diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 58dc2969a..ce9bfae87 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ Unit tests for the GUI code are in `src/qt/test/`. To compile and run them: qmake BITCOIN_QT_TEST=1 -o Makefile.test bitcoin-qt.pro make -f Makefile.test - ./Bitcoin-Qt + ./bitcoin-qt_test Every pull request is built for both Windows and Linux on a dedicated server, and unit and sanity tests are automatically run. The binaries produced may be diff --git a/bitcoin-qt.pro b/bitcoin-qt.pro index 1c6bc0a65..30e90a3fb 100644 --- a/bitcoin-qt.pro +++ b/bitcoin-qt.pro @@ -1,5 +1,6 @@ TEMPLATE = app TARGET = bitcoin-qt +macx:TARGET = "Bitcoin-Qt" VERSION = 0.8.0 INCLUDEPATH += src src/json src/qt DEFINES += QT_GUI BOOST_THREAD_USE_LIB BOOST_SPIRIT_THREADSAFE @@ -300,6 +301,7 @@ DEPENDPATH += src/qt/test QT += testlib TARGET = bitcoin-qt_test DEFINES += BITCOIN_QT_TEST + macx: CONFIG -= app_bundle } CODECFORTR = UTF-8 @@ -381,7 +383,6 @@ macx:OBJECTIVE_SOURCES += src/qt/macdockiconhandler.mm macx:LIBS += -framework Foundation -framework ApplicationServices -framework AppKit macx:DEFINES += MAC_OSX MSG_NOSIGNAL=0 macx:ICON = src/qt/res/icons/bitcoin.icns -macx:TARGET = "Bitcoin-Qt" macx:QMAKE_CFLAGS_THREAD += -pthread macx:QMAKE_LFLAGS_THREAD += -pthread macx:QMAKE_CXXFLAGS_THREAD += -pthread