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81D18E658D26212E4D7647D8 /* String+MnemonicData.swift in Sources */,
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// MnemonicInteractor.swift
// MnemonicSwift
// Created by Adam Stener on 12/17/21.
import Foundation
/// The `MnemonicInteractor` is a wrapper around the Mnemonic type that allows for easy testing.
/// The `Mnemonic` Type is comprised of static functions that take and produce data. In order
/// to easily produce test data, all of these static functions have been wrapped in function
/// properties that live on the `MnemonicInteractor` type. Because of this, you can instantiate
/// the `MnemonicInteractor` with your own implementation of these functions for testing purposes,
/// or you can use one of the built in static versions of the `MnemonicInteractor`.
/// `` will return an interactor that simply forwards the interactor
/// function calls directly to the Mnemonic type, i.e. nothing is mocked or stubbed, it is a
/// `live` version.
/// `MnemonicInteractor.throwing` will return an interactor that has stubbed implementations of
/// the entire API surface, where every method `throws` and `Error`. This can be useful when you
/// want to test your apps behavior in the case that `Mnemonic` `throws`.
/// By writing an extension on `MnemonicInteractor`, you can provide your own static property that
/// can produce a `MnemonicInteractor` that returns the data or state that you need for testing.
/// If you don't intend to test your code with different behaviors of `MnemonicInteractor`, you
/// can either use the `` version, or you can use the `Mnemonic` static
/// functions directly without instantiating anything.
public struct MnemonicInteractor {
/// Generate a mnemonic from the given hex string in the given language.
/// - Parameters:
/// - hexString: The hex string to generate a mnemonic from.
/// - Returns: the mnemonic string or nil if input is invalid
/// - Throws:
/// - `MnemonicError.InvalidHexString`: when an invalid string is given
/// - `MnemonicError.invalidBitString` when the resulting bitstring generates an invalid word index
let mnemonicEnglishString: (String) throws -> String
/// Generate a mnemonic from the given hex string in the given language.
/// - Parameters:
/// - hexString: The hex string to generate a mnemonic from.
/// - language: The language to use. Default is english.
/// - Returns: the mnemonic string or nil if input is invalid
/// - Throws:
/// - `MnemonicError.InvalidHexString`: when an invalid string is given
/// - `MnemonicError.invalidBitString` when the resulting bitstring generates an invalid word index
let mnemonicString: (String, MnemonicLanguageType) throws -> String
/// Generate a deterministic seed string from a Mnemonic String.
/// - Parameters:
/// - mnemonic: The mnemonic to use.
/// - iterations: The iterations to perform in the PBKDF2 algorithm. Default is 2048.
/// - passphrase: An optional passphrase. Default is the empty string.
/// - language: The language to use. Default is english.
/// - Returns: hexString representing the deterministic seed bytes
/// - Throws: `MnemonicError.checksumError` if checksum fails, `MnemonicError.invalidInput` if received input is invalid
let deterministicSeedString: (String, Int, String, MnemonicLanguageType) throws -> String
/// Generate a deterministic seed bytes from a Mnemonic String.
/// - Parameters:
/// - mnemonic: The mnemonic to use.
/// - iterations: The iterations to perform in the PBKDF2 algorithm. Default is 2048.
/// - passphrase: An optional passphrase. Default is the empty string.
/// - language: The language to use. Default is english.
/// - Returns: a byte array representing the deterministic seed bytes
/// - Throws: `MnemonicError.checksumError` if checksum fails, `MnemonicError.invalidInput` if received input is invalid
let deterministicSeedBytes: (String, Int, String, MnemonicLanguageType) throws -> [UInt8]
/// Generate a mnemonic of the given strength and given language.
/// - Parameters:
/// - strength: The strength to use. This must be a multiple of 32.
/// - language: The language to use.
/// - Returns: the random mnemonic phrase of the given strenght and language or `nil` if the strength is invalid or an error occurs
/// - Throws:
/// - `MnemonicError.InvalidInput` if stregth is invalid in the terms of BIP-39
/// - `MnemonicError.entropyCreationFailed` if random bytes created for entropy fails
/// - `MnemonicError.InvalidHexString` when an invalid string is given
/// - `MnemonicError.invalidBitString` when the resulting bitstring generates an invalid word index
let generateMnemonic: (Int, MnemonicLanguageType) throws -> String
/// Generate a mnemonic of the given strength and given language.
