
144 lines
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// Copyright Keefer Taylor, 2018
import CryptoSwift
import Foundation
import Security
public enum MnemonicLanguageType {
case english
case chinese
func words() -> [String] {
switch self {
case .english:
return String.englishMnemonics
case .chinese:
return String.chineseMnemonics
public enum Mnemonic {
/// Generate a mnemonic from the given hex string in the given language.
/// - Parameters:
/// - hexString: The hex string to generate a mnemonic from.
/// - language: The language to use. Default is english.
public static func mnemonicString(from hexString: String, language: MnemonicLanguageType = .english) -> String? {
let seedData = hexString.mnemonicData()
let hashData = seedData.sha256()
let checkSum = hashData.toBitArray()
var seedBits = seedData.toBitArray()
for i in 0 ..< seedBits.count / 32 {
let words = language.words()
let mnemonicCount = seedBits.count / 11
var mnemonic = [String]()
for i in 0 ..< mnemonicCount {
let length = 11
let startIndex = i * length
let subArray = seedBits[startIndex ..< startIndex + length]
let subString = subArray.joined(separator: "")
let index = Int(strtoul(subString, nil, 2))
return mnemonic.joined(separator: " ")
/// Generate a deterministic seed string from the given inputs.
/// - Parameters:
/// - mnemonic: The mnemonic to use.
/// - iterations: The iterations to perform in the PBKDF2 algorithm. Default is 2048.
/// - passphrase: An optional passphrase. Default is the empty string.
/// - language: The language to use. Default is english.
public static func deterministicSeedString(
from mnemonic: String,
iterations: Int = 2_048,
passphrase: String = "",
language _: MnemonicLanguageType = .english
) -> String? {
guard self.validate(mnemonic: mnemonic),
let normalizedData = self.normalized(string: mnemonic),
let saltData = normalized(string: "mnemonic" + passphrase) else {
return nil
let passwordBytes = normalizedData.bytes
let saltBytes = saltData.bytes
do {
let bytes =
try PKCS5.PBKDF2(password: passwordBytes, salt: saltBytes, iterations: iterations, variant: .sha512).calculate()
return bytes.toHexString()
} catch {
return nil
/// Generate a mnemonic of the given strength and given language.
/// - Parameters:
/// - strength: The strength to use. This must be a multiple of 32.
/// - language: The language to use. Default is english.
public static func generateMnemonic(strength: Int, language: MnemonicLanguageType = .english)
-> String? {
guard strength % 32 == 0 else {
return nil
let count = strength / 8
let bytes = [UInt8](repeating: 0, count: count)
guard SecRandomCopyBytes(kSecRandomDefault, count, UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt8>(mutating: bytes)) != -1 else {
return nil
let data = Data(bytes)
let hexString = data.toHexString()
return mnemonicString(from: hexString, language: language)
/// Validate that the given string is a valid mnemonic.
public static func validate(mnemonic: String) -> Bool {
let normalizedMnemonic = mnemonic.lowercased().trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespacesAndNewlines)
let mnemonicComponents = normalizedMnemonic.components(separatedBy: " ")
guard !mnemonicComponents.isEmpty else {
return false
// Use the first component of the mnemonic to determine the language, then make sure all
// subsequent components are in that language.
if String.englishMnemonics.contains(mnemonicComponents[0]) {
for mnemonicComponent in mnemonicComponents {
guard String.englishMnemonics.contains(mnemonicComponent) else {
return false
return true
} else if String.chineseMnemonics.contains(mnemonicComponents[0]) {
for mnemonicComponent in mnemonicComponents {
guard String.chineseMnemonics.contains(mnemonicComponent) else {
return false
return true
} else {
return false
/// Change a string into data.
private static func normalized(string: String) -> Data? {
guard let data = .utf8, allowLossyConversion: true),
let dataString = String(data: data, encoding: .utf8),
let normalizedData = .utf8, allowLossyConversion: false) else {
return nil
return normalizedData