osx_image: xcode11.5 language: swift cache: bundler: true cocoapods: true directories: - Carthage # env: # secure: 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 before_install: - brew update jobs: include: - stage: Build - CocoaPods install: - brew outdated cocoapods || brew upgrade cocoapods script: - pod lib lint --verbose --allow-warnings --platforms=ios - stage: Build - Carthage And Code Coverage install: - brew outdated carthage || brew upgrade carthage - brew install xcodegen - gem install slather script: # Carthage requires that XCode project files are checked in. Project.yml is # the canonical definition for the .xcodeproj file. Remove the .xcodeproj file # and regenerate it. # See: https://github.com/Carthage/Carthage/issues/2684 - rm -rf MnemonicSwift.xcodeproj - xcodegen generate # Build with Carthage - travis_wait 500 carthage bootstrap --platform iOS,mac --no-use-binaries --verbose - set -o pipefail && xcodebuild test -scheme MnemonicSwift_iOS -destination 'platform=iOS Simulator,name=iPhone 8,OS=13.5' ONLY_ACTIVE_ARCH=YES | xcpretty - set -o pipefail && xcodebuild test -scheme MnemonicSwift_macOS -destination 'platform=macOS,arch=x86_64' ONLY_ACTIVE_ARCH=YES | xcpretty # Generate and Upload Code Coverage - slather # - bash <(curl -s https://codecov.io/bash) - stage: Release - If Tagged Commit script: - echo "Checking for release tag" before_deploy: - echo "Found tagged release" - echo "Deploying CocoaPods" - brew outdated cocoapods || brew upgrade cocoapods - travis_wait 500 pod trunk push --skip-import-validation --skip-tests --allow-warnings