/// - Parameters:
/// - strength: The strength to use. This must be a multiple of 32.
/// - Returns: the random mnemonic phrase of the given strenght and language or `nil` if the strength is invalid or an error occurs
/// - Throws:
/// - `MnemonicError.InvalidInput` if stregth is invalid in the terms of BIP-39
/// - `MnemonicError.entropyCreationFailed` if random bytes created for entropy fails
/// - `MnemonicError.InvalidHexString` when an invalid string is given
/// - `MnemonicError.invalidBitString` when the resulting bitstring generates an invalid word index
let generateEnglishMnemonic: (Int) throws -> String
/// Validate that the given string is a valid mnemonic phrase according to BIP-39
/// - Parameters:
/// - mnemonic: a mnemonic phrase string
/// - Throws:
/// - `MnemonicError.wrongWordCount` if the word count is invalid
/// - `MnemonicError.invalidWord(word: word)` this phase as a word that's not represented in this library's vocabulary for the detected language.
/// - `MnemonicError.unsupportedLanguage` if the given phrase language isn't supported or couldn't be infered
/// - `throw MnemonicError.checksumError` if the given phrase has an invalid checksum
let validate: (String) throws -> Void
let determineLanguage: ([String]) throws -> MnemonicLanguageType
/// Change a string into data.
/// - Parameter string: the string to convert
/// - Returns: the utf8 encoded data
/// - Throws: `MnemonicError.invalidInput` if the given String cannot be converted to Data
let normalizedString: (String) throws -> Data
mnemonicEnglishString: @escaping (String) throws -> String = { hexString in
try Mnemonic.mnemonicString(from: hexString)
mnemonicString: @escaping (
) throws -> String = { hexString, languageType in
try Mnemonic.mnemonicString(from: hexString, language: languageType)
deterministicSeedString: @escaping (
) throws -> String = { mnemonic, iterations, passphrase, language in
try Mnemonic.deterministicSeedString(
from: mnemonic,
iterations: iterations,
passphrase: passphrase,
language: language
deterministicSeedBytes: @escaping (
) throws -> [UInt8] = { mnemonic, iterations, passphrase, language in
try Mnemonic.deterministicSeedBytes(
from: mnemonic,
iterations: iterations,
passphrase: passphrase,
language: language
generateMnemonic: @escaping (
) throws -> String = { strength, language in
try Mnemonic.generateMnemonic(strength: strength, language: language)
generateEnglishMnemonic: @escaping (Int) throws -> String = { strength in
try Mnemonic.generateMnemonic(strength: strength)
validate: @escaping (String) throws -> Void = { mnemonic in
try Mnemonic.validate(mnemonic: mnemonic)
determineLanguage: @escaping ([String]) throws -> MnemonicLanguageType = { mnemonicWords in
try Mnemonic.determineLanguage(from: mnemonicWords)
normalizedString: @escaping (String) throws -> Data = { string in
try Mnemonic.normalizedString(string)
) {
self.mnemonicEnglishString = mnemonicEnglishString
self.mnemonicString = mnemonicString
self.deterministicSeedString = deterministicSeedString
self.deterministicSeedBytes = deterministicSeedBytes
self.generateMnemonic = generateMnemonic
self.generateEnglishMnemonic = generateEnglishMnemonic
self.validate = validate
self.determineLanguage = determineLanguage
self.normalizedString = normalizedString
extension MnemonicInteractor {
static let live = MnemonicInteractor()
static let throwing = MnemonicInteractor(
mnemonicEnglishString: { _ in
throw MnemonicError.invalidHexstring
mnemonicString: { _, _ in
throw MnemonicError.invalidHexstring
deterministicSeedString: { _, _, _, _ in
throw MnemonicError.invalidInput
deterministicSeedBytes: { _, _, _, _ in
throw MnemonicError.invalidInput
generateMnemonic: { _, _ in
throw MnemonicError.invalidHexstring
generateEnglishMnemonic: { _ in
throw MnemonicError.invalidHexstring
validate: { _ in
throw MnemonicError.checksumError
determineLanguage: { _ in
throw MnemonicError.invalidWord(word: "word")
normalizedString: { _ in
throw MnemonicError.invalidInput
Reference in New Issue