// This is an example of three-party Diffie-Hellman key exchange // Requires two rounds extern crate bn; extern crate rand; use bn::*; fn main() { let rng = &mut rand::thread_rng(); // Construct private keys let alice_sk = Fr::random(rng); let bob_sk = Fr::random(rng); let carol_sk = Fr::random(rng); // Construct public keys let alice_pk = G1::one() * alice_sk; let bob_pk = G1::one() * bob_sk; let carol_pk = G1::one() * carol_sk; // Round one: let alice_dh_1 = bob_pk * carol_sk; let bob_dh_1 = carol_pk * alice_sk; let carol_dh_1 = alice_pk * bob_sk; // Round two: let alice_dh_2 = alice_dh_1 * alice_sk; let bob_dh_2 = bob_dh_1 * bob_sk; let carol_dh_2 = carol_dh_1 * carol_sk; // All parties should arrive to the same shared secret assert!(alice_dh_2 == bob_dh_2 && bob_dh_2 == carol_dh_2); }