu = "Outputs"
subMenu = auxOut0, "AUX analog output 0"
subMenu = auxOut1, "AUX analog output 1"
; commandName = command1, command2, commandn...
; command in standard ini format, a command name can be assigned to 1 to n commands that will be executed in order.
; This does not include any resultant protocol envelope data, only the response data itself.
; WARNING!! These commands bypass TunerStudio's normal memory synchronization. If these commands
; alter mapped settings (Constant) memory in the controller, TunerStudio will have an out of sync condition
; and may create error messages.
; It is expected that these commands would not typically alter any ram mapped to a Constant.
; reboot ECU
cmd_reset_controller = "Z\x00\xbb\x00\x00"
; jump to DFU mode
cmd_dfu = "Z\x00\xba\x00\x00"
dialog = sensor_settings, "Sensor Settings"
field = "Sensor Type", LsuSensorType
dialog = can_settings, "CAN Settings"
field = "CAN message ID offset", CanIndexOffset
dialog = auxOut0, "AUX analog out 0 Settings"
field = "Signal", Aux0InputSel
panel = auxOut0Curve
dialog = auxOut1, "AUX analog out 1 Settings"
field = "Signal", Aux1InputSel
panel = auxOut1Curve