--- title: Fuel pump description: Setting the on/off conditions of the fuel pump published: true date: 2021-01-02T04:30:32.916Z tags: editor: markdown dateCreated: 2021-01-02T04:30:32.916Z --- # Fuel pump Fuel pump control is a simple but important function performed by the ECU. Currently Speeduino does not perform variable (PWM) pump control, but ## Settings ![fuel_pump.png](/img/accessories/fuel_pump.png){.align-center width=480} * **Fuel pump pin** - The Arduino pin that the fuel pump output is on. In most cases this should be left to `Board Default` unless you have a specific reason to change this. * **Prime duration** - How long (In seconds) the fuel pump should run when the system is first powered up. Note that this is triggered **when the ECU is powered on**, which will not always be the same as when the ignition is turned out. If you have a USB cable connected then the ECU is already powered up.