'use strict'; var chai = require('chai'); var should = chai.should(); var bitcore = require('../..'); var RPC = bitcore.transport.RPC; describe('RPC', function() { it('should be able to create instance', function() { var client = new RPC('user', 'pass'); should.exist(client); }); it('should set default config', function() { var client = new RPC('user', 'pass'); client.user.should.be.equal('user'); client.pass.should.be.equal('pass'); client.host.should.be.equal(''); client.port.should.be.equal(8332); client.secure.should.be.equal(true); client.disableAgent.should.be.equal(false); client.rejectUnauthorized.should.be.equal(false); }); it('should allow setting custom host and port', function() { var client = new RPC('user', 'pass', { host: 'localhost', port: 18332 }); client.host.should.be.equal('localhost'); client.port.should.be.equal(18332); }); it('should honor request options', function() { var client = new RPC('user', 'pass', { host: 'localhost', port: 18332, rejectUnauthorized: true, disableAgent: true }); client._client = {}; client._client.request = function(options, callback) { options.host.should.be.equal('localhost'); options.port.should.be.equal(18332); options.rejectUnauthorized.should.be.equal(true); options.agent.should.be.false; return { on: function() {}, setHeader: function() {}, write: function() {}, end: function() {} }; }; client._request({}, function() {}); }); });