'use strict'; var async = require('async'); var bitcore = require('bitcore'); var bitcoinconsensus = require('libbitcoinconsensus'); var Transaction = bitcore.Transaction; var chainlib = require('chainlib'); var BaseTransaction = chainlib.Transaction; var BaseDatabase = chainlib.DB; var levelup = chainlib.deps.levelup; Transaction.prototype.validate = function(db, poolTransactions, callback) { var self = this; if (!(db instanceof BaseDatabase)) { throw new Error('First argument is expected to be an instance of Database'); } // coinbase is valid if (this.isCoinbase()) { return callback(); } var verified = this.verify(); if(verified !== true) { return callback(new Error(verified)); } async.series( [ self._validateInputs.bind(self, db, poolTransactions), self._validateOutputs.bind(self), self._checkSufficientInputs.bind(self) ], callback ); }; Transaction.prototype._validateInputs = function(db, poolTransactions, callback) { var self = this; // Verify inputs are unspent async.each(self.inputs, function(input, next) { async.series( [ self._populateInput.bind(self, db, input, poolTransactions), self._checkSpent.bind(self, db, input, poolTransactions), self._checkScript.bind(self, input, self.inputs.indexOf(input)) ], next ); }, callback); }; Transaction.prototype.populateInputs = function(db, poolTransactions, callback) { var self = this; async.each( this.inputs, function(input, next) { self._populateInput(db, input, poolTransactions, next); }, callback ); }; Transaction.prototype._populateInput = function(db, input, poolTransactions, callback) { if (!input.prevTxId || !Buffer.isBuffer(input.prevTxId)) { return callback(new Error('Input is expected to have prevTxId as a buffer')); } var txid = input.prevTxId.toString('hex'); db.getTransactionFromDB(txid, function(err, prevTx) { if(err instanceof levelup.errors.NotFoundError) { // Check the pool for transaction for(var i = 0; i < poolTransactions.length; i++) { if(txid === poolTransactions[i].hash) { input.output = poolTransactions[i].outputs[input.outputIndex]; return callback(); } } return callback(new Error('Previous tx ' + input.prevTxId.toString('hex') + ' not found')); } else if(err) { callback(err); } else { input.output = prevTx.outputs[input.outputIndex]; callback(); } }); }; Transaction.prototype._checkSpent = function(db, input, poolTransactions, callback) { // TODO check and see if another transaction in the pool spent the output db.isSpentDB(input, function(spent) { if(spent) { return callback(new Error('Input already spent')); } else { callback(); } }); }; Transaction.prototype._checkScript = function(input, index, callback) { if (input.output.script) { var scriptPubkey = input.output._scriptBuffer; var txTo = this.toBuffer(); var valid = bitcoinconsensus.verifyScript(scriptPubkey, txTo, index); if(valid) { return callback(); } } return callback(new Error('Script does not validate')); }; Transaction.prototype._validateOutputs = function(callback) { setImmediate(callback); }; Transaction.prototype._checkSufficientInputs = function(callback) { var inputTotal = this._getInputAmount(); var outputTotal = this._getOutputAmount(); if(inputTotal < outputTotal) { return callback(new Error('Insufficient inputs')); } else { return callback(); } }; Transaction.manyToBuffer = function(transactions) { return BaseTransaction.manyToBuffer(transactions); }; module.exports = Transaction;