--- title: Code_overview description: published: true date: 2021-01-02T04:56:02.483Z tags: editor: markdown dateCreated: 2021-01-02T04:56:02.482Z --- # Overview A low level description of each code file and its purpose can be found in the Doxygen pages: https://speeduino.github.io/speeduino-doxygen/files.html ## High level description of Speeduino control loop The main loop in the `speeduino.ino` file runs continually and has 2 primary functions, determining the engine requirements and setting the ignition/injection schedules according to these requirements. A high level description of the functions performed in the main loop is below: - Check whether there is a request in the serial buffer to be processed - See whether the engine is turning by looking at the last time a crank tooth was seen - Read values from all analog sensors (TPS, IAT, CLT, MAP, O2, Battery voltage). Not all sensors are read every loop as they do not change frequently enough to warrant this - The following functions only occur if the engine has 'sync': - Check whether the RPM is above or below the cranking threshold (Both fuel and ignition values are adjusted when the engine is cranking) - Run all corrections functions (See corrections.ino section below). The outcome of this is a % that the pulsewidth will be adjusted by (100% = no adjustment, 110% = 10% more fuel, 90% = 10% less fuel) - Lookup VE from the the main fuel table - Convert VE into a pulsewidth value in uS - Lookup the desired advance from the ignition table - Calculate the current crank angle - Calculate the crank angle that each injector should open at based on the current engine speed - Calculate the dwell angle based on the desired dwell time and current engine speed - Calculate the ignition start angle for each cylinder by subtracting the advance angle and the dwell angle from the TDC angle - Set a 'schedule' for each injector by converting the above calculated start angles into a number of uS in the future (Eg if injector should start opening at 45\* ATDC and the crank angle is currently 10\*BTDC, how long will it take to travel those 55\*) - Perform the same schedule setting for each ignition output