'use strict'; require('classtool'); function spec() { var fs = require('fs'); var CoinConst = require('bitcore/const'); var coinUtil = require('bitcore/util/util'); var Sync = require('./Sync').class(); var Peer = require('bitcore/Peer').class(); var config = require('../config/config'); var peerdb_fn = 'peerdb.json'; function PeerSync() {} PeerSync.prototype.init = function(opts, cb) { if (!opts) opts = {}; var network = opts && (opts.network || 'testnet'); this.verbose = opts.verbose; this.peerdb = undefined; this.sync = new Sync({ networkName: network }); this.PeerManager = require('bitcore/PeerManager').createClass({ opts: { network: network } }); this.peerman = new this.PeerManager(); this.load_peers(); this.sync.init(opts, function() { return cb(); }); }; PeerSync.prototype.load_peers = function() { this.peerdb = [{ ipv4: config.bitcoind.host, port: config.bitcoind.p2pPort }]; fs.writeFileSync(peerdb_fn, JSON.stringify(this.peerdb)); }; PeerSync.prototype.handle_inv = function(info) { var self = this; var invs = info.message.invs; invs.forEach(function(inv) { if (self.verbose) { console.log('[p2p_sync] Handle inv for a ' + CoinConst.MSG.to_str(inv.type)); } }); // TODO: should limit the invs to objects we haven't seen yet info.conn.sendGetData(invs); }; PeerSync.prototype.handle_tx = function(info) { var tx = info.message.tx.getStandardizedObject(); if (this.verbose) { console.log('[p2p_sync] Handle tx: ' + tx.hash); } this.sync.storeTxs([tx.hash], function(err) { if (err) { console.log('[PeerSync.js.71:err:]',err); //TODO console.log('[p2p_sync] Error in handle TX: ' + JSON.stringify(err)); } }); }; PeerSync.prototype.handle_block = function(info) { var block = info.message.block; var blockHash = coinUtil.formatHashFull(block.calcHash()); if (this.verbose) { console.log('[p2p_sync] Handle block: ' + blockHash); } var tx_hashes = block.txs.map(function(tx) { return coinUtil.formatHashFull(tx.hash); }); this.sync.storeBlock({ 'hash': blockHash, 'tx': tx_hashes, // TODO NEXT BLOCK / PREV BLOCK? }, function(err) { if (err) { console.log('[p2p_sync] Error in handle Block: ' + err); } }); }; PeerSync.prototype.handle_connected = function(data) { var peerman = data.pm; var peers_n = peerman.peers.length; if (this.verbose) { console.log('[p2p_sync] Connected to ' + peers_n + ' peer' + (peers_n !== 1 ? 's': '')); } }; PeerSync.prototype.run = function() { var self = this; this.peerdb.forEach(function(datum) { var peer = new Peer(datum.ipv4, datum.port); self.peerman.addPeer(peer); }); this.peerman.on('connection', function(conn) { conn.on('inv', self.handle_inv.bind(self)); conn.on('block', self.handle_block.bind(self)); conn.on('tx', self.handle_tx.bind(self)); }); this.peerman.on('connect', self.handle_connected.bind(self)); this.peerman.start(); }; PeerSync.prototype.close = function() { this.sync.close(); }; return PeerSync; } module.defineClass(spec);