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Create a folder in a garrysmod/addons.
----You can use any folder name-----
Install the Custom ACF Mod from this SVN below in the "Custom ACF" folder.
On Engines:
-All engines get new wire Inputs on it like:
-TqAdd --> Adds Torque with value "X"
-MaxRpmAdd --> Adds Peak Maximum RPM with value "X"
-LimitRpmAdd --> Adds Limit Rpm with value "X"
-FlywheelMass --> Set flywheel mass with value "X" ---> Example: 0.02 = 20Kg
-Idle --> Set engine Idle RPM with value "X"
-DisableCut --> Set to 1 to disable the Engine CutOff
(The X means the value you wire it to, for example if you wire a value of 20 to TqAdd, it will add 20 Torque...)
On Chips :
-This chip has a customizable menu where you can modify these 3 values:
-Peak maximum rpm
-Limit rpm
-Link the Engine to the chips
-The Chips also offer a Vtec system, where it will add the power like a Vtec.
On CVT :
-All CVT Gearboxes work like a automatic 1 speed system, same as a Snowmobile gearbox...
-This gives you high RPM and Torque at low speeds and high speeds.
-In the menu you get some customizable settings:
-Gear1 --> The ratio of the 1st gear.
-Gear2 --> The ratio of the 2nd gear (used for reverse, so negative).
-Rpm Maximum --> When the engine reaches this RPM, the gearbox will accelerate.
-Rpm Minimum --> When the engine is below this RPM, the gearbox will de-accelerate.
-Ratio Minimum --> The Final drive minimum (The Gearbox's lowest possible final drive).
-Ratio Maximum --> The Final drive maximum (The Gearbox will stop accelerating when it reaches this final drive).
On Nos Bottle :
-Wire ActiveNos to a button to activate the Nos
-Link the Engine to the Nos Bottle
-Take note : Nos Bottle has a reloading time, and the time varies with the amount of torque set, if you add more Torque, it will take more time